***Graphite**: Added new graphite 1.0 functions, available if you set version to 1.0.x in data source settings. New Functions: mapSeries, reduceSeries, isNonNull, groupByNodes, offsetToZero, grep, weightedAverage, removeEmptySeries, aggregateLine, averageOutsidePercentile, delay, exponentialMovingAverage, fallbackSeries, integralByInterval, interpolate, invert, linearRegression, movingMin, movingMax, movingSum, multiplySeriesWithWildcards, pow, powSeries, removeBetweenPercentile, squareRoot, timeSlice, closes [#8261](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/8261)
-**Elasticsearch**: Ad-hoc filters now use query phrase match filters instead of term filters, works on non keyword/raw fields [#9095](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/9095).
### Breaking change
***InfluxDB/Elasticsearch**: The panel & data source option named "Group by time interval" is now named "Min time interval" and does now always define a lower limit for the auto group by time. Without having to use `>` prefix (that prefix still works). This should in theory have close to zero actual impact on existing dashboards. It does mean that if you used this setting to define a hard group by time interval of, say "1d", if you zoomed to a time range wide enough the time range could increase above the "1d" range as the setting is now always considered a lower limit.
## Changes
***InfluxDB**: Change time range filter for absolute time ranges to be inclusive instead of exclusive [#8319](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/8319), thx [@Oxydros](https://github.com/Oxydros)