Commit 7c78e8e3 by Alexander Zobnin

heatmap: add few tests for histogram converter

parent 26ddb997
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import TimeSeries from 'app/core/time_series2';
import {
} from '../heatmap_data_converter';
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ describe('HeatmapDataConverter', () => {
describe('ES Histogram converter', () => {
describe('Histogram converter', () => {
let ctx: any = {};
beforeEach(() => {
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ describe('ES Histogram converter', () => {
describe('when converting ES histogram', () => {
describe('when converting histogram', () => {
beforeEach(() => {});
it('should build proper heatmap data', () => {
......@@ -252,60 +252,72 @@ describe('ES Histogram converter', () => {
'1422774000000': {
x: 1422774000000,
buckets: {
'1': {
y: 1,
'0': {
y: 0,
count: 1,
bounds: { bottom: 0, top: null },
values: [],
points: [],
bounds: { bottom: 1, top: null },
'2': {
y: 2,
'1': {
y: 1,
count: 5,
bounds: { bottom: 1, top: null },
values: [],
points: [],
bounds: { bottom: 2, top: null },
'3': {
y: 3,
'2': {
y: 2,
count: 0,
bounds: { bottom: 2, top: null },
values: [],
points: [],
bounds: { bottom: 3, top: null },
'1422774060000': {
x: 1422774060000,
buckets: {
'1': {
y: 1,
'0': {
y: 0,
count: 0,
bounds: { bottom: 0, top: null },
values: [],
points: [],
bounds: { bottom: 1, top: null },
'2': {
y: 2,
'1': {
y: 1,
count: 3,
bounds: { bottom: 1, top: null },
values: [],
points: [],
bounds: { bottom: 2, top: null },
'3': {
y: 3,
'2': {
y: 2,
count: 1,
bounds: { bottom: 2, top: null },
values: [],
points: [],
bounds: { bottom: 3, top: null },
let heatmap = elasticHistogramToHeatmap(ctx.series);
const heatmap = histogramToHeatmap(ctx.series);
it('should use bucket index as a bound', () => {
const heatmap = histogramToHeatmap(ctx.series);
const bucketLabels =['1422774000000'].buckets, (b, label) => label);
const bucketYs =['1422774000000'].buckets, 'y');
const bucketBottoms =['1422774000000'].buckets, b => b.bounds.bottom);
const expectedBounds = [0, 1, 2];
expect(bucketLabels).toEqual(, b => b.toString()));
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