Commit 74632b5e by utkarshcmu

Added last function for alerting conditions

parent 5bbdd99d
......@@ -62,6 +62,13 @@ func (s *SimpleReducer) Reduce(series *tsdb.TimeSeries) null.Float {
case "count":
value = float64(len(series.Points))
allNull = false
case "last":
for _, point := range series.Points {
if point[0].Valid {
value = point[0].Float64
allNull = false
if allNull {
......@@ -35,6 +35,12 @@ func TestSimpleReducer(t *testing.T) {
result := testReducer("count", 1, 2, 3000)
So(result, ShouldEqual, float64(3))
Convey("last", func() {
result := testReducer("last", 1, 2, 3000)
So(result, ShouldEqual, float64(3000))
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ var reducerTypes = [
{text: 'max()', value: 'max'},
{text: 'sum()' , value: 'sum'},
{text: 'count()', value: 'count'},
{text: 'last()', value: 'last'},
var noDataModes = [
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