Commit 8af2c9f1 by Torkel Ödegaard

test: added integration test for #10941

parent 5323971c
......@@ -80,6 +80,14 @@ func TestAlertingDataAccess(t *testing.T) {
So(alert.State, ShouldEqual, "pending")
Convey("Viewer cannot read alerts", func() {
alertQuery := m.GetAlertsQuery{DashboardId: testDash.Id, PanelId: 1, OrgId: 1, User: &m.SignedInUser{OrgRole: m.ROLE_VIEWER}}
err2 := HandleAlertsQuery(&alertQuery)
So(err2, ShouldBeNil)
So(alertQuery.Result, ShouldHaveLength, 0)
Convey("Alerts with same dashboard id and panel id should update", func() {
modifiedItems := items
modifiedItems[0].Name = "Name"
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