Commit 8f98e8b8 by Torkel Ödegaard Committed by GitHub


parent 3e2da1fe
......@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ Dashboard panels and rows are positioned using a gridPos object `{x: 0, y: 0, w:
* **Singlestat**: suppress error when result contains no datapoints [#9636](, thx [@utkarshcmu](
* **Postgres/MySQL**: Control quoting in SQL-queries when using template variables [#9030](, thanks [@svenklemm](
* **Pagerduty**: Pagerduty dont auto resolve incidents by default anymore. [#10222](
* **Cloudwatch**: Fix for multi-valued templated queries. [#9903](
## Tech
* **RabbitMq**: Remove support for publishing events to RabbitMQ [#9645](
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