Grafana alerting allows you to attach rules to your dashboard panels. When you save the dashboard, Grafana extracts the alert rules into a separate alert rule storage and schedules them for evaluation.
Grafana alerting allows you to attach rules to your dashboard panels. When you save the dashboard, Grafana extracts the alert rules into a separate alert rule storage and schedules them for evaluation.
In the Alert tab of the graph panel you can configure how often the alert rule should be evaluated and the conditions that need to be met for the alert to change state and trigger its [notifications]({{<relref"">}}).
In the Alert tab of the graph panel you can configure how often the alert rule should be evaluated and the conditions that need to be met for the alert to change state and trigger its [notifications]({{<relref"">}}).
The first level of troubleshooting you can do is click **Test Rule**. You will get result back that you can expand to the point where you can see the raw data that was returned from your query.
The first level of troubleshooting you can do is click **Test Rule**. You will get result back that you can expand to the point where you can see the raw data that was returned from your query.