Commit 85bfed67 by Rashid Khan

Reduce mapping storage overhead

parent 8a5a9748
......@@ -13,23 +13,22 @@ function (angular, _, config) {
var self = this;
this.list = ['_type'];
this.mapping = {};
this.fullMapping = {};
this.indices = [];
// Stop tracking the full mapping, too expensive, instead we only remember the index names
// we've already seen.
$rootScope.$watch(function(){return dashboard.indices;},function(n) {
if(!_.isUndefined(n) && n.length && dashboard.current.index.warm_fields) {
// Only get the mapping for indices we don't know it for
var indices = _.difference(n,_.keys(self.fullMapping));
var indices = _.difference(n,_.keys(self.indices));
// Only get the mapping if there are new indices
if(indices.length > 0) { {
self.fullMapping = _.extend(self.fullMapping,result);
self.list = mapFields(self.fullMapping);
self.indices = _.union(self.indices,_.keys(result));
self.list = mapFields(result);
// Otherwise just use the cached mapping
} else {
// This is inefficient, should not need to reprocess?
self.list = mapFields(_.pick(self.fullMapping,n));
......@@ -37,8 +36,8 @@ function (angular, _, config) {
var mapFields = function (m) {
var fields = [];
_.each(m, function(types) {
_.each(types, function(v) {
fields = _.without(_.union(fields,_.keys(v)),'_all','_source');
_.each(types, function(type) {
fields = _.without(_.union(fields,_.keys(type)),'_all','_source');
return fields;
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