Commit 71b14e46 by Rashid Khan

Merge branch 'zero'

parents 1222b498 49c596a8
......@@ -800,6 +800,10 @@ angular.module('', [])
this.elasticsearch_create_index = function () {
this.elasticsearch_delete = function(id) {
return ejs.Document(config.kibana_index,'dashboard',id).doDelete(
// Success
......@@ -61,6 +61,10 @@ angular.module('kibana.dashcontrol', [])
services: {}
function notice(type, title, message) {
alertSrv.set(title, message, type, 5000);
$scope.init = function() {
$scope.gist_pattern = /(^\d{5,}$)|(^[a-z0-9]{10,}$)|(\/*.*)\/[a-z0-9]{5,}\/*$)/;
$scope.gist = {};
......@@ -69,17 +73,17 @@ angular.module('kibana.dashcontrol', [])
$scope.set_default = function() {
if(dashboard.set_default()) {
alertSrv.set('Local Default Set',dashboard.current.title+' has been set as your local default','success',5000);
notice('success', 'Local Default Set', dashboard.current.title+' has been set as your local default');
} else {
alertSrv.set('Incompatible Browser','Sorry, your browser is too old for this feature','error',5000);
notice('error', 'Incompatible Browser', 'Sorry, your browser is too old for this feature');
$scope.purge_default = function() {
if(dashboard.purge_default()) {
alertSrv.set('Local Default Clear','Your local default dashboard has been cleared','success',5000);
notice('success', 'Local Default Clear', 'Your local default dashboard has been cleared');
} else {
alertSrv.set('Incompatible Browser','Sorry, your browser is too old for this feature','error',5000);
notice('error', 'Incompatible Browser', 'Sorry, your browser is too old for this feature');
......@@ -91,13 +95,30 @@ angular.module('kibana.dashcontrol', [])
function(result) {
if(!_.isUndefined(result._id)) {
alertSrv.set('Dashboard Saved','This dashboard has been saved to Elasticsearch as "' +
result._id + '"','success',5000);
'Dashboard Saved',
'This dashboard has been saved to Elasticsearch as "'+result._id + '"'
if(type === 'temp') {
$scope.share = dashboard.share_link(dashboard.current.title,'temp',result._id);
$scope.share = dashboard.share_link(dashboard.current.title, 'temp', result._id);
} else {
alertSrv.set('Save failed','Dashboard could not be saved to Elasticsearch','error',5000);
if (result.status === 404) {
// auto create must be disabled and the index doesn't exist, create it!
return dashboard.elasticsearch_create_index().then(function () {
return $scope.elasticsearch_save(type, ttl);
}, function () {
'Save failed',
'Dashboard could not be saved because the "'+config.kibana_index+'" '+
'index does not exist and could not be created.'
} else {
notice('error', 'Save failed', 'Dashboard could not be saved to Elasticsearch');
......@@ -107,15 +128,15 @@ angular.module('kibana.dashcontrol', [])
function(result) {
if(!_.isUndefined(result)) {
if(result.found) {
alertSrv.set('Dashboard Deleted',id+' has been deleted','success',5000);
notice('success', 'Dashboard Deleted', id+' has been deleted');
// Find the deleted dashboard in the cached list and remove it
var toDelete = _.where($scope.elasticsearch.dashboards,{_id:id})[0];
$scope.elasticsearch.dashboards = _.without($scope.elasticsearch.dashboards,toDelete);
} else {
alertSrv.set('Dashboard Not Found','Could not find '+id+' in Elasticsearch','warning',5000);
notice('warning', 'Dashboard Not Found', 'Could not find '+id+' in Elasticsearch');
} else {
alertSrv.set('Dashboard Not Deleted','An error occurred deleting the dashboard','error',5000);
notice('error', 'Dashboard Not Deleted', 'An error occurred deleting the dashboard');
......@@ -137,10 +158,14 @@ angular.module('kibana.dashcontrol', [])
function(link) {
if(!_.isUndefined(link)) {
$scope.gist.last = link;
alertSrv.set('Gist saved','You will be able to access your exported dashboard file at '+
'<a href="'+link+'">'+link+'</a> in a moment','success');
'Gist saved',
'You will be able to access your exported dashboard file at '+
'<a href="'+link+'">'+link+'</a> in a moment'
} else {
alertSrv.set('Save failed','Gist could not be saved','error',5000);
notice('error', 'Save failed', 'Gist could not be saved');
......@@ -151,7 +176,7 @@ angular.module('kibana.dashcontrol', [])
if(files && files.length > 0) {
$scope.gist.files = files;
} else {
alertSrv.set('Gist Failed','Could not retrieve dashboard list from gist','error',5000);
notice('error', 'Gist Failed', 'Could not retrieve dashboard list from gist',5000);
......@@ -183,7 +208,7 @@ angular.module('kibana.dashcontrol', [])
// Something
document.getElementById('dashupload').addEventListener('change', file_selected, false);
} else {
alertSrv.set('Oops','Sorry, the HTML5 File APIs are not fully supported in this browser.','error');
alertSrv.set('Oops', 'Sorry, the HTML5 File APIs are not fully supported in this browser.', 'error', 5000);
......@@ -108,11 +108,17 @@ angular.module('kibana.histogram', [])
$scope.panel.interval = interval || '10m';
return $scope.panel.interval;
* Fetch the data for a chunk of a queries results. Multiple segments occur when several indicies
* need to be consulted (like timestamped logstash indicies)
* @param number segment The segment count, (0 based)
* @param number query_id The id of the query, generated on the first run and passed back when
* The results of this function are stored on the scope's data property. This property will be an
* array of objects with the properties info, time_series, and hits. These objects are used in the
* render_panel function to create the historgram.
* @param {number} segment The segment count, (0 based)
* @param {number} query_id The id of the query, generated on the first run and passed back when
* this call is made recursively for more segments
$scope.get_data = function(segment, query_id) {
......@@ -197,12 +203,12 @@ angular.module('kibana.histogram', [])
// we need to initialize the data variable on the first run,
// and when we are working on the first segment of the data.
if(_.isUndefined($[i]) || segment === 0) {
time_series = new timeSeries.ZeroFilled(
// range may be false
_range && _range.from,
_range &&
time_series = new timeSeries.ZeroFilled({
interval: _interval,
start_date: _range && _range.from,
end_date: _range &&,
fill_style: 'minimal'
hits = 0;
} else {
time_series = $[i].time_series;
......@@ -216,9 +222,8 @@ angular.module('kibana.histogram', [])
$scope.hits += entry.count; // Entire dataset level hits counter
$[i] = {
time_series: time_series,
info: querySrv.list[id],
data: time_series.getFlotPairs(),
time_series: time_series,
hits: hits
......@@ -310,7 +315,7 @@ angular.module('kibana.histogram', [])
// Populate from the query service
try {
_.each(,function(series) {
_.each(, function(series) {
series.label =;
series.color =;
......@@ -383,6 +388,19 @@ angular.module('kibana.histogram', [])
options.selection = { mode: "x", color: '#666' };
// when rendering stacked bars, we need to ensure each point that has data is zero-filled
// so that the stacking happens in the proper order
var required_times = [];
if (scope.panel.bars && stack) {
required_times = Array.prototype.concat.apply([],, function (series) {
return series.time_series.getOrderedTimes();
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {[i].data =[i].time_series.getFlotPairs(required_times);
scope.plot = $.plot(elem,, options);
} catch(e) {
......@@ -448,36 +466,53 @@ angular.module('kibana.histogram', [])
.service('timeSeries', function () {
// map compatable parseInt
function base10Int(val) {
return parseInt(val, 10);
* Certain graphs require 0 entries to be specified for them to render
* properly (like the line graph). So with this we will caluclate all of
* the expected time measurements, and fill the missing ones in with 0
* @param date start The start time for the result set
* @param date end The end time for the result set
* @param integer interval The length between measurements, in es interval
* notation (1m, 30s, 1h, 15d)
* @param {object} opts An object specifying some/all of the options
* @opt {string} interval The interval notion describing the expected spacing between
* each data point.
* @opt {date} start_date (optional) The start point for the time series, setting this and the
* end_date will ensure that the series streches to resemble the entire
* expected result
* @opt {date} end_date (optional) The end point for the time series, see start_date
* @opt {string} fill_style Either "minimal", or "all" describing the strategy used to zero-fill
* the series.
var undef;
function base10Int(val) {
return parseInt(val, 10);
this.ZeroFilled = function (interval, start, end) {
this.ZeroFilled = function (opts) {
this.opts = _.defaults(opts, {
interval: '10m',
start_date: null,
end_date: null,
fill_style: 'minimal'
// the expected differenece between readings.
this.interval_ms = base10Int(kbn.interval_to_seconds(interval)) * 1000;
this.interval_ms = base10Int(kbn.interval_to_seconds(opts.interval)) * 1000;
// will keep all values here, keyed by their time
this._data = {};
if (start) {
this.addValue(start, null);
if (opts.start_date) {
this.addValue(opts.start_date, null);
if (end) {
this.addValue(end, null);
if (opts.end_date) {
this.addValue(opts.end_date, null);
* Add a row
* @param int time The time for the value, in
* @param any value The value at this time
* @param {int} time The time for the value, in
* @param {any} value The value at this time
this.ZeroFilled.prototype.addValue = function (time, value) {
if (time instanceof Date) {
......@@ -486,19 +521,58 @@ angular.module('kibana.histogram', [])
time = base10Int(time);
if (!isNaN(time)) {
this._data[time] = (value === undef ? 0 : value);
this._data[time] = (_.isUndefined(value) ? 0 : value);
this._cached_times = null;
* Get an array of the times that have been explicitly set in the series
* @param {array} include (optional) list of timestamps to include in the response
* @return {array} An array of integer times.
this.ZeroFilled.prototype.getOrderedTimes = function (include) {
var times =, base10Int).sort();
if (_.isArray(include)) {
times = times.concat(include);
return times;
* return the rows in the format:
* [ [time, value], [time, value], ... ]
* @return array
* Heavy lifting is done by _get(Min|All)FlotPairs()
* @param {array} required_times An array of timestamps that must be in the resulting pairs
* @return {array}
this.ZeroFilled.prototype.getFlotPairs = function (required_times) {
var times = this.getOrderedTimes(required_times),
if(this.opts.fill_style === 'all') {
strategy = this._getAllFlotPairs;
} else {
strategy = this._getMinFlotPairs;
return _.reduce(
times, // what
strategy, // how
[], // where
this // context
* ** called as a reduce stragegy in getFlotPairs() **
* Fill zero's on either side of the current time, unless there is already a measurement there or
* we are looking at an edge.
* @return {array} An array of points to plot with flot
this.ZeroFilled.prototype.getFlotPairs = function () {
// var startTime =;
var times =, base10Int).sort(),
result = [];
_.each(times, function (time, i, times) {
this.ZeroFilled.prototype._getMinFlotPairs = function (result, time, i, times) {
var next, expected_next, prev, expected_prev;
// check for previous measurement
......@@ -511,7 +585,7 @@ angular.module('kibana.histogram', [])
// add the current time
result.push([ time, this._data[time] ]);
result.push([ time, this._data[time] || 0 ]);
// check for next measurement
if (times.length > i) {
......@@ -522,8 +596,26 @@ angular.module('kibana.histogram', [])
}, this);
// console.log(Math.round(( - startTime)*100)/100, 'ms to get', result.length, 'pairs');
return result;
* ** called as a reduce stragegy in getFlotPairs() **
* Fill zero's to the right of each time, until the next measurement is reached or we are at the
* last measurement
* @return {array} An array of points to plot with flot
this.ZeroFilled.prototype._getAllFlotPairs = function (result, time, i, times) {
var next, expected_next;
result.push([ times[i], this._data[times[i]] || 0 ]);
next = times[i + 1];
expected_next = times[i] + this.interval_ms;
for(; times.length > i && next > expected_next; expected_next+= this.interval_ms) {
result.push([expected_next, 0]);
return result;
\ No newline at end of file
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