Commit 944c1da2 by Patrick O'Carroll Committed by Torkel Ödegaard

set member-access and no-var-keyword to true, removed public in two files (#13104)

parent eef41cbc
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class Query {
export class ManageDashboardsCtrl {
public sections: any[];
sections: any[];
query: Query;
navModel: any;
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class PlaylistSrv {
private index: number;
private interval: any;
private startUrl: string;
public isPlaying: boolean;
isPlaying: boolean;
/** @ngInject */
constructor(private $location: any, private $timeout: any, private backendSrv: any) {}
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"indent": [true, "spaces", 2],
"label-position": true,
"max-line-length": [true, 150],
"member-access": false,
"member-access": [true, "no-public"],
"no-arg": true,
"no-bitwise": false,
"no-console": [true, "debug", "info", "time", "timeEnd", "trace"],
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
"no-string-literal": false,
"no-switch-case-fall-through": false,
"no-trailing-whitespace": true,
"no-var-keyword": false,
"no-var-keyword": true,
"object-literal-sort-keys": false,
"one-line": [true, "check-open-brace", "check-catch", "check-else"],
"prefer-const": true,
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