Commit 89a4f30e by Oleg Gaidarenko Committed by Leonard Gram

Build: allow bash to expand the wildcard (#18354)

If wildcards are in the quotes they not going to be expanded
parent 142c7eb0
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ mkdir -p /deb-repo/db \
gsutil -m rsync -r -d "gs://$GCP_DB_BUCKET/$RELEASE_TYPE" /deb-repo/db
# Add the new release to the repo
cp "$DIST_PATH/*.deb" /deb-repo/tmp
cp "$DIST_PATH"/*.deb /deb-repo/tmp
rm /deb-repo/tmp/grafana_latest*.deb || true
aptly repo add "$REPO" /deb-repo/tmp #adds too many packages in enterprise
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ mkdir -p /rpm-repo
gsutil -m rsync -r "$BUCKET" /rpm-repo
# Add the new release to the repo
cp "$DIST_PATH/*.rpm" /rpm-repo # adds to many files for enterprise
cp "$DIST_PATH"/*.rpm /rpm-repo # adds to many files for enterprise
rm /rpm-repo/grafana-latest-1*.rpm || true
createrepo /rpm-repo
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