Commit 98071ccd by Daniel Lee Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #13496 from grafana/stackdriver-filter-wildcards

Stackdriver filter wildcards
parents 562f62a7 11b9f969
......@@ -74,7 +74,17 @@ Click on the links above and click the `Enable` button:
Choose a metric from the `Metric` dropdown.
To add a filter, click the plus icon and choose a field to filter by and enter a filter value e.g. `instance_name = grafana-1`
### Filter
To add a filter, click the plus icon and choose a field to filter by and enter a filter value e.g. `instance_name = grafana-1`. You can remove the filter by clicking on the filter name and select `--remove filter--`.
#### Simple wildcards
When the operator is set to `=` or `!=` it is possible to add wildcards to the filter value field. E.g `us-*` will capture all values that starts with "us-" and `*central-a` will capture all values that ends with "central-a". `*-central-*` captures all values that has the substring of -central-. Simple wildcards are less expensive than regular expressions.
#### Regular expressions
When the operator is set to `=~` or `!=~` it is possible to add regular expressions to the filter value field. E.g `us-central[1-3]-[af]` would match all values that starts with "us-central", is followed by a number in the range of 1 to 3, a dash and then either an "a" or an "f". Leading and trailing slashes are not needed when creating regular expressions.
### Aggregation
......@@ -105,20 +115,20 @@ The Alias By field allows you to control the format of the legend keys. The defa
#### Metric Type Patterns
Alias Pattern | Description | Example Result
----------------- | ---------------------------- | -------------
`{{metric.type}}` | returns the full Metric Type | ``
`{{}}` | returns the metric name part | `instance/cpu/utilization`
`{{metric.service}}` | returns the service part | `compute`
| Alias Pattern | Description | Example Result |
| -------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
| `{{metric.type}}` | returns the full Metric Type | `` |
| `{{}}` | returns the metric name part | `instance/cpu/utilization` |
| `{{metric.service}}` | returns the service part | `compute` |
#### Label Patterns
In the Group By dropdown, you can see a list of metric and resource labels for a metric. These can be included in the legend key using alias patterns.
Alias Pattern Format | Description | Alias Pattern Example | Example Result
---------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | -------------
`{{}}` | returns the metric label value | `{{metric.label.instance_name}}` | `grafana-1-prod`
`{{}}` | returns the resource label value | `{{}}` | `us-east1-b`
| Alias Pattern Format | Description | Alias Pattern Example | Example Result |
| ------------------------ | -------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | ---------------- |
| `{{}}` | returns the metric label value | `{{metric.label.instance_name}}` | `grafana-1-prod` |
| `{{}}` | returns the resource label value | `{{}}` | `us-east1-b` |
Example Alias By: `{{metric.type}} - {{metric.labels.instance_name}}`
......@@ -159,6 +159,39 @@ func (e *StackdriverExecutor) buildQueries(tsdbQuery *tsdb.TsdbQuery) ([]*Stackd
return stackdriverQueries, nil
func reverse(s string) string {
chars := []rune(s)
for i, j := 0, len(chars)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
chars[i], chars[j] = chars[j], chars[i]
return string(chars)
func interpolateFilterWildcards(value string) string {
re := regexp.MustCompile("[*]")
matches := len(re.FindAllStringIndex(value, -1))
if matches == 2 && strings.HasSuffix(value, "*") && strings.HasPrefix(value, "*") {
value = strings.Replace(value, "*", "", -1)
value = fmt.Sprintf(`has_substring("%s")`, value)
} else if matches == 1 && strings.HasPrefix(value, "*") {
value = strings.Replace(value, "*", "", 1)
value = fmt.Sprintf(`ends_with("%s")`, value)
} else if matches == 1 && strings.HasSuffix(value, "*") {
value = reverse(strings.Replace(reverse(value), "*", "", 1))
value = fmt.Sprintf(`starts_with("%s")`, value)
} else if matches != 0 {
re := regexp.MustCompile(`[-\/^$+?.()|[\]{}]`)
value = string(re.ReplaceAllFunc([]byte(value), func(in []byte) []byte {
return []byte(strings.Replace(string(in), string(in), `\\`+string(in), 1))
value = strings.Replace(value, "*", ".*", -1)
value = strings.Replace(value, `"`, `\\"`, -1)
value = fmt.Sprintf(`monitoring.regex.full_match("^%s$")`, value)
return value
func buildFilterString(metricType string, filterParts []interface{}) string {
filterString := ""
for i, part := range filterParts {
......@@ -166,7 +199,15 @@ func buildFilterString(metricType string, filterParts []interface{}) string {
if part == "AND" {
filterString += " "
} else if mod == 2 {
filterString += fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, part)
operator := filterParts[i-1]
if operator == "=~" || operator == "!=~" {
filterString = reverse(strings.Replace(reverse(filterString), "~", "", 1))
filterString += fmt.Sprintf(`monitoring.regex.full_match("%s")`, part)
} else if strings.Contains(part.(string), "*") {
filterString += interpolateFilterWildcards(part.(string))
} else {
filterString += fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, part)
} else {
filterString += part.(string)
......@@ -342,6 +342,97 @@ func TestStackdriver(t *testing.T) {
Convey("when interpolating filter wildcards", func() {
Convey("and wildcard is used in the beginning and the end of the word", func() {
Convey("and theres no wildcard in the middle of the word", func() {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards("*-central1*")
So(value, ShouldEqual, `has_substring("-central1")`)
Convey("and there is a wildcard in the middle of the word", func() {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards("*-cent*ral1*")
So(value, ShouldNotStartWith, `has_substring`)
Convey("and wildcard is used in the beginning of the word", func() {
Convey("and there is not a wildcard elsewhere in the word", func() {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards("*-central1")
So(value, ShouldEqual, `ends_with("-central1")`)
Convey("and there is a wildcard elsewhere in the word", func() {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards("*-cent*al1")
So(value, ShouldNotStartWith, `ends_with`)
Convey("and wildcard is used at the end of the word", func() {
Convey("and there is not a wildcard elsewhere in the word", func() {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards("us-central*")
So(value, ShouldEqual, `starts_with("us-central")`)
Convey("and there is a wildcard elsewhere in the word", func() {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards("*us-central*")
So(value, ShouldNotStartWith, `starts_with`)
Convey("and wildcard is used in the middle of the word", func() {
Convey("and there is only one wildcard", func() {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards("us-ce*tral1-b")
So(value, ShouldEqual, `monitoring.regex.full_match("^us\\-ce.*tral1\\-b$")`)
Convey("and there is more than one wildcard", func() {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards("us-ce*tra*1-b")
So(value, ShouldEqual, `monitoring.regex.full_match("^us\\-ce.*tra.*1\\-b$")`)
Convey("and wildcard is used in the middle of the word and in the beginning of the word", func() {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards("*s-ce*tral1-b")
So(value, ShouldEqual, `monitoring.regex.full_match("^.*s\\-ce.*tral1\\-b$")`)
Convey("and wildcard is used in the middle of the word and in the ending of the word", func() {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards("us-ce*tral1-*")
So(value, ShouldEqual, `monitoring.regex.full_match("^us\\-ce.*tral1\\-.*$")`)
Convey("and no wildcard is used", func() {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards("us-central1-a}")
So(value, ShouldEqual, `us-central1-a}`)
Convey("when building filter string", func() {
Convey("and theres no regex operator", func() {
Convey("and there are wildcards in a filter value", func() {
filterParts := []interface{}{"zone", "=", "*-central1*"}
value := buildFilterString("somemetrictype", filterParts)
So(value, ShouldEqual, `metric.type="somemetrictype" zone=has_substring("-central1")`)
Convey("and there are no wildcards in any filter value", func() {
filterParts := []interface{}{"zone", "!=", "us-central1-a"}
value := buildFilterString("somemetrictype", filterParts)
So(value, ShouldEqual, `metric.type="somemetrictype" zone!="us-central1-a"`)
Convey("and there is a regex operator", func() {
filterParts := []interface{}{"zone", "=~", "us-central1-a~"}
value := buildFilterString("somemetrictype", filterParts)
Convey("it should remove the ~ character from the operator that belongs to the value", func() {
So(value, ShouldNotContainSubstring, `=~`)
So(value, ShouldContainSubstring, `zone=`)
Convey("it should insert monitoring.regex.full_match before filter value", func() {
So(value, ShouldContainSubstring, `zone=monitoring.regex.full_match("us-central1-a~")`)
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