Commit 76230215 by Diana Payton Committed by GitHub

Docs: Update (#26624)

parent 9bbebdca
......@@ -76,12 +76,14 @@ VictorOps | `victorops` | yes, external only | no
### Email
To enable email notifications you have to setup [SMTP settings]({{< relref "../administration/configuration/#smtp" >}})
To enable email notifications you have to set up [SMTP settings]({{< relref "../administration/configuration/#smtp" >}})
in the Grafana config. Email notifications will upload an image of the alert graph to an
external image destination if available or fallback to attaching the image to the email.
Be aware that if you use the `local` image storage email servers and clients might not be
able to access the image.
> **Note:** Template variables are not supported in email alerts.
Setting | Description
---------- | -----------
Single email | Send a single email to all recipients. Disabled per default.
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