Commit 7095a9d7 by bergquist

Merge branch 'master' into alerting

parents 3b8bba3e 90388710
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ var customMetricsDimensionsMap map[string]map[string]map[string]*CustomMetricsCa
func init() {
metricsMap = map[string][]string{
"AWS/ApiGateway": {"4XXError", "5XXError", "CacheHitCount", "CacheMissCount", "Count", "IntegrationLatency", "Latency"},
"AWS/ApplicationELB": {"ActiveConnectionCount", "ClientTLSNegotiationErrorCount", "HealthyHostCount", "HTTPCode_ELB_4XX_Count", "HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count", "HTTPCode_Target_2XX_Count", "HTTPCode_Target_3XX_Count", "HTTPCode_Target_4XX_Count", "HTTPCode_Target_5XX_Count", "NewConnectionCount", "ProcessedBytes", "RejectedConnectionCount", "RequestCount", "TargetConnectionErrorCount", "TargetResponseTime", "TargetTLSNegotiationErrorCount", "UnhealthyHostCount"},
"AWS/AutoScaling": {"GroupMinSize", "GroupMaxSize", "GroupDesiredCapacity", "GroupInServiceInstances", "GroupPendingInstances", "GroupStandbyInstances", "GroupTerminatingInstances", "GroupTotalInstances"},
"AWS/Billing": {"EstimatedCharges"},
......@@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ func init() {
"AWS/WorkSpaces": {"Available", "Unhealthy", "ConnectionAttempt", "ConnectionSuccess", "ConnectionFailure", "SessionLaunchTime", "InSessionLatency", "SessionDisconnect"},
dimensionsMap = map[string][]string{
"AWS/ApiGateway": {"ApiName", "Method", "Resource", "Stage"},
"AWS/ApplicationELB": {"LoadBalancer", "TargetGroup", "AvailabilityZone"},
"AWS/AutoScaling": {"AutoScalingGroupName"},
"AWS/Billing": {"ServiceName", "LinkedAccount", "Currency"},
......@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ export function PrometheusDatasource(instanceSettings, $q, backendSrv, templateS
// Called once per panel (graph)
this.query = function(options) {
var self = this;
var start = getPrometheusTime(options.range.from, false);
var end = getPrometheusTime(, true);
var start = this.getPrometheusTime(options.range.from, false);
var end = this.getPrometheusTime(, true);
var queries = [];
var activeTargets = [];
......@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ export function PrometheusDatasource(instanceSettings, $q, backendSrv, templateS
step: '60s'
var start = getPrometheusTime(options.range.from, false);
var end = getPrometheusTime(, true);
var start = this.getPrometheusTime(options.range.from, false);
var end = this.getPrometheusTime(, true);
var self = this;
return this.performTimeSeriesQuery(query, start, end).then(function(results) {
......@@ -279,10 +279,10 @@ export function PrometheusDatasource(instanceSettings, $q, backendSrv, templateS
return metricName + '{' + labelPart + '}';
function getPrometheusTime(date, roundUp): number {
this.getPrometheusTime = function(date, roundUp) {
if (_.isString(date)) {
date = dateMath.parse(date, roundUp);
return Math.ceil(date.valueOf() / 1000);
......@@ -51,9 +51,11 @@ function (_) {
} else {
var start = this.datasource.getPrometheusTime(this.range.from, false);
var end = this.datasource.getPrometheusTime(, true);
url = '/api/v1/series?match[]=' + encodeURIComponent(metric)
+ '&start=' + (this.range.from.valueOf() / 1000)
+ '&end=' + ( / 1000);
+ '&start=' + start
+ '&end=' + end;
return this.datasource._request('GET', url)
.then(function(result) {
......@@ -88,7 +90,8 @@ function (_) {
PrometheusMetricFindQuery.prototype.queryResultQuery = function(query) {
var url = '/api/v1/query?query=' + encodeURIComponent(query) + '&time=' + ( / 1000);
var end = this.datasource.getPrometheusTime(, true);
var url = '/api/v1/query?query=' + encodeURIComponent(query) + '&time=' + end;
return this.datasource._request('GET', url)
.then(function(result) {
......@@ -109,9 +112,11 @@ function (_) {
PrometheusMetricFindQuery.prototype.metricNameAndLabelsQuery = function(query) {
var start = this.datasource.getPrometheusTime(this.range.from, false);
var end = this.datasource.getPrometheusTime(, true);
var url = '/api/v1/series?match[]=' + encodeURIComponent(query)
+ '&start=' + (this.range.from.valueOf() / 1000)
+ '&end=' + ( / 1000);
+ '&start=' + start
+ '&end=' + end;
var self = this;
return this.datasource._request('GET', url)
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