Commit 78c61782 by Rashid Khan

table panel documentation

parent 433272b9
## Table
A paginated table of events matching a query
### Parameters
* query :: A string representing then current query
* size :: Number of events per page to show
* pages :: Number of pages to show. size * pages = number of cached events.
Bigger = more memory usage byh the browser
* offset :: Position from which to start in the array of hits
* sort :: An array with 2 elements. sort[0]: field, sort[1]: direction ('asc' or 'desc')
* style :: hash of css properties
* fields :: columns to show in table
* sortable :: Allow sorting?
* spyable :: Show the 'eye' icon that reveals the last ES query for this panel
### Group Events
#### Sends
* table_documents :: An array containing all of the documents in the table.
Only used by the fields panel so far.
#### Receives
* time :: An object containing the time range to use and the index(es) to query
* query :: An Array of queries, even if its only one
* sort :: An array with 2 elements. sort[0]: field, sort[1]: direction ('asc' or 'desc')
* selected_fields :: An array of fields to show
angular.module('kibana.table', [])
.controller('table', function($scope, eventBus, fields) {
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