Commit 8c2107cd by Torkel Ödegaard Committed by GitHub

Docs: New doc pages for panels Stat, Gauge & Bar Gauge (#22335)

* Initial take

* inital gauge docs

* Updated and added bar gauge docs

* Updated based on feedback
parent d6ca781c
draft = "false"
date = "2020-02-19"
title = "Bar gauge panel"
description = "Bar gauge panel docs"
keywords = ["grafana", "enter", "keywords", "here"]
type = "docs"
# Bar gauge panel
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/v66/bar_gauge_cover.png" max-width="1025px" caption="Stat panel" >}}
This panel can show one or more bar gauges depending on how many series, rows or columns your query returns. The
thresholds control the bar & value color.
## Display options
* Show
* `Calculation` - Show a calculated value like min or max based on all rows.
* `All values` - Show a separate stat for every row.
* Calc
* Specify calculation / reducer function. Since this panel is designed to only show a single value Grafana needs to
know how to reduce a fields many values to a single value.
* Orientation
* `Horizontal` - The bar will stretch horizontally from left to right.
* `Vertical` - The bar will stretch vertically from top to bottom.
* Mode
* `Gradient` - The threshold levels define a gradient.
* `Retro LCD` - The gauge is split up in small cells that are lit or unlit.
* `Basic` - Single color based on the matching threshold.
Retro LCD example:
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/v66/bar_gauge_lcd.png" max-width="1025px" caption="Stat panel" >}}
### Field
* `Title` - When multiple stats are shown this field controls the title in each stat. By default this is the series name
and field name. You can use expressions like `${}` or `${}` to use only series name or field
name in title or `${__cell_2}` to refer to other fields (2 being field/column with index 2).
* `Min` - The minimum value, leave blank for auto calculation based on all series & fields. Used by Graph to set y-axis min.
* `Max` - The maximum value, leave blank for auto calculation based on all series & fields. Used by Graph to set y-axis max.
* `Decimals` - Number of decimals to render value with. Leave empty for Grafana to automatically figure out the best
number of decimals to use.
### Thresholds
Define thresholds that will set the color of either the value or the background depending on your `Color` display option. The
thresholds are automatically sorted from lowest value to highest. The `Base` value represents minus infinity.
### Value mappings
Map a number or a range of numbers to a text value.
### Data links
Data links allow you add dynamic URL links to your visualizations, [read more on data links]({{< relref "../../reference/" >}}).
draft = "false"
date = "2020-02-19"
title = "Gauge panel"
description = "Gauge panel docs"
keywords = ["grafana", "enter", "keywords", "here"]
type = "docs"
# Gauge panel
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/v66/gauge_panel_cover.png" max-width="1025px" caption="Stat panel" >}}
The Gauge is a single value panel that can repeat a gauge for every series, column or row.
## Display options
* Show
* `Calculation` - Show a calculated value like min or max based on all rows.
* `All values` - Show a separate stat for every row.
* Calc
* Specify calculation / reducer function. Since this panel is designed to only show a single value Grafana needs to
know how to reduce a fields many values to a single value.
** Labels - Controls if thresholds values are shown.
** Markers - Controls if a thresholds band is shown outside the inner gauge value band.
## Field
* `Title` - When multiple stats are shown this field controls the title in each stat. By default this is the series name
and field name. You can use expressions like `${}` or `${}` to use only series name or field
name in title or `${__cell_2}` to refer to other fields (2 being field/column with index 2).
* `Min` - The minimum value, leave blank for auto calculation based on all series & fields. Used by Graph to set y-axis min.
* `Max` - The maximum value, leave blank for auto calculation based on all series & fields. Used by Graph to set y-axis max.
* `Decimals` - Number of decimals to render value with. Leave empty for Grafana to automatically figure out the best
number of decimals to use.
### Thresholds
Define thresholds that will set the color of either the value or the background depending on your `Color` display option. The
thresholds are automatically sorted from lowerst value to highest. The `Base` value represents minus infinity.
### Value mappings
Map a number or a range of numbers to a text value.
### Data links
Data links allow you add dynamic URL links to your visualizations, [read more on data links]({{< relref "../../reference/" >}}).
......@@ -189,62 +189,9 @@ The time range tab allows you to override the dashboard time range and specify a
Either through a relative from now time option or through a timeshift.
Panel time overrides and timeshift are described in more detail [here]({{< relref "../../reference/" >}}).
### Data link
### Data links
> Only available in Grafana v6.3+.
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/v66/datalinks_graph.png" max-width="1025px" caption="Data links" >}}
Data link allows adding dynamic links to the visualization. Those links can link to either other dashboard or to an external URL.
Data links allow you add dynamic URL links to your visualizations, [read more on data links]({{< relref "../../reference/" >}}).
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/data_link.png" max-width= "800px" >}}
Data link is defined by title, URL and a setting whether or not it should be opened in a new window.
**Title** is a human readable label for the link that will be displayed in the UI. The link itself is accessible in the graph's context menu when user **clicks on a single data point**:
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/data_link_tooltip.png" max-width= "800px" >}}
**URL** field allows the URL configuration for a given link. Apart from regular query params it also supports built-in variables and dashboard variables that you can choose from
available suggestions:
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/data_link_typeahead.png" max-width= "800px" >}}
#### Built-in variables
> These variables changed in 6.4 so if you have an older version of Grafana please use the version picker to select
docs for an older version of Grafana.
``__url_time_range`` - current dashboard's time range (i.e. ``?from=now-6h&to=now``)
``__from`` - current dashboard's time range from value
``__to`` - current dashboard's time range to value
#### Series variables
Series specific variables are available under ``__series`` namespace:
```` - series name to the URL
``__series.labels.<LABEL>`` - label's value to the URL. If your label contains dots use ``__series.labels["<LABEL>"]`` syntax
#### Field variables
Field specific variables are available under ``__field`` namespace:
```` - field name to the URL
#### Value variables
Value specific variables are available under ``__value`` namespace:
``__value.time`` - value's timestamp (Unix ms epoch) to the URL (i.e. ``?time=1560268814105``)
``__value.raw`` - raw value
``__value.numeric`` - numeric representation of a value
``__value.text`` - text representation of a value
``__value.calc`` - calculation name if the value is result of calculation
#### Template variables
When linking to another dashboard that uses template variables, you can use ``var-myvar=${myvar}`` syntax (where ``myvar`` is a name of template variable)
to use current dashboard's variable value. If you want to add all of the current dashboard's variables to the URL use ``__all_variables`` variable.
draft = "false"
date = "2020-02-19"
title = "Stat panel"
description = "Stat panel documentation"
keywords = ["grafana", "docs", "stat panel"]
type = "docs"
# Stat panel
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/v66/stat_panel_dark3.png" max-width="1025px" caption="Stat panel" >}}
The stat panel is designed to show a big single stat values with an optional graph sparkline. You can control
background or value color using thresholds.
## Display options
* Show
* `Calculation` - Show a calculated value like min or max based on all rows.
* `All values` - Show a separate stat for every row.
* Calc
* Specify calculation / reducer function. Since this panel is designed to only show a single value Grafana needs to
know how to reduce a fields many values to a single value.
* Orientation
* If your query returns multiple series or you have set **Show** to `All values` then the visualization
will repeat for every series or row. This orientation option will control in what direction it will repeat.
** Color
* `Value` - Color the value and graph area only.
* `Background` - Color the background.
** Graph
* `None` - Disable the graph / sparkline
* `Area graph` - Show area graph below value. This requires that your query returns a time column.
** Justify
* `Auto` - If only a single value is shown (no repeat) the value is centered. If multiple series or rows the value is
* left aligned.
* `Center` - Force center alignment.
### Auto layout
The panel will try to auto adjust layout depending on width & height. The graph will also hide if the panel becomes
to small.
Example of stacked layout where graph is automatically hidden due to each stat being too small:
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/v66/stat_panel_stacked.png" max-width="405px" caption="Stat panel" >}}
### Color mode
Example of value color mode:
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/v66/stat_panel_dark4.png" max-width="900px" caption="Stat panel" >}}
### Field
* `Title` - When multiple stats are shown this field controls the title in each stat. By default this is the series name
and field name. You can use expressions like `${}` or `${}` to use only series name or field
name in title or `${__cell_2}` to refer to other fields (2 being field/column with index 2).
* `Min` - The minimum value, leave blank for auto calculation based on all series & fields. Used by graph/sparkline
* (when enabled) to set y-axis min.
* `Max` - The maximum value, leave blank for auto calculation based on all series & fields. Used by graph/sparkline
* (when enabled) to set y-axis max.
* `Decimals` - Number of decimals to render value with. Leave empty for Grafana to automatically figure out the best
number of decimals to use.
### Thresholds
Define thresholds that will set the color of either the value or the background depending on your `Color` display option. The
thresholds are automatically sorted from lowerst value to highest. The `Base` value represents minus infinity.
### Value mappings
Map a number or a range of numbers to a text value.
### Data links
Data links allow you add dynamic URL links to your visualizations, [read more on data links]({{< relref "../../reference/" >}}).
......@@ -87,12 +87,18 @@
name: Overview
- link: /features/panels/graph/
name: Graph
- link: /features/panels/table_panel/
name: Table
- link: /features/panels/stat/
name: Stat
- link: /features/panels/gauge/
name: Gauge
- link: /features/panels/bar_gauge/
name: Bar gauge
- link: /features/panels/logs/
name: Logs
- link: /features/panels/singlestat/
name: Singlestat
- link: /features/panels/table_panel/
name: Table
- link: /features/panels/heatmap/
name: Heatmap
- link: /features/panels/alertlist/
......@@ -117,19 +123,21 @@
- link: /reference/search/
name: Search
- link: /reference/share_dashboard/
name: Sharing a Dashboard
name: Sharing a dashboard
- link: /reference/share_panel/
name: Sharing a Panel
name: Sharing a panel
- link: /reference/timerange/
name: Time Range
name: Time range
- link: /reference/export_import/
name: Export and Import
- link: /reference/scripting/
name: Scripted Dashboards
name: Export and import
- link: /reference/datalinks/
name: Data links
- link: /reference/dashboard_history/
name: Dashboard Version History
name: Dashboard version history
- link: /reference/dashboard/
name: JSON Model
- link: /reference/scripting/
name: Scripted dashboards
- name: Data Sources
link: /features/datasources/
title = "Data links"
keywords = ["grafana", "data links", "documentation", "playlist"]
type = "docs"
# Data links
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/v66/datalinks_graph.png" max-width="1025px" caption="Data links" >}}
Data link allows adding dynamic links to the visualization. Those links can link to either another dashboard or to an external URL.
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/v66/datalinks.png" max-width="1025px" caption="Data links" >}}
Data link is defined by title, URL and a setting whether or not it should be opened in a new window.
* **Title** is a human readable label for the link that will be displayed in the UI.
* **URL** field allows the URL configuration for a given link. Apart from regular query params it also supports built-in variables and dashboard variables that you can choose from
available suggestions:
The link itself is accessible in different ways depending on the visualization. For the graph you need to click on a data point or line, for a panel like
Stat, Gauge or Bar Gauge you can click anywhere on the visualization to open the context menu.
Example with Bar Gauge panel
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/v66/datalinks_cover.png" max-width="1025px" caption="Data links" >}}
## Variables to use in your URL
> These variables changed in 6.4 so if you have an older version of Grafana please use the version picker to select
docs for an older version of Grafana.
* ``__url_time_range`` - current dashboard's time range (i.e. ``?from=now-6h&to=now``)
* ``__from`` - current dashboard's time range from value
* ``__to`` - current dashboard's time range to value
### Series variables
Series specific variables are available under ``__series`` namespace:
* ```` - series name to the URL
* ``__series.labels.<LABEL>`` - label's value to the URL. If your label contains dots use ``__series.labels["<LABEL>"]`` syntax
### Field variables
Field specific variables are available under ``__field`` namespace:
* ```` - field name to the URL
### Value variables
Value specific variables are available under ``__value`` namespace:
* ``__value.time`` - value's timestamp (Unix ms epoch) to the URL (i.e. ``?time=1560268814105``)
* ``__value.raw`` - raw value
* ``__value.numeric`` - numeric representation of a value
* ``__value.text`` - text representation of a value
* ``__value.calc`` - calculation name if the value is result of calculation
### Template variables
When linking to another dashboard that uses template variables, you can use ``var-myvar=${myvar}`` syntax (where ``myvar`` is a name of template variable)
to use current dashboard's variable value. If you want to add all of the current dashboard's variables to the URL use ``__all_variables`` variable.
## Typeahead suggestions
Hit CMD or CTRL space on your keyboard to open the typeahead suggestions to more easily add variables to your URL.
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/data_link_typeahead.png" max-width= "800px" >}}
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