Commit 79ac3fd6 by Oleg Gaidarenko Committed by GitHub

Chore: remove use of `== false` (#17036)

Interestingly enough, golint or revive doesn't not prohibit
the use that construction :)

Ref #17035
parent 34f9b3ff
......@@ -20,17 +20,17 @@ func initContextWithAuthProxy(store *remotecache.RemoteCache, ctx *m.ReqContext,
// Bail if auth proxy is not enabled
if auth.IsEnabled() == false {
if !auth.IsEnabled() {
return false
// If the there is no header - we can't move forward
if auth.HasHeader() == false {
if !auth.HasHeader() {
return false
// Check if allowed to continue with this IP
if result, err := auth.IsAllowedIP(); result == false {
if result, err := auth.IsAllowedIP(); !result {
ctx.Handle(407, err.Error(), err.DetailsError)
return true
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ func New(options *Options) *AuthProxy {
func (auth *AuthProxy) IsEnabled() bool {
// Bail if the setting is not enabled
if auth.enabled == false {
if !auth.enabled {
return false
......@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ import (
m ""
type Config struct {
......@@ -68,9 +68,10 @@ func IsEnabled() bool {
// ReloadConfig reads the config from the disc and caches it.
func ReloadConfig() error {
if IsEnabled() == false {
if !IsEnabled() {
return nil
defer loadingMutex.Unlock()
......@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ func ReloadConfig() error {
// GetConfig returns the LDAP config if LDAP is enabled otherwise it returns nil. It returns either cached value of
// the config or it reads it and caches it first.
func GetConfig() (*Config, error) {
if IsEnabled() == false {
if !IsEnabled() {
return nil, nil
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