Commit 91e8468f by victorclaessen Committed by GitHub

Added radiation units

Add common units in radiation and health physics monitoring, Bq, Ci, Gy, rad, Sv, rem. C/kg, R, Sv/h.
parent a34acdda
......@@ -571,6 +571,17 @@ = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('°');
kbn.valueFormats.radian = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('rad');
kbn.valueFormats.grad = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('grad');
// Radiation
kbn.valueFormats.radbq = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Bq');
kbn.valueFormats.radci = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Ci');
kbn.valueFormats.radgy = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Gy');
kbn.valueFormats.radrad = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('rad');
kbn.valueFormats.radsv = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Sv');
kbn.valueFormats.radrem = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('rem');
kbn.valueFormats.radexpckg = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('C/kg');
kbn.valueFormats.radr = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('R');
kbn.valueFormats.radsvh = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Sv/h');
// Time
kbn.valueFormats.hertz = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Hz');
......@@ -1036,6 +1047,20 @@ kbn.getUnitFormats = function() {
{ text: 'G unit', value: 'accG' },
text: 'radiation',
submenu: [
{ text: 'Becquerel (Bq)', value: 'radbq' },
{ text: 'curie (Ci)', value: 'radci' },
{ text: 'Gray (Gy)', value: 'radgy' },
{ text: 'rad', value: 'radrad' },
{ text: 'Sievert (Sv)', value: 'radsv' },
{ text: 'rem', value: 'radrem' },
{ text: 'Exposure (C/kg)', value: 'radexpckg' },
{ text: 'roentgen (R)', value: 'radr' },
{ text: 'Sievert/hour (Sv/h)', value: 'radsvh' },
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