Commit 82ec812c by Torkel Ödegaard Committed by GitHub

Docs: Update changelog with v6.3.5 issues (#18827)

parent 5bb15cf3
......@@ -5,6 +5,20 @@
* **Annotations**: There are some breaking changes in the annotations HTTP API for region annotations. Region
annotations are now represented using a single event instead of two seperate events. Check HTTP docs for more details.
# 6.3.5 (2019-09-02)
### Upgrades
* **Build**: Upgrade to go 1.12.9. [#18638](, [@marcusolsson](
### Bug Fixes
* **Dashboard**: Fixes dashboards init failed loading error for dashboards with panel links that had missing properties. [#18786](, [@torkelo](
* **Editor**: Fixes issue where only entire lines were being copied. [#18806](, [@kaydelaney](
* **Explore**: Fixes query field layout in splitted view for Safari browsers. [#18654](, [@hugohaggmark](
* **LDAP**: multildap + ldap integration. [#18588](, [@markelog](
* **Profile/UserAdmin**: Fix for user agent parser crashes grafana-server on 32-bit builds. [#18788](, [@marcusolsson](
* **Prometheus**: Prevents panel editor crash when switching to Prometheus datasource. [#18616](, [@hugohaggmark](
* **Prometheus**: Changes brace-insertion behavior to be less annoying. [#18698](, [@kaydelaney](
# 6.3.4 (2019-08-29)
* **Security**: Urgent security patch release. Please read more in our [blog](
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