Commit 7e218639 by Dominik Prokop Committed by GitHub

GraphNG: Init refactorings and fixes (#29275)

* When comparing field config, shallowly compare custom config

* Refactoring plot init and data update (WIP)

* GraphNG: Fixed points mode

* Fixed min & max from frame config

* Fixed axis left / right auto logic

* Minor tweak to cursor color

* Fixed time axis now that uPlot deals in milliseconds as well

* fixed ts issue

* Updated test

* Fixed axis placement logic again

* Added new unit test for axis placement logic

* Removed unused props

* Fixed zoom issue due to uPlot time resolution change

* Add back millisecond time tick support

* Comment out GraphNG test

* Fixed being able to switch legend on/off

* Updated unit tests

* GraphNG: Fixed hiding axis

* Frame comparison: allow skipping properties

* Update y-axis ranges without reinitializing uPlot

* update snap

* GraphNG: Fixed axis label placement and spacing issues

* update snaps

Co-authored-by: Torkel Ödegaard <>
parent c574126e
......@@ -92,4 +92,147 @@ describe('test comparisons', () => {
it('should skip provided properties', () => {
fields: [
config: {
fields: [
config: {
unit: 'rpm',
describe('custom config comparison', () => {
it('handles custom config shallow equality', () => {
const a = {
fields: [
config: {
custom: {
a: 1,
b: 'test',
const b = {
fields: [
config: {
custom: {
a: 1,
b: 'test',
expect(compareDataFrameStructures(a, b)).toBeTruthy();
it('handles custom config shallow inequality', () => {
const a = {
fields: [
config: {
custom: {
a: 1,
const b = {
fields: [
config: {
custom: {
a: 2,
expect(compareDataFrameStructures(a, b)).toBeFalsy();
it('does not compare deeply', () => {
const a = {
fields: [
config: {
custom: {
a: {
b: 1,
const b = {
fields: [
config: {
custom: {
a: {
b: 1,
expect(compareDataFrameStructures(a, b)).toBeFalsy();
......@@ -14,13 +14,14 @@ import { DataFrame } from '../types/dataFrame';
* @beta
export function compareDataFrameStructures(a: DataFrame, b: DataFrame): boolean {
export function compareDataFrameStructures(a: DataFrame, b: DataFrame, skipProperties?: string[]): boolean {
if (a === b) {
return true;
if (a?.fields?.length !== b?.fields?.length) {
return false;
for (let i = 0; i < a.fields.length; i++) {
const fA = a.fields[i];
const fB = b.fields[i];
......@@ -30,14 +31,34 @@ export function compareDataFrameStructures(a: DataFrame, b: DataFrame): boolean
const cfgA = fA.config as any;
const cfgB = fB.config as any;
const keys = Object.keys(cfgA);
if (keys.length !== Object.keys(cfgB).length) {
let aKeys = Object.keys(cfgA);
let bKeys = Object.keys(cfgB);
if (skipProperties) {
aKeys = aKeys.filter(k => skipProperties.indexOf(k) < 0);
bKeys = aKeys.filter(k => skipProperties.indexOf(k) < 0);
if (aKeys.length !== bKeys.length) {
return false;
for (const key of keys) {
for (const key of aKeys) {
if (skipProperties && skipProperties.indexOf(key) > -1) {
if (!cfgB.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
return false;
if (key === 'custom') {
if (!shallowCompare(cfgA[key], cfgB[key])) {
return false;
} else {
if (cfgA[key] !== cfgB[key]) {
return false;
......@@ -65,3 +86,33 @@ export function compareArrayValues<T>(a: T[], b: T[], cmp: (a: T, b: T) => boole
return true;
* Checks if two objects are equal shallowly
* @beta
export function shallowCompare<T extends {}>(a: T, b: T, cmp?: (valA: any, valB: any) => boolean) {
const aKeys = Object.keys(a);
const bKeys = Object.keys(b);
if (a === b) {
return true;
if (aKeys.length !== bKeys.length) {
return false;
for (let key of aKeys) {
if (cmp) {
return cmp(a[key], b[key]);
if (a[key] !== b[key]) {
return false;
return true;
......@@ -84,20 +84,12 @@ describe('GraphNG', () => {
describe('config update', () => {
it('should skip plot intialization for width and height equal 0', () => {
const { data, timeRange } = mockData();
const onPlotInitSpy = jest.fn();
const { queryAllByTestId } = render(
<GraphNG data={[data]} timeRange={timeRange} timeZone={'browser'} width={0} height={0} />
// it('reinitializes plot when number of series change', () => {
import React, { useMemo, useRef } from 'react';
import React, { useCallback, useMemo, useRef } from 'react';
import {
......@@ -11,12 +12,13 @@ import {
import { mergeTimeSeriesData } from './utils';
import { UPlotChart } from '../uPlot/Plot';
import { PlotProps } from '../uPlot/types';
import { AxisPlacement, getUPlotSideFromAxis, GraphFieldConfig, GraphMode, PointMode } from '../uPlot/config';
import { AxisPlacement, GraphFieldConfig, GraphMode, PointMode } from '../uPlot/config';
import { useTheme } from '../../themes';
import { VizLayout } from '../VizLayout/VizLayout';
import { LegendDisplayMode, LegendItem, LegendOptions } from '../Legend/Legend';
import { GraphLegend } from '../Graph/GraphLegend';
import { UPlotConfigBuilder } from '../uPlot/config/UPlotConfigBuilder';
import { useRevision } from '../uPlot/hooks';
const defaultFormatter = (v: any) => (v == null ? '-' : v.toFixed(1));
......@@ -41,10 +43,7 @@ export const GraphNG: React.FC<GraphNGProps> = ({
}) => {
const theme = useTheme();
const alignedFrameWithGapTest = useMemo(() => mergeTimeSeriesData(data), [data]);
const legendItemsRef = useRef<LegendItem[]>([]);
const hasLegend = legend && legend.displayMode !== LegendDisplayMode.Hidden;
if (alignedFrameWithGapTest == null) {
return (
......@@ -54,7 +53,15 @@ export const GraphNG: React.FC<GraphNGProps> = ({
const theme = useTheme();
const legendItemsRef = useRef<LegendItem[]>([]);
const hasLegend = useRef(legend && legend.displayMode !== LegendDisplayMode.Hidden);
const alignedFrame = alignedFrameWithGapTest.frame;
const compareFrames = useCallback(
(a: DataFrame, b: DataFrame) => compareDataFrameStructures(a, b, ['min', 'max']),
const configRev = useRevision(alignedFrame, compareFrames);
const configBuilder = useMemo(() => {
const builder = new UPlotConfigBuilder();
......@@ -76,15 +83,13 @@ export const GraphNG: React.FC<GraphNGProps> = ({
scaleKey: 'x',
isTime: true,
side: getUPlotSideFromAxis(AxisPlacement.Bottom),
placement: AxisPlacement.Bottom,
let seriesIdx = 0;
const legendItems: LegendItem[] = [];
let hasLeftAxis = false;
let hasYAxis = false;
for (let i = 0; i < alignedFrame.fields.length; i++) {
const field = alignedFrame.fields[i];
......@@ -97,23 +102,17 @@ export const GraphNG: React.FC<GraphNGProps> = ({
const fmt = field.display ?? defaultFormatter;
const scale = config.unit || '__fixed';
const side = customConfig.axisPlacement ?? (hasLeftAxis ? AxisPlacement.Right : AxisPlacement.Left);
if (!builder.hasScale(scale) && customConfig.axisPlacement !== AxisPlacement.Hidden) {
if (side === AxisPlacement.Left) {
hasLeftAxis = true;
const isNewScale = !builder.hasScale(scale);
builder.addScale({ scaleKey: scale });
if (isNewScale && customConfig.axisPlacement !== AxisPlacement.Hidden) {
builder.addScale({ scaleKey: scale, min: field.config.min, max: field.config.max });
scaleKey: scale,
label: customConfig.axisLabel,
side: getUPlotSideFromAxis(side),
grid: !hasYAxis,
placement: customConfig.axisPlacement ?? AxisPlacement.Auto,
formatValue: v => formattedValueToString(fmt(v)),
hasYAxis = true;
// need to update field state here because we use a transform to merge framesP
......@@ -121,13 +120,14 @@ export const GraphNG: React.FC<GraphNGProps> = ({
const colorMode = getFieldColorModeForField(field);
const seriesColor = colorMode.getCalculator(field, theme)(0, 0);
const pointsMode = customConfig.mode === GraphMode.Points ? PointMode.Always : customConfig.points;
scaleKey: scale,
line: (customConfig.mode ?? GraphMode.Line) === GraphMode.Line,
lineColor: seriesColor,
lineWidth: customConfig.lineWidth,
points: customConfig.points !== PointMode.Never,
points: pointsMode,
pointSize: customConfig.pointRadius,
pointColor: seriesColor,
fill: customConfig.fillAlpha !== undefined,
......@@ -135,11 +135,13 @@ export const GraphNG: React.FC<GraphNGProps> = ({
fillColor: seriesColor,
if (hasLegend) {
if (hasLegend.current) {
const axisPlacement = builder.getAxisPlacement(scale);
color: seriesColor,
label: getFieldDisplayName(field, alignedFrame),
yAxis: side === AxisPlacement.Right ? 3 : 1,
yAxis: axisPlacement === AxisPlacement.Left ? 1 : 2,
......@@ -148,7 +150,7 @@ export const GraphNG: React.FC<GraphNGProps> = ({
legendItemsRef.current = legendItems;
return builder;
}, [alignedFrameWithGapTest, hasLegend]);
}, [configRev]);
let legendElement: React.ReactElement | undefined;
......@@ -8,3 +8,12 @@
.u-select {
background: rgba(120, 120, 130, 0.2);
.u-cursor-x {
border-right: 1px dashed rgba(120, 120, 130, 0.5);
.u-cursor-y {
width: 100%;
border-bottom: 1px dashed rgba(120, 120, 130, 0.5);
import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react';
import { usePrevious } from 'react-use';
import uPlot, { Options, AlignedData, AlignedDataWithGapTest } from 'uplot';
import uPlot, { AlignedData, AlignedDataWithGapTest } from 'uplot';
import { buildPlotContext, PlotContext } from './context';
import { pluginLog, shouldInitialisePlot } from './utils';
import { pluginLog } from './utils';
import { usePlotConfig } from './hooks';
import { PlotProps } from './types';
import { usePrevious } from 'react-use';
import { DataFrame, FieldType } from '@grafana/data';
import isNumber from 'lodash/isNumber';
import { UPlotConfigBuilder } from './config/UPlotConfigBuilder';
// uPlot abstraction responsible for plot initialisation, setup and refresh
// Receives a data frame that is x-axis aligned, as of
......@@ -13,11 +16,24 @@ export const UPlotChart: React.FC<PlotProps> = props => {
const canvasRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const [plotInstance, setPlotInstance] = useState<uPlot>();
const plotData = useRef<AlignedDataWithGapTest>();
const previousConfig = usePrevious(props.config);
// uPlot config API
const { currentConfig, registerPlugin } = usePlotConfig(props.width, props.height, props.timeZone, props.config);
const prevConfig = usePrevious(currentConfig);
const initializePlot = useCallback(() => {
if (!currentConfig || !plotData) {
if (!canvasRef.current) {
throw new Error('Missing Canvas component as a child of the plot.');
pluginLog('UPlotChart: init uPlot', false, 'initialized with', plotData.current, currentConfig);
const instance = new uPlot(currentConfig, plotData.current, canvasRef.current);
}, [setPlotInstance, currentConfig]);
const getPlotInstance = useCallback(() => {
if (!plotInstance) {
......@@ -27,64 +43,27 @@ export const UPlotChart: React.FC<PlotProps> = props => {
return plotInstance;
}, [plotInstance]);
// Callback executed when there was no change in plot config
const updateData = useCallback(() => {
if (!plotInstance || !plotData.current) {
pluginLog('uPlot core', false, 'updating plot data(throttled log!)', plotData.current);
// If config hasn't changed just update uPlot's data
if (props.onDataUpdate) {
}, [plotInstance, props.onDataUpdate]);
// Destroys previous plot instance when plot re-initialised
useEffect(() => {
const currentInstance = plotInstance;
return () => {
}, [plotInstance]);
useLayoutEffect(() => {
plotData.current = {
data: => f.values.toArray()) as AlignedData,
}, []);
// Decides if plot should update data or re-initialise
useLayoutEffect(() => {
// Make sure everything is ready before proceeding
if (!currentConfig || !plotData.current) {
// Do nothing if there is data vs series config mismatch. This may happen when the data was updated and made this
// effect fire before the config update triggered the effect.
if (currentConfig.series.length !==!.length) {
if (plotInstance && previousConfig === props.config) {
updateData(, props.config, plotInstance,;
}, [, props.config]);
if (shouldInitialisePlot(prevConfig, currentConfig)) {
if (!canvasRef.current) {
throw new Error('Missing Canvas component as a child of the plot.');
const instance = initPlot(!, currentConfig, canvasRef.current);
if (props.onPlotInit) {
useLayoutEffect(() => {
}, [currentConfig]);
} else {
}, [currentConfig, updateData, setPlotInstance, props.onPlotInit]);
useEffect(() => {
const currentInstance = plotInstance;
return () => {
}, [plotInstance]);
// When size props changed update plot size synchronously
useLayoutEffect(() => {
......@@ -103,14 +82,46 @@ export const UPlotChart: React.FC<PlotProps> = props => {
return (
<PlotContext.Provider value={plotCtx}>
<div ref={plotCtx.canvasRef} />
<div ref={plotCtx.canvasRef} data-testid="uplot-main-div" />
// Main function initialising uPlot. If final config is not settled it will do nothing
function initPlot(data: AlignedData, config: Options, ref: HTMLDivElement) {
pluginLog('uPlot core', false, 'initialized with', data, config);
return new uPlot(config, data, ref);
// Callback executed when there was no change in plot config
function updateData(frame: DataFrame, config: UPlotConfigBuilder, plotInstance?: uPlot, data?: AlignedData | null) {
if (!plotInstance || !data) {
pluginLog('uPlot core', false, 'updating plot data(throttled log!)', data);
updateScales(frame, config, plotInstance);
// If config hasn't changed just update uPlot's data
function updateScales(frame: DataFrame, config: UPlotConfigBuilder, plotInstance: uPlot) {
let yRange: [number, number] | undefined = undefined;
for (let i = 0; i < frame.fields.length; i++) {
if (frame.fields[i].type !== FieldType.number) {
if (isNumber(frame.fields[i].config.min) && isNumber(frame.fields[i].config.max)) {
yRange = [frame.fields[i].config.min!, frame.fields[i].config.max!];
const scalesConfig = config.getConfig().scales;
if (scalesConfig && yRange) {
for (const scale in scalesConfig) {
if (!scalesConfig.hasOwnProperty(scale)) {
if (scale !== 'x') {
plotInstance.setScale(scale, { min: yRange[0], max: yRange[1] });
......@@ -9,19 +9,6 @@ export enum AxisPlacement {
Hidden = 'hidden',
export function getUPlotSideFromAxis(axis: AxisPlacement) {
switch (axis) {
case AxisPlacement.Top:
return 0;
case AxisPlacement.Right:
return 1;
case AxisPlacement.Bottom:
return 2;
case AxisPlacement.Left:
return 3; // default everythign to the left
export enum PointMode {
Auto = 'auto', // will show points when the density is low or line is hidden
Always = 'always',
......@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ import { dateTimeFormat, GrafanaTheme, systemDateFormats, TimeZone } from '@graf
import uPlot, { Axis } from 'uplot';
import { PlotConfigBuilder } from '../types';
import { measureText } from '../../../utils/measureText';
import { AxisPlacement } from '../config';
export interface AxisProps {
scaleKey: string;
theme: GrafanaTheme;
label?: string;
stroke?: string;
show?: boolean;
size?: number;
side?: Axis.Side;
placement?: AxisPlacement;
grid?: boolean;
formatValue?: (v: any) => string;
values?: any;
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export class UPlotAxisBuilder extends PlotConfigBuilder<AxisProps, Axis> {
show = true,
side = 3,
placement = AxisPlacement.Auto,
grid = true,
......@@ -32,16 +32,15 @@ export class UPlotAxisBuilder extends PlotConfigBuilder<AxisProps, Axis> {
} = this.props;
const stroke = this.props.stroke || theme.colors.text;
const gridColor = theme.isDark ? theme.palette.gray25 : theme.palette.gray90;
let config: Axis = {
scale: scaleKey,
font: '12px Roboto',
stroke: theme.colors.text,
side: getUPlotSideFromAxis(placement),
font: `12px 'Roboto'`,
labelFont: `12px 'Roboto'`,
size: calculateAxisSize,
grid: {
show: grid,
......@@ -57,6 +56,11 @@ export class UPlotAxisBuilder extends PlotConfigBuilder<AxisProps, Axis> {
space: calculateSpace,
if (label !== undefined && label !== null && label.length > 0) {
config.label = label;
config.labelSize = 18;
if (values) {
config.values = values;
} else if (isTime) {
......@@ -102,20 +106,24 @@ function calculateAxisSize(self: uPlot, values: string[], axisIdx: number) {
return measureText(maxLength, 12).width - 8;
let axisWidth = measureText(maxLength, 12).width + 18;
return axisWidth;
/** Format time axis ticks */
function formatTime(self: uPlot, splits: number[], axisIdx: number, foundSpace: number, foundIncr: number): string[] {
const timeZone = (self.axes[axisIdx] as any).timeZone;
const scale = self.scales.x;
const range = (scale?.max ?? 0) - (scale?.min ?? 0);
const range = (scale?.max ?? 0) - (scale?.min ?? 0) / 1000;
const oneDay = 86400;
const oneYear = 31536000;
foundIncr = foundIncr / 1000;
let format = systemDateFormats.interval.minute;
if (foundIncr <= 45) {
if (foundIncr < 1) {
format = systemDateFormats.interval.second.replace('ss', 'ss.SS');
} else if (foundIncr <= 45) {
format = systemDateFormats.interval.second;
} else if (foundIncr <= 7200 || range <= oneDay) {
format = systemDateFormats.interval.minute;
......@@ -127,5 +135,19 @@ function formatTime(self: uPlot, splits: number[], axisIdx: number, foundSpace:
format = systemDateFormats.interval.month;
return => dateTimeFormat(v * 1000, { format, timeZone }));
return => dateTimeFormat(v, { format, timeZone }));
export function getUPlotSideFromAxis(axis: AxisPlacement) {
switch (axis) {
case AxisPlacement.Top:
return 0;
case AxisPlacement.Right:
return 1;
case AxisPlacement.Bottom:
return 2;
case AxisPlacement.Left:
return 3; // default everythign to the left
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import { UPlotConfigBuilder } from './UPlotConfigBuilder';
import { GrafanaTheme } from '@grafana/data';
import { expect } from '../../../../../../public/test/lib/common';
import { AxisPlacement, PointMode } from '../config';
describe('UPlotConfigBuilder', () => {
describe('scales config', () => {
......@@ -17,21 +18,23 @@ describe('UPlotConfigBuilder', () => {
isTime: false,
Object {
"axes": Array [],
"scales": Object {
"scale-x": Object {
"time": true,
"scale-y": Object {
"time": false,
Object {
"axes": Array [],
"scales": Object {
"scale-x": Object {
"range": undefined,
"time": true,
"scale-y": Object {
"range": undefined,
"time": false,
"series": Array [
Object {},
"series": Array [
Object {},
it('prevents duplicate scales', () => {
......@@ -55,14 +58,13 @@ describe('UPlotConfigBuilder', () => {
scaleKey: 'scale-x',
label: 'test label',
timeZone: 'browser',
side: 2,
placement: AxisPlacement.Bottom,
isTime: false,
formatValue: () => 'test value',
grid: false,
show: true,
size: 1,
stroke: '#ff0000',
theme: { isDark: true, palette: { gray25: '#ffffff' } } as GrafanaTheme,
theme: { isDark: true, palette: { gray25: '#ffffff' }, colors: { text: 'gray' } } as GrafanaTheme,
values: [],
......@@ -70,19 +72,21 @@ describe('UPlotConfigBuilder', () => {
Object {
"axes": Array [
Object {
"font": "12px Roboto",
"font": "12px 'Roboto'",
"grid": Object {
"show": false,
"stroke": "#ffffff",
"width": 1,
"label": "test label",
"labelFont": "12px 'Roboto'",
"labelSize": 18,
"scale": "scale-x",
"show": true,
"side": 2,
"size": [Function],
"space": [Function],
"stroke": "#ff0000",
"stroke": "gray",
"ticks": Object {
"show": true,
"stroke": "#ffffff",
......@@ -99,6 +103,24 @@ describe('UPlotConfigBuilder', () => {
it('Handles auto axis placement', () => {
const builder = new UPlotConfigBuilder();
scaleKey: 'y1',
placement: AxisPlacement.Auto,
theme: { isDark: true, palette: { gray25: '#ffffff' } } as GrafanaTheme,
scaleKey: 'y2',
placement: AxisPlacement.Auto,
theme: { isDark: true, palette: { gray25: '#ffffff' } } as GrafanaTheme,
it('allows series configuration', () => {
const builder = new UPlotConfigBuilder();
......@@ -106,7 +128,7 @@ describe('UPlotConfigBuilder', () => {
fill: true,
fillColor: '#ff0000',
fillOpacity: 0.5,
points: true,
points: PointMode.Auto,
pointSize: 5,
pointColor: '#00ff00',
line: true,
......@@ -123,7 +145,7 @@ describe('UPlotConfigBuilder', () => {
Object {
"fill": "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)",
"points": Object {
"show": true,
"fill": "#00ff00",
"size": 5,
"stroke": "#00ff00",
......@@ -2,15 +2,34 @@ import { PlotSeriesConfig } from '../types';
import { ScaleProps, UPlotScaleBuilder } from './UPlotScaleBuilder';
import { SeriesProps, UPlotSeriesBuilder } from './UPlotSeriesBuilder';
import { AxisProps, UPlotAxisBuilder } from './UPlotAxisBuilder';
import { AxisPlacement } from '../config';
export class UPlotConfigBuilder {
private series: UPlotSeriesBuilder[] = [];
private axes: UPlotAxisBuilder[] = [];
private axes: Record<string, UPlotAxisBuilder> = {};
private scales: UPlotScaleBuilder[] = [];
private registeredScales: string[] = [];
hasLeftAxis = false;
addAxis(props: AxisProps) {
this.axes.push(new UPlotAxisBuilder(props));
props.placement = props.placement ?? AxisPlacement.Auto;
// Handle auto placement logic
if (props.placement === AxisPlacement.Auto) {
props.placement = this.hasLeftAxis ? AxisPlacement.Right : AxisPlacement.Left;
if (props.placement === AxisPlacement.Left) {
this.hasLeftAxis = true;
this.axes[props.scaleKey] = new UPlotAxisBuilder(props);
getAxisPlacement(scaleKey: string): AxisPlacement {
const axis = this.axes[scaleKey];
return axis?.props.placement! ?? AxisPlacement.Left;
addSeries(props: SeriesProps) {
......@@ -28,7 +47,7 @@ export class UPlotConfigBuilder {
getConfig() {
const config: PlotSeriesConfig = { series: [{}] };
config.axes = => a.getConfig());
config.axes = Object.values(this.axes).map(a => a.getConfig());
config.series = [...config.series, => s.getConfig())];
config.scales = this.scales.reduce((acc, s) => {
return { ...acc, ...s.getConfig() };
import isNumber from 'lodash/isNumber';
import { Scale } from 'uplot';
import { PlotConfigBuilder } from '../types';
export interface ScaleProps {
scaleKey: string;
isTime?: boolean;
min?: number | null;
max?: number | null;
export class UPlotScaleBuilder extends PlotConfigBuilder<ScaleProps, Scale> {
getConfig() {
const { isTime, scaleKey } = this.props;
const { isTime, scaleKey, min, max } = this.props;
const range = isNumber(min) && isNumber(max) ? [min, max] : undefined;
return {
[scaleKey]: {
time: !!isTime,
import tinycolor from 'tinycolor2';
import { Series } from 'uplot';
import { PointMode } from '../config';
import { PlotConfigBuilder } from '../types';
export interface SeriesProps {
......@@ -7,7 +8,7 @@ export interface SeriesProps {
line?: boolean;
lineColor?: string;
lineWidth?: number;
points?: boolean;
points?: PointMode;
pointSize?: number;
pointColor?: string;
fill?: boolean;
......@@ -26,15 +27,20 @@ export class UPlotSeriesBuilder extends PlotConfigBuilder<SeriesProps, Series> {
: {};
const pointsConfig = points
? {
points: {
show: true,
size: pointSize,
stroke: pointColor,
: {};
const pointsConfig: Partial<Series> = {
points: {
stroke: pointColor,
fill: pointColor,
size: pointSize,
// we cannot set property above (even to undefined) as that will clear uPlot's default auto behavior
if (points === PointMode.Never) {
pointsConfig.points!.show = false;
} else if (points === PointMode.Always) {
pointsConfig.points!.show = true;
const areaConfig =
fillOpacity !== undefined
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import uPlot, { Options } from 'uplot';
import { getTimeZoneInfo, TimeZone } from '@grafana/data';
import { usePlotPluginContext } from './context';
import { UPlotConfigBuilder } from './config/UPlotConfigBuilder';
import usePrevious from 'react-use/lib/usePrevious';
export const usePlotPlugins = () => {
......@@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ export const DEFAULT_PLOT_CONFIG = {
hooks: {},
//pass plain confsig object,memoize!
export const usePlotConfig = (width: number, height: number, timeZone: TimeZone, configBuilder: UPlotConfigBuilder) => {
const { arePluginsReady, plugins, registerPlugin } = usePlotPlugins();
const [currentConfig, setCurrentConfig] = useState<Options>();
......@@ -124,7 +126,6 @@ export const usePlotConfig = (width: number, height: number, timeZone: TimeZone,
if (!arePluginsReady) {
......@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ export const usePlotConfig = (width: number, height: number, timeZone: TimeZone,
}, [arePluginsReady, plugins, width, height, configBuilder]);
}, [arePluginsReady, plugins, width, height, tzDate, configBuilder]);
return {
......@@ -171,3 +172,17 @@ export const useRefreshAfterGraphRendered = (pluginId: string) => {
return renderToken;
export function useRevision<T>(dep: T, cmp: (prev: T, next: T) => boolean) {
const [rev, setRev] = useState(0);
const prevDep = usePrevious(dep);
useEffect(() => {
const hasConfigChanged = prevDep ? !cmp(prevDep, dep) : true;
if (hasConfigChanged) {
setRev(r => r + 1);
}, [dep]);
return rev;
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export const ZoomPlugin: React.FC<ZoomPluginProps> = ({ onZoom }) => {
if (selection.bbox.width < MIN_ZOOM_DIST) {
onZoom({ from: selection.min * 1000, to: selection.max * 1000 });
onZoom({ from: selection.min, to: selection.max });
import React from 'react';
import uPlot, { Options, AlignedData, Series, Hooks } from 'uplot';
import uPlot, { Options, Series, Hooks } from 'uplot';
import { DataFrame, TimeRange, TimeZone } from '@grafana/data';
import { UPlotConfigBuilder } from './config/UPlotConfigBuilder';
......@@ -23,14 +23,10 @@ export interface PlotProps {
height: number;
config: UPlotConfigBuilder;
children?: React.ReactElement[];
/** Callback performed when uPlot data is updated */
onDataUpdate?: (data: AlignedData) => {};
/** Callback performed when uPlot is (re)initialized */
onPlotInit?: () => {};
export abstract class PlotConfigBuilder<P, T> {
constructor(protected props: P) {}
constructor(public props: P) {}
abstract getConfig(): T;
import throttle from 'lodash/throttle';
import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual';
import omit from 'lodash/omit';
import { rangeUtil, RawTimeRange } from '@grafana/data';
import { Options } from 'uplot';
import { PlotPlugin, PlotProps } from './types';
......@@ -38,7 +36,7 @@ export const buildPlotConfig = (props: PlotProps, plugins: Record<string, PlotPl
} as any;
const isPlottingTime = (config: Options) => {
export const isPlottingTime = (config: Options) => {
let isTimeSeries = false;
if (!config.scales) {
......@@ -56,63 +54,6 @@ const isPlottingTime = (config: Options) => {
return isTimeSeries;
* Based on two config objects indicates whether or not uPlot needs reinitialisation
* This COULD be done based on data frames, but keeping it this way for now as a simplification
export const shouldInitialisePlot = (prevConfig?: Options, config?: Options) => {
if (!config && !prevConfig) {
return false;
if (config) {
if (config.width === 0 || config.height === 0) {
return false;
if (!prevConfig) {
return true;
if (isPlottingTime(config!) && prevConfig!.tzDate !== config!.tzDate) {
return true;
// reinitialise when number of series, scales or axes changes
if (
prevConfig!.series?.length !== config!.series?.length ||
prevConfig!.axes?.length !== config!.axes?.length ||
prevConfig!.scales?.length !== config!.scales?.length
) {
return true;
let idx = 0;
// reinitialise when any of the series config changes
if (config!.series && prevConfig!.series) {
for (const series of config!.series) {
if (!isEqual(series, prevConfig!.series[idx])) {
return true;
if (config!.axes && prevConfig!.axes) {
idx = 0;
for (const axis of config!.axes) {
// Comparing axes config, skipping values property as it changes across config builds - probably need to be more clever
if (!isEqual(omit(axis, 'values', 'size'), omit(prevConfig!.axes[idx], 'values', 'size'))) {
return true;
return false;
// Dev helpers
export const throttledLog = throttle((...t: any[]) => {
......@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ export const plugin = new PanelPlugin<Options, GraphFieldConfig>(GraphPanel)
path: 'points',
name: 'Points',
description: 'NOTE: auto vs always are currently the same',
defaultValue: graphFieldOptions.points[0].value,
settings: {
options: graphFieldOptions.points,
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