Commit 8db09d75 by Carl Bergquist Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #11290 from Thib17/retry

Alerting: Add retry mechanism
parents 78d314a9 38bdb8df
......@@ -86,17 +86,63 @@ func (e *Engine) runJobDispatcher(grafanaCtx context.Context) error {
case <-grafanaCtx.Done():
return dispatcherGroup.Wait()
case job := <-e.execQueue:
dispatcherGroup.Go(func() error { return e.processJob(alertCtx, job) })
dispatcherGroup.Go(func() error { return e.processJobWithRetry(alertCtx, job) })
var (
unfinishedWorkTimeout time.Duration = time.Second * 5
alertTimeout time.Duration = time.Second * 30
// TODO: Make alertTimeout and alertMaxAttempts configurable in the config file.
alertTimeout time.Duration = time.Second * 30
alertMaxAttempts int = 3
func (e *Engine) processJob(grafanaCtx context.Context, job *Job) error {
func (e *Engine) processJobWithRetry(grafanaCtx context.Context, job *Job) error {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
e.log.Error("Alert Panic", "error", err, "stack", log.Stack(1))
cancelChan := make(chan context.CancelFunc, alertMaxAttempts)
attemptChan := make(chan int, 1)
// Initialize with first attemptID=1
attemptChan <- 1
job.Running = true
for {
select {
case <-grafanaCtx.Done():
// In case grafana server context is cancel, let a chance to job processing
// to finish gracefully - by waiting a timeout duration - before forcing its end.
unfinishedWorkTimer := time.NewTimer(unfinishedWorkTimeout)
select {
case <-unfinishedWorkTimer.C:
return e.endJob(grafanaCtx.Err(), cancelChan, job)
case <-attemptChan:
return e.endJob(nil, cancelChan, job)
case attemptID, more := <-attemptChan:
if !more {
return e.endJob(nil, cancelChan, job)
go e.processJob(attemptID, attemptChan, cancelChan, job)
func (e *Engine) endJob(err error, cancelChan chan context.CancelFunc, job *Job) error {
job.Running = false
for cancelFn := range cancelChan {
return err
func (e *Engine) processJob(attemptID int, attemptChan chan int, cancelChan chan context.CancelFunc, job *Job) {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
e.log.Error("Alert Panic", "error", err, "stack", log.Stack(1))
......@@ -104,14 +150,13 @@ func (e *Engine) processJob(grafanaCtx context.Context, job *Job) error {
alertCtx, cancelFn := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), alertTimeout)
cancelChan <- cancelFn
span := opentracing.StartSpan("alert execution")
alertCtx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(alertCtx, span)
job.Running = true
evalContext := NewEvalContext(alertCtx, job.Rule)
evalContext.Ctx = alertCtx
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
......@@ -122,43 +167,36 @@ func (e *Engine) processJob(grafanaCtx context.Context, job *Job) error {
tlog.String("message", "failed to execute alert rule. panic was recovered."),
span.SetTag("alertId", evalContext.Rule.Id)
span.SetTag("dashboardId", evalContext.Rule.DashboardId)
span.SetTag("firing", evalContext.Firing)
span.SetTag("nodatapoints", evalContext.NoDataFound)
span.SetTag("attemptID", attemptID)
if evalContext.Error != nil {
ext.Error.Set(span, true)
tlog.String("message", "alerting execution failed"),
tlog.String("message", "alerting execution attempt failed"),
if attemptID < alertMaxAttempts {
e.log.Debug("Job Execution attempt triggered retry", "timeMs", evalContext.GetDurationMs(), "alertId", evalContext.Rule.Id, "name", evalContext.Rule.Name, "firing", evalContext.Firing, "attemptID", attemptID)
attemptChan <- (attemptID + 1)
evalContext.Rule.State = evalContext.GetNewState()
e.log.Debug("Job Execution completed", "timeMs", evalContext.GetDurationMs(), "alertId", evalContext.Rule.Id, "name", evalContext.Rule.Name, "firing", evalContext.Firing, "attemptID", attemptID)
var err error = nil
select {
case <-grafanaCtx.Done():
select {
case <-time.After(unfinishedWorkTimeout):
err = grafanaCtx.Err()
case <-done:
case <-done:
e.log.Debug("Job Execution completed", "timeMs", evalContext.GetDurationMs(), "alertId", evalContext.Rule.Id, "name", evalContext.Rule.Name, "firing", evalContext.Firing)
job.Running = false
return err
package alerting
import (
. ""
type FakeEvalHandler struct {
SuccessCallID int // 0 means never sucess
CallNb int
func NewFakeEvalHandler(successCallID int) *FakeEvalHandler {
return &FakeEvalHandler{
SuccessCallID: successCallID,
CallNb: 0,
func (handler *FakeEvalHandler) Eval(evalContext *EvalContext) {
if handler.CallNb != handler.SuccessCallID {
evalContext.Error = errors.New("Fake evaluation failure")
type FakeResultHandler struct{}
func (handler *FakeResultHandler) Handle(evalContext *EvalContext) error {
return nil
func TestEngineProcessJob(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Alerting engine job processing", t, func() {
engine := NewEngine()
engine.resultHandler = &FakeResultHandler{}
job := &Job{Running: true, Rule: &Rule{}}
Convey("Should trigger retry if needed", func() {
Convey("error + not last attempt -> retry", func() {
engine.evalHandler = NewFakeEvalHandler(0)
for i := 1; i < alertMaxAttempts; i++ {
attemptChan := make(chan int, 1)
cancelChan := make(chan context.CancelFunc, alertMaxAttempts)
engine.processJob(i, attemptChan, cancelChan, job)
nextAttemptID, more := <-attemptChan
So(nextAttemptID, ShouldEqual, i+1)
So(more, ShouldEqual, true)
So(<-cancelChan, ShouldNotBeNil)
Convey("error + last attempt -> no retry", func() {
engine.evalHandler = NewFakeEvalHandler(0)
attemptChan := make(chan int, 1)
cancelChan := make(chan context.CancelFunc, alertMaxAttempts)
engine.processJob(alertMaxAttempts, attemptChan, cancelChan, job)
nextAttemptID, more := <-attemptChan
So(nextAttemptID, ShouldEqual, 0)
So(more, ShouldEqual, false)
So(<-cancelChan, ShouldNotBeNil)
Convey("no error -> no retry", func() {
engine.evalHandler = NewFakeEvalHandler(1)
attemptChan := make(chan int, 1)
cancelChan := make(chan context.CancelFunc, alertMaxAttempts)
engine.processJob(1, attemptChan, cancelChan, job)
nextAttemptID, more := <-attemptChan
So(nextAttemptID, ShouldEqual, 0)
So(more, ShouldEqual, false)
So(<-cancelChan, ShouldNotBeNil)
Convey("Should trigger as many retries as needed", func() {
Convey("never sucess -> max retries number", func() {
expectedAttempts := alertMaxAttempts
evalHandler := NewFakeEvalHandler(0)
engine.evalHandler = evalHandler
engine.processJobWithRetry(context.TODO(), job)
So(evalHandler.CallNb, ShouldEqual, expectedAttempts)
Convey("always sucess -> never retry", func() {
expectedAttempts := 1
evalHandler := NewFakeEvalHandler(1)
engine.evalHandler = evalHandler
engine.processJobWithRetry(context.TODO(), job)
So(evalHandler.CallNb, ShouldEqual, expectedAttempts)
Convey("some errors before sucess -> some retries", func() {
expectedAttempts := int(math.Ceil(float64(alertMaxAttempts) / 2))
evalHandler := NewFakeEvalHandler(expectedAttempts)
engine.evalHandler = evalHandler
engine.processJobWithRetry(context.TODO(), job)
So(evalHandler.CallNb, ShouldEqual, expectedAttempts)
......@@ -112,3 +112,34 @@ func (c *EvalContext) GetRuleUrl() (string, error) {
return fmt.Sprintf(urlFormat, m.GetFullDashboardUrl(ref.Uid, ref.Slug), c.Rule.PanelId, c.Rule.OrgId), nil
func (c *EvalContext) GetNewState() m.AlertStateType {
if c.Error != nil {
c.log.Error("Alert Rule Result Error",
"ruleId", c.Rule.Id,
"name", c.Rule.Name,
"error", c.Error,
"changing state to", c.Rule.ExecutionErrorState.ToAlertState())
if c.Rule.ExecutionErrorState == m.ExecutionErrorKeepState {
return c.PrevAlertState
return c.Rule.ExecutionErrorState.ToAlertState()
} else if c.Firing {
return m.AlertStateAlerting
} else if c.NoDataFound {
c.log.Info("Alert Rule returned no data",
"ruleId", c.Rule.Id,
"name", c.Rule.Name,
"changing state to", c.Rule.NoDataState.ToAlertState())
if c.Rule.NoDataState == m.NoDataKeepState {
return c.PrevAlertState
return c.Rule.NoDataState.ToAlertState()
return m.AlertStateOK
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package alerting
import (
......@@ -12,7 +13,7 @@ func TestAlertingEvalContext(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Eval context", t, func() {
ctx := NewEvalContext(context.TODO(), &Rule{Conditions: []Condition{&conditionStub{firing: true}}})
Convey("Should update alert state", func() {
Convey("Should update alert state when needed", func() {
Convey("ok -> alerting", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStateOK
......@@ -28,5 +29,71 @@ func TestAlertingEvalContext(t *testing.T) {
So(ctx.ShouldUpdateAlertState(), ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("Should compute and replace properly new rule state", func() {
dummieError := fmt.Errorf("dummie error")
Convey("ok -> alerting", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStateOK
ctx.Firing = true
ctx.Rule.State = ctx.GetNewState()
So(ctx.Rule.State, ShouldEqual, models.AlertStateAlerting)
Convey("ok -> error(alerting)", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStateOK
ctx.Error = dummieError
ctx.Rule.ExecutionErrorState = models.ExecutionErrorSetAlerting
ctx.Rule.State = ctx.GetNewState()
So(ctx.Rule.State, ShouldEqual, models.AlertStateAlerting)
Convey("ok -> error(keep_last)", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStateOK
ctx.Error = dummieError
ctx.Rule.ExecutionErrorState = models.ExecutionErrorKeepState
ctx.Rule.State = ctx.GetNewState()
So(ctx.Rule.State, ShouldEqual, models.AlertStateOK)
Convey("pending -> error(keep_last)", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStatePending
ctx.Error = dummieError
ctx.Rule.ExecutionErrorState = models.ExecutionErrorKeepState
ctx.Rule.State = ctx.GetNewState()
So(ctx.Rule.State, ShouldEqual, models.AlertStatePending)
Convey("ok -> no_data(alerting)", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStateOK
ctx.Rule.NoDataState = models.NoDataSetAlerting
ctx.NoDataFound = true
ctx.Rule.State = ctx.GetNewState()
So(ctx.Rule.State, ShouldEqual, models.AlertStateAlerting)
Convey("ok -> no_data(keep_last)", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStateOK
ctx.Rule.NoDataState = models.NoDataKeepState
ctx.NoDataFound = true
ctx.Rule.State = ctx.GetNewState()
So(ctx.Rule.State, ShouldEqual, models.AlertStateOK)
Convey("pending -> no_data(keep_last)", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStatePending
ctx.Rule.NoDataState = models.NoDataKeepState
ctx.NoDataFound = true
ctx.Rule.State = ctx.GetNewState()
So(ctx.Rule.State, ShouldEqual, models.AlertStatePending)
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import (
type DefaultEvalHandler struct {
......@@ -66,40 +65,7 @@ func (e *DefaultEvalHandler) Eval(context *EvalContext) {
context.Firing = firing
context.NoDataFound = noDataFound
context.EndTime = time.Now()
context.Rule.State = e.getNewState(context)
elapsedTime := context.EndTime.Sub(context.StartTime).Nanoseconds() / int64(time.Millisecond)
// This should be move into evalContext once its been refactored. (Carl Bergquist)
func (handler *DefaultEvalHandler) getNewState(evalContext *EvalContext) models.AlertStateType {
if evalContext.Error != nil {
handler.log.Error("Alert Rule Result Error",
"ruleId", evalContext.Rule.Id,
"name", evalContext.Rule.Name,
"error", evalContext.Error,
"changing state to", evalContext.Rule.ExecutionErrorState.ToAlertState())
if evalContext.Rule.ExecutionErrorState == models.ExecutionErrorKeepState {
return evalContext.PrevAlertState
} else {
return evalContext.Rule.ExecutionErrorState.ToAlertState()
} else if evalContext.Firing {
return models.AlertStateAlerting
} else if evalContext.NoDataFound {
handler.log.Info("Alert Rule returned no data",
"ruleId", evalContext.Rule.Id,
"name", evalContext.Rule.Name,
"changing state to", evalContext.Rule.NoDataState.ToAlertState())
if evalContext.Rule.NoDataState == models.NoDataKeepState {
return evalContext.PrevAlertState
} else {
return evalContext.Rule.NoDataState.ToAlertState()
return models.AlertStateOK
......@@ -2,10 +2,8 @@ package alerting
import (
. ""
......@@ -203,73 +201,5 @@ func TestAlertingEvaluationHandler(t *testing.T) {
So(context.NoDataFound, ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("EvalHandler can replace alert state based for errors and no_data", func() {
ctx := NewEvalContext(context.TODO(), &Rule{Conditions: []Condition{&conditionStub{firing: true}}})
dummieError := fmt.Errorf("dummie error")
Convey("Should update alert state", func() {
Convey("ok -> alerting", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStateOK
ctx.Firing = true
So(handler.getNewState(ctx), ShouldEqual, models.AlertStateAlerting)
Convey("ok -> error(alerting)", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStateOK
ctx.Error = dummieError
ctx.Rule.ExecutionErrorState = models.ExecutionErrorSetAlerting
ctx.Rule.State = handler.getNewState(ctx)
So(ctx.Rule.State, ShouldEqual, models.AlertStateAlerting)
Convey("ok -> error(keep_last)", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStateOK
ctx.Error = dummieError
ctx.Rule.ExecutionErrorState = models.ExecutionErrorKeepState
ctx.Rule.State = handler.getNewState(ctx)
So(ctx.Rule.State, ShouldEqual, models.AlertStateOK)
Convey("pending -> error(keep_last)", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStatePending
ctx.Error = dummieError
ctx.Rule.ExecutionErrorState = models.ExecutionErrorKeepState
ctx.Rule.State = handler.getNewState(ctx)
So(ctx.Rule.State, ShouldEqual, models.AlertStatePending)
Convey("ok -> no_data(alerting)", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStateOK
ctx.Rule.NoDataState = models.NoDataSetAlerting
ctx.NoDataFound = true
ctx.Rule.State = handler.getNewState(ctx)
So(ctx.Rule.State, ShouldEqual, models.AlertStateAlerting)
Convey("ok -> no_data(keep_last)", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStateOK
ctx.Rule.NoDataState = models.NoDataKeepState
ctx.NoDataFound = true
ctx.Rule.State = handler.getNewState(ctx)
So(ctx.Rule.State, ShouldEqual, models.AlertStateOK)
Convey("pending -> no_data(keep_last)", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStatePending
ctx.Rule.NoDataState = models.NoDataKeepState
ctx.NoDataFound = true
ctx.Rule.State = handler.getNewState(ctx)
So(ctx.Rule.State, ShouldEqual, models.AlertStatePending)
......@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ func testAlertRule(rule *Rule) *EvalContext {
context.IsTestRun = true
context.Rule.State = context.GetNewState()
return context
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