Commit 81c140b4 by corpglory-dev

Initial rendering

parent b48f8bcf
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import * as d3 from 'd3';
import { GrafanaThemeType } from '../../types';
import { Themeable } from '../../index';
export enum PiechartType {
PIE = 'pie',
DONUT = 'donut'
export interface PiechartDataPoint {
value: number;
name: string;
......@@ -15,7 +22,7 @@ export interface Props extends Themeable {
datapoints: PiechartDataPoint[];
unit: string;
pieType: string;
pieType: PiechartType;
strokeWidth: number;
......@@ -39,7 +46,42 @@ export class Piechart extends PureComponent<Props> {
draw() {
// const { width, height, theme, value } = this.props;
const { datapoints, pieType, strokeWidth } = this.props;
const data = => datapoint.value);
const colors = => datapoint.color);
const width = this.canvasElement.width;
const height = this.canvasElement.height;
const radius = Math.min(width, height) / 2;
const innerRadius = pieType === PiechartType.PIE? 0: radius;
const context = this.canvasElement.getContext('2d');
context.translate(width / 2, height / 2);
context.globalAlpha = 0.5;
const pie = d3.pie();
const arcs = pie(data);
const arc = d3.arc()
.outerRadius(radius - 10)
arcs.forEach((d, idx) => {
arc(d as any);
context.fillStyle = colors[idx];
context.globalAlpha = 1;
arcs.forEach(arc as any);
context.lineWidth = strokeWidth;
render() {
......@@ -54,8 +96,9 @@ export class Piechart extends PureComponent<Props> {
top: '10px',
margin: 'auto',
ref={element => (this.canvasElement = element)}
<canvas ref={element => (this.canvasElement = element)} />
......@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
@import 'components/panel_alertlist';
@import 'components/panel_dashlist';
@import 'components/panel_gettingstarted';
@import 'components/panel_piechart';
@import 'components/panel_pluginlist';
@import 'components/panel_singlestat';
@import 'components/panel_table';
.piechart-panel {
position: relative;
display: table;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
canvas {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
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