Commit 88d9a3b4 by Dominik Prokop Committed by GitHub

Build: detect changes to packages based on the git diff (#18118)

parent de705229
......@@ -19,8 +19,10 @@ GIT_SHA=$(parse_git_hash)
echo "Commit: ${GIT_SHA}"
echo "Current lerna.json version: ${PACKAGE_VERSION}"
# count packages that changed
count=`npx lerna changed --loglevel silent | awk '{c++} END {print c}'`
# check if there were any changes to packages between current and previous commit
count=`git diff HEAD~1..HEAD --name-only -- packages | awk '{c++} END {print c}'`
if [ -z $count ]; then
echo "No changes in packages, skipping packages publishing"
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