Commit 809b0a34 by Rashid Khan

Improved error handling via alertSrv service

parent c5bc350d
......@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" href="common/css/bootstrap-responsive.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="common/css/font-awesome.min.css">
<div ng-repeat='alert in global_alert' class="alert-{{alert.severity}} dashboard-notice" ng-show="$last">
<button type="button" class="close" ng-click="clear_alert(alert)" style="padding-right:50px">&times;</button>
<div ng-repeat='alert in dashAlerts.list' class="alert-{{alert.severity}} dashboard-notice" ng-show="$last">
<button type="button" class="close" ng-click="dashAlerts.clear(alert)" style="padding-right:50px">&times;</button>
<strong>{{alert.title}}</strong> <span ng-bind-html-unsafe='alert.text'></span> <div style="padding-right:10px" class='pull-right small'> {{$index + 1}} alert(s) </div>
<div class="navbar navbar-static-top">
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
angular.module('kibana.controllers', [])
.controller('DashCtrl', function($scope, $rootScope, $http, $timeout, $route, ejsResource,
fields, dashboard) {
fields, dashboard, alertSrv) {
$scope.editor = {
index: 0
......@@ -16,11 +16,12 @@ angular.module('kibana.controllers', [])
// Make underscore.js available to views
$scope._ = _;
$scope.dashboard = dashboard;
$scope.dashAlerts = alertSrv;
// Provide a global list of all see fields
$scope.fields = fields;
var ejs = $scope.ejs = ejsResource(config.elasticsearch);
......@@ -41,28 +42,6 @@ angular.module('kibana.controllers', [])
return { 'min-height': row.collapse ? '5px' : row.height };
$scope.alert = function(title,text,severity,timeout) {
var alert = {
title: title,
text: text,
severity: severity || 'info',
if (timeout > 0) {
$timeout(function() {
$scope.global_alert = _.without($scope.global_alert,alert);
}, timeout);
$scope.clear_alert = function(alert) {
$scope.global_alert = _.without($scope.global_alert,alert);
$scope.clear_all_alerts = function() {
$scope.global_alert = [];
$scope.edit_path = function(type) {
if(type) {
return 'panels/'+type+'/editor.html';
......@@ -4,7 +4,36 @@
'use strict';
angular.module('', [])
.service('fields', function(dashboard, $rootScope, $http) {
.service('alertSrv', function($timeout) {
var self = this;
// List of all alert objects
this.list = [];
this.set = function(title,text,severity,timeout) {
var _a = {
title: title || '',
text: text || '',
severity: severity || 'info',
if (timeout > 0) {
$timeout(function() {
self.list = _.without(self.list,_a);
}, timeout);
this.clear = function(alert) {
self.list = _.without(self.list,alert);
this.clearAll = function() {
self.list = [];
.service('fields', function(dashboard, $rootScope, $http, alertSrv) {
// Save a reference to this
var self = this;
......@@ -46,6 +75,14 @@ angular.module('', [])
var request = $http({
url: config.elasticsearch + "/" + indices.join(',') + "/_mapping",
method: "GET"
}).error(function(data, status, headers, conf) {
if(status === 0) {
alertSrv.set('Error',"Could not contact Elasticsearch at "+config.elasticsearch+
". Please ensure that Elasticsearch is reachable from your system." ,'error');
} else {
alertSrv.set('Error',"Could not find "+config.elasticsearch+"/"+indices.join(',')+"/_mapping. If you"+
" are using a proxy, ensure it is configured correctly",'error');
return request.then(function(p) {
......@@ -83,7 +120,7 @@ angular.module('', [])
.service('kbnIndex',function($http) {
.service('kbnIndex',function($http,alertSrv) {
// returns a promise containing an array of all indices matching the index
// pattern that exist in a given range
......@@ -106,8 +143,14 @@ angular.module('', [])
var something = $http({
url: config.elasticsearch + "/_aliases",
method: "GET"
}).error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
// Handle error condition somehow?
}).error(function(data, status, headers, conf) {
if(status === 0) {
alertSrv.set('Error',"Could not contact Elasticsearch at "+config.elasticsearch+
". Please ensure that Elasticsearch is reachable from your system." ,'error');
} else {
alertSrv.set('Error',"Could not reach "+config.elasticsearch+"/_aliases. If you"+
" are using a proxy, ensure it is configured correctly",'error');
return something.then(function(p) {
......@@ -502,13 +545,14 @@ angular.module('', [])
.service('dashboard', function($routeParams, $http, $rootScope, $injector, ejsResource, timer, kbnIndex) {
.service('dashboard', function($routeParams, $http, $rootScope, $injector, ejsResource, timer, kbnIndex, alertSrv) {
// A hash of defaults to use when loading a dashboard
var _dash = {
title: "",
style: "dark",
editable: true,
failover: false,
rows: [],
services: {},
index: {
......@@ -584,7 +628,17 @@ angular.module('', [])
if(p.length > 0) {
self.indices = p;
} else {
//TODO: Option to not failover
if(self.current.failover) {
self.indices = [self.current.index.default];
} else {
alertSrv.set('No indices matched','The pattern <i>'+self.current.index.pattern+
'</i> did not match any indices in your selected'+
' time range.','info',5000);
// Do not issue refresh if no indices match. This should be removed when panels
// properly understand when no indices are present
return false;
......@@ -690,22 +744,25 @@ angular.module('', [])
return true;
},function(result) {
alertSrv.set('Error',"Could not load <i>dashboards/"+file+"</i>. Please make sure it exists" ,'error');
return false;
this.elasticsearch_load = function(type,id) {
var request = ejs.Request().indices(config.kibana_index).types(type);
var results = request.query(
return request.query(
return results.then(function(results) {
).doSearch(function(results) {
if(_.isUndefined(results)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
function(data,status) {
alertSrv.set('Error','Could not load '+config.elasticsearch+"/"+config.kibana_index+"/"+type+"/"+id,'error');
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
'use strict';
angular.module('kibana.dashcontrol', [])
.controller('dashcontrol', function($scope, $http, timer, dashboard) {
.controller('dashcontrol', function($scope, $http, timer, dashboard, alertSrv) {
$scope.panelMeta = {
status : "Stable",
......@@ -69,17 +69,17 @@ angular.module('kibana.dashcontrol', [])
$scope.set_default = function() {
if(dashboard.set_default()) {
$scope.alert('Local Default Set',dashboard.current.title+' has been set as your local default','success',5000);
alertSrv.set('Local Default Set',dashboard.current.title+' has been set as your local default','success',5000);
} else {
$scope.alert('Incompatible Browser','Sorry, your browser is too old for this feature','error',5000);
alertSrv.set('Incompatible Browser','Sorry, your browser is too old for this feature','error',5000);
$scope.purge_default = function() {
if(dashboard.purge_default()) {
$scope.alert('Local Default Clear','Your local default dashboard has been cleared','success',5000);
alertSrv.set('Local Default Clear','Your local default dashboard has been cleared','success',5000);
} else {
$scope.alert('Incompatible Browser','Sorry, your browser is too old for this feature','error',5000);
alertSrv.set('Incompatible Browser','Sorry, your browser is too old for this feature','error',5000);
......@@ -91,13 +91,13 @@ angular.module('kibana.dashcontrol', [])
function(result) {
if(!_.isUndefined(result._id)) {
$scope.alert('Dashboard Saved','This dashboard has been saved to Elasticsearch as "' +
alertSrv.set('Dashboard Saved','This dashboard has been saved to Elasticsearch as "' +
result._id + '"','success',5000);
if(type === 'temp') {
$scope.share = dashboard.share_link(dashboard.current.title,'temp',result._id);
} else {
$scope.alert('Save failed','Dashboard could not be saved to Elasticsearch','error',5000);
alertSrv.set('Save failed','Dashboard could not be saved to Elasticsearch','error',5000);
......@@ -107,15 +107,15 @@ angular.module('kibana.dashcontrol', [])
function(result) {
if(!_.isUndefined(result)) {
if(result.found) {
$scope.alert('Dashboard Deleted',id+' has been deleted','success',5000);
alertSrv.set('Dashboard Deleted',id+' has been deleted','success',5000);
// Find the deleted dashboard in the cached list and remove it
var toDelete = _.where($scope.elasticsearch.dashboards,{_id:id})[0];
$scope.elasticsearch.dashboards = _.without($scope.elasticsearch.dashboards,toDelete);
} else {
$scope.alert('Dashboard Not Found','Could not find '+id+' in Elasticsearch','warning',5000);
alertSrv.set('Dashboard Not Found','Could not find '+id+' in Elasticsearch','warning',5000);
} else {
$scope.alert('Dashboard Not Deleted','An error occurred deleting the dashboard','error',5000);
alertSrv.set('Dashboard Not Deleted','An error occurred deleting the dashboard','error',5000);
......@@ -137,10 +137,10 @@ angular.module('kibana.dashcontrol', [])
function(link) {
if(!_.isUndefined(link)) {
$scope.gist.last = link;
$scope.alert('Gist saved','You will be able to access your exported dashboard file at '+
alertSrv.set('Gist saved','You will be able to access your exported dashboard file at '+
'<a href="'+link+'">'+link+'</a> in a moment','success');
} else {
$scope.alert('Save failed','Gist could not be saved','error',5000);
alertSrv.set('Save failed','Gist could not be saved','error',5000);
......@@ -151,12 +151,12 @@ angular.module('kibana.dashcontrol', [])
if(files && files.length > 0) {
$scope.gist.files = files;
} else {
$scope.alert('Gist Failed','Could not retrieve dashboard list from gist','error',5000);
alertSrv.set('Gist Failed','Could not retrieve dashboard list from gist','error',5000);
.directive('dashUpload', function(timer, dashboard){
.directive('dashUpload', function(timer, dashboard, alertSrv){
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
......@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ angular.module('kibana.dashcontrol', [])
// Something
document.getElementById('dashupload').addEventListener('change', file_selected, false);
} else {
alert('Sorry, the HTML5 File APIs are not fully supported in this browser.');
alertSrv.set('Oops','Sorry, the HTML5 File APIs are not fully supported in this browser.','error');
......@@ -40,14 +40,18 @@
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span3">
<div class="span2">
<h6>Timestamping</h6><select class="input-small" ng-model="dashboard.current.index.interval" ng-options='f for f in ["none","hour","day","week","month","year"]'></select>
<div class="span5" ng-show="dashboard.current.index.interval != 'none'">
<div class="span4" ng-show="dashboard.current.index.interval != 'none'">
<h6>Index pattern <small>Absolutes in []</small></h6>
<input type="text" class="input-medium" ng-model="dashboard.current.index.pattern">
<div class="span4">
<div class="span2" ng-show="dashboard.current.index.interval != 'none'">
<h6>Failover <i class="icon-question-sign" bs-tooltip="'If no indices match the pattern, failover to default index *NOT RECOMMENDED*'"></i></h6>
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="dashboard.current.failover" ng-checked="dashboard.current.failover" />
<div class="span4" ng-show="dashboard.current.failover || dashboard.current.index.interval == 'none'">
<h6>Default Index <small ng-show="dashboard.current.index.interval != 'none'">If index not found</small></h6>
<input type="text" class="input-medium" ng-model="dashboard.current.index.default">
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