Commit 991f77ce by Ryan McKinley Committed by Andrej Ocenas

Loki: support loki with streaming in dashboards (#18709)

Move some of the buffering with live streaming inside of the datasource, sending full frames instead of deltas and allow Loki in dashboards.
parent e80e3608
......@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ export enum SortOrder {
export const refreshIntervalToSortOrder = (refreshInterval: string) =>
isLive(refreshInterval) ? SortOrder.Ascending : SortOrder.Descending;
export const sortLogsResult = (logsResult: LogsModel, sortOrder: SortOrder) => {
export const sortLogsResult = (logsResult: LogsModel, sortOrder: SortOrder): LogsModel => {
const rows = logsResult ? logsResult.rows : [];
sortOrder === SortOrder.Ascending ? rows.sort(sortInAscendingOrder) : rows.sort(sortInDescendingOrder);
const result: LogsModel = logsResult ? { ...logsResult, rows } : { hasUniqueLabels: false, rows };
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export class QueryOptions extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
tooltipInfo: (
The maximum data points the query should return. For graphs this is automatically set to one data point per
pixel. For some data sources this can also be capped in the datasource settings page.
......@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ export class PanelQueryRunner {
* Called after every streaming event. This should be throttled so we
* Called after every streaming event. This should be throttled so we
* avoid accidentally overwhelming the browser
onStreamingDataUpdated = throttle(
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ export class PanelQueryState {
this.streams = [];
// Move the series from streams to the resposne
// Move the series from streams to the response
if (keepSeries) {
const { response } = this;
this.response = {
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import { css, cx } from 'emotion';
import { Themeable, withTheme, GrafanaTheme, selectThemeVariant, getLogRowStyles } from '@grafana/ui';
import { last } from 'lodash';
import { Themeable, withTheme, GrafanaTheme, selectThemeVariant, getLogRowStyles } from '@grafana/ui';
import { LogsModel, LogRowModel, TimeZone } from '@grafana/data';
import ElapsedTime from './ElapsedTime';
......@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ export interface Props extends Themeable {
interface State {
logsResultToRender?: LogsModel;
lastTimestamp: number;
class LiveLogs extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
......@@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ class LiveLogs extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
this.state = {
logsResultToRender: props.logsResult,
lastTimestamp: 0,
......@@ -81,13 +84,17 @@ class LiveLogs extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps: Props) {
static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps: Props, state: State) {
if (!nextProps.isPaused) {
return {
// We update what we show only if not paused. We keep any background subscriptions running and keep updating
// our state, but we do not show the updates, this allows us start again showing correct result after resuming
// without creating a gap in the log results.
logsResultToRender: nextProps.logsResult,
state.logsResultToRender && last(state.logsResultToRender.rows)
? last(state.logsResultToRender.rows).timeEpochMs
: 0,
} else {
return null;
......@@ -119,6 +126,15 @@ class LiveLogs extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
return rowsToRender;
* Check if row is fresh so we can apply special styling. This is bit naive and does not take into account rows
* which arrive out of order. Because loki datasource sends full data instead of deltas we need to compare the
* data and this is easier than doing some intersection of some uuid of each row (which we do not have now anyway)
isFresh = (row: LogRowModel): boolean => {
return row.timeEpochMs > this.state.lastTimestamp;
render() {
const { theme, timeZone, onPause, onResume, isPaused } = this.props;
const styles = getStyles(theme);
......@@ -132,10 +148,10 @@ class LiveLogs extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
className={cx(['logs-rows', styles.logsRowsLive])}
{this.rowsToRender().map((row: any, index) => {
{this.rowsToRender().map((row: LogRowModel, index) => {
return (
className={row.fresh ? cx([logsRow, styles.logsRowFresh]) : cx([logsRow, styles.logsRowOld])}
className={cx(logsRow, this.isFresh(row) ? styles.logsRowFresh : styles.logsRowOld)}
{showUtc && (
......@@ -432,6 +432,7 @@ export function runQueries(exploreId: ExploreId): ThunkResult<void> {
} = exploreItemState;
if (datasourceError) {
......@@ -454,7 +455,13 @@ export function runQueries(exploreId: ExploreId): ThunkResult<void> {
queryState.sendFrames = true;
queryState.sendLegacy = true;
const queryOptions = { interval, maxDataPoints: containerWidth, live };
const queryOptions = {
// This is used for logs streaming for buffer size.
// TODO: not sure if this makes sense for normal query when using both graph and table
maxDataPoints: mode === ExploreMode.Logs ? 1000 : containerWidth,
const datasourceId =;
const transaction = buildQueryTransaction(queries, queryOptions, range, queryIntervals, scanning);
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import {
} from 'app/core/utils/explore';
import { ExploreItemState, ExploreState, ExploreId, ExploreUpdateState, ExploreMode } from 'app/types/explore';
import { LoadingState } from '@grafana/data';
import { DataQuery, PanelData } from '@grafana/ui';
import { DataQuery, DataSourceApi, PanelData } from '@grafana/ui';
import {
......@@ -264,25 +264,7 @@ export const itemReducer = reducerFactory<ExploreItemState>({} as ExploreItemSta
filter: updateDatasourceInstanceAction,
mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => {
const { datasourceInstance } = action.payload;
// Capabilities
const supportsGraph = datasourceInstance.meta.metrics;
const supportsLogs = datasourceInstance.meta.logs;
let mode = state.mode || ExploreMode.Metrics;
const supportedModes: ExploreMode[] = [];
if (supportsGraph) {
if (supportsLogs) {
if (supportedModes.length === 1) {
mode = supportedModes[0];
const [supportedModes, mode] = getModesForDatasource(datasourceInstance, state.mode);
// Custom components
const StartPage = datasourceInstance.components.ExploreStartPage;
stopQueryState(state.queryState, 'Datasource changed');
......@@ -586,7 +568,6 @@ export const processQueryResponse = (
): ExploreItemState => {
const { response } = action.payload;
const { request, state: loadingState, series, legacy, error } = response;
const replacePreviousResults = action.type === queryEndedAction.type;
if (error) {
if (error.cancelled) {
......@@ -615,7 +596,7 @@ export const processQueryResponse = (
const latency = request.endTime - request.startTime;
const processor = new ResultProcessor(state, replacePreviousResults, series);
const processor = new ResultProcessor(state, series);
// For Angular editors
state.eventBridge.emit('data-received', legacy);
......@@ -674,6 +655,31 @@ export const updateChildRefreshState = (
const getModesForDatasource = (dataSource: DataSourceApi, currentMode: ExploreMode): [ExploreMode[], ExploreMode] => {
// Temporary hack here. We want Loki to work in dashboards for which it needs to have metrics = true which is weird
// for Explore.
// TODO: need to figure out a better way to handle this situation
const supportsGraph = === 'Loki' ? false : dataSource.meta.metrics;
const supportsLogs = dataSource.meta.logs;
let mode = currentMode || ExploreMode.Metrics;
const supportedModes: ExploreMode[] = [];
if (supportsGraph) {
if (supportsLogs) {
if (supportedModes.length === 1) {
mode = supportedModes[0];
return [supportedModes, mode];
* Global Explore reducer that handles multiple Explore areas (left and right).
* Actions that have an `exploreId` get routed to the ExploreItemReducer.
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ jest.mock('@grafana/data/src/utils/moment_wrapper', () => ({
import { ResultProcessor } from './ResultProcessor';
import { ExploreItemState, ExploreMode } from 'app/types/explore';
import TableModel from 'app/core/table_model';
import { TimeSeries, LogRowModel, LogsMetaItem, GraphSeriesXY, toDataFrame, FieldType } from '@grafana/data';
import { TimeSeries, LogRowModel, toDataFrame, FieldType } from '@grafana/data';
const testContext = (options: any = {}) => {
const timeSeries = toDataFrame({
......@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ const testContext = (options: any = {}) => {
const defaultOptions = {
mode: ExploreMode.Metrics,
replacePreviousResults: true,
dataFrames: [timeSeries, table],
graphResult: [] as TimeSeries[],
tableResult: new TableModel(),
......@@ -57,11 +56,7 @@ const testContext = (options: any = {}) => {
queryIntervals: { intervalMs: 10 },
} as any) as ExploreItemState;
const resultProcessor = new ResultProcessor(
const resultProcessor = new ResultProcessor(state, combinedOptions.dataFrames);
return {
dataFrames: combinedOptions.dataFrames,
......@@ -206,160 +201,4 @@ describe('ResultProcessor', () => {
describe('constructed with result that is a DataQueryResponse and merging with previous results', () => {
describe('when calling getLogsResult', () => {
it('then it should return correct logs result', () => {
const { resultProcessor } = testContext({
mode: ExploreMode.Logs,
replacePreviousResults: false,
logsResult: {
hasUniqueLabels: false,
meta: [],
rows: [
entry: 'This is a previous message 1',
fresh: true,
hasAnsi: false,
labels: { cluster: 'some-cluster' },
logLevel: 'unknown',
raw: 'This is a previous message 1',
searchWords: [] as string[],
timeEpochMs: 1558038519831,
timeFromNow: 'fromNow() jest mocked',
timeLocal: 'format() jest mocked',
timeUtc: 'format() jest mocked',
timestamp: 1558038519831,
uniqueLabels: {},
entry: 'This is a previous message 2',
fresh: true,
hasAnsi: false,
labels: { cluster: 'some-cluster' },
logLevel: 'unknown',
raw: 'This is a previous message 2',
searchWords: [] as string[],
timeEpochMs: 1558038518831,
timeFromNow: 'fromNow() jest mocked',
timeLocal: 'format() jest mocked',
timeUtc: 'format() jest mocked',
timestamp: 1558038518831,
uniqueLabels: {},
series: [
label: 'A-series',
color: '#7EB26D',
data: [[1558038518831, 37.91264531864214], [1558038519831, 38.35179822906545]],
info: undefined,
isVisible: true,
yAxis: {
index: 1,
const theResult = resultProcessor.getLogsResult();
const expected = {
hasUniqueLabels: false,
meta: [] as LogsMetaItem[],
rows: [
entry: 'This is a previous message 1',
fresh: false,
hasAnsi: false,
labels: { cluster: 'some-cluster' },
logLevel: 'unknown',
raw: 'This is a previous message 1',
searchWords: [] as string[],
timeEpochMs: 1558038519831,
timeFromNow: 'fromNow() jest mocked',
timeLocal: 'format() jest mocked',
timeUtc: 'format() jest mocked',
timestamp: 1558038519831,
uniqueLabels: {},
entry: 'This is a previous message 2',
fresh: false,
hasAnsi: false,
labels: { cluster: 'some-cluster' },
logLevel: 'unknown',
raw: 'This is a previous message 2',
searchWords: [] as string[],
timeEpochMs: 1558038518831,
timeFromNow: 'fromNow() jest mocked',
timeLocal: 'format() jest mocked',
timeUtc: 'format() jest mocked',
timestamp: 1558038518831,
uniqueLabels: {},
entry: 'third',
fresh: true,
hasAnsi: false,
labels: undefined,
logLevel: 'unknown',
raw: 'third',
searchWords: [] as string[],
timeEpochMs: 300,
timeFromNow: 'fromNow() jest mocked',
timeLocal: 'format() jest mocked',
timeUtc: 'format() jest mocked',
timestamp: 300,
uniqueLabels: {},
entry: 'second message',
fresh: true,
hasAnsi: false,
labels: undefined,
logLevel: 'unknown',
raw: 'second message',
searchWords: [] as string[],
timeEpochMs: 200,
timeFromNow: 'fromNow() jest mocked',
timeLocal: 'format() jest mocked',
timeUtc: 'format() jest mocked',
timestamp: 200,
uniqueLabels: {},
entry: 'this is a message',
fresh: true,
hasAnsi: false,
labels: undefined,
logLevel: 'unknown',
raw: 'this is a message',
searchWords: [] as string[],
timeEpochMs: 100,
timeFromNow: 'fromNow() jest mocked',
timeLocal: 'format() jest mocked',
timeUtc: 'format() jest mocked',
timestamp: 100,
uniqueLabels: {},
series: [
label: 'A-series',
color: '#7EB26D',
data: [[100, 4], [200, 5], [300, 6]],
info: undefined,
isVisible: true,
yAxis: {
index: 1,
} as GraphSeriesXY,
......@@ -7,11 +7,7 @@ import { dataFrameToLogsModel } from 'app/core/logs_model';
import { getGraphSeriesModel } from 'app/plugins/panel/graph2/getGraphSeriesModel';
export class ResultProcessor {
private state: ExploreItemState,
private replacePreviousResults: boolean,
private dataFrames: DataFrame[]
) {}
constructor(private state: ExploreItemState, private dataFrames: DataFrame[]) {}
getGraphResult(): GraphSeriesXY[] {
if (this.state.mode !== ExploreMode.Metrics) {
......@@ -79,30 +75,8 @@ export class ResultProcessor {
const sortOrder = refreshIntervalToSortOrder(this.state.refreshInterval);
const sortedNewResults = sortLogsResult(newResults, sortOrder);
if (this.replacePreviousResults) {
const slice = 1000;
const rows = sortedNewResults.rows.slice(0, slice);
const series = sortedNewResults.series;
return { ...sortedNewResults, rows, series };
const prevLogsResult: LogsModel = this.state.logsResult || { hasUniqueLabels: false, rows: [] };
const sortedLogResult = sortLogsResult(prevLogsResult, sortOrder);
const rowsInState = sortedLogResult.rows;
const processedRows = [];
for (const row of rowsInState) {
processedRows.push({ ...row, fresh: false });
for (const row of sortedNewResults.rows) {
processedRows.push({ ...row, fresh: true });
const slice = -1000;
const rows = processedRows.slice(slice);
const series = sortedNewResults.series.slice(slice);
const rows = sortedNewResults.rows;
const series = sortedNewResults.series;
return { ...sortedNewResults, rows, series };
// Libraries
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import React, { memo } from 'react';
// Types
import { QueryEditorProps } from '@grafana/ui';
import { AbsoluteTimeRange } from '@grafana/data';
import { QueryEditorProps, Switch, DataSourceStatus } from '@grafana/ui';
import { LokiDatasource } from '../datasource';
import { LokiQuery } from '../types';
// import { LokiQueryField } from './LokiQueryField';
import { LokiQueryField } from './LokiQueryField';
import { useLokiSyntax } from './useLokiSyntax';
type Props = QueryEditorProps<LokiDatasource, LokiQuery>;
// interface State {
// query: LokiQuery;
// }
export const LokiQueryEditor = memo(function LokiQueryEditor(props: Props) {
const { query, panelData, datasource, onChange, onRunQuery } = props;
export class LokiQueryEditor extends PureComponent<Props> {
// state: State = {
// query: this.props.query,
// };
// onRunQuery = () => {
// const { query } = this.state;
// this.props.onChange(query);
// this.props.onRunQuery();
// };
// onFieldChange = (query: LokiQuery, override?) => {
// this.setState({
// query: {
// ...this.state.query,
// expr: query.expr,
// },
// });
// };
// onFormatChanged = (option: SelectableValue) => {
// this.props.onChange({
// ...this.state.query,
// resultFormat: option.value,
// });
// };
let absolute: AbsoluteTimeRange;
if (panelData && panelData.request) {
const { range } = panelData.request;
absolute = {
from: range.from.valueOf(),
} else {
absolute = {
from: - 10000,
render() {
// const { query } = this.state;
// const { datasource } = this.props;
// const formatOptions: SelectableValue[] = [
// { label: 'Time Series', value: 'time_series' },
// { label: 'Table', value: 'table' },
// ];
// query.resultFormat = query.resultFormat || 'time_series';
// const currentFormat = formatOptions.find(item => item.value === query.resultFormat);
const { isSyntaxReady, setActiveOption, refreshLabels, ...syntaxProps } = useLokiSyntax(
// TODO maybe use real status
return (
return (
<div className="gf-form-inline">
<div className="gf-form">
<div className="gf-form-label">
Loki is currently not supported as dashboard data source. We are working on it!
<Switch label="Live" checked={!!} onChange={() => onChange({ ...query, live: ! })} />
<div className="gf-form-inline">
<div className="gf-form">
<div className="gf-form-label">Format as</div>
<div className="gf-form gf-form--grow">
<div className="gf-form-label gf-form-label--grow" />
<div className="gf-form gf-form--grow">
<div className="gf-form-label gf-form-label--grow" />
export default LokiQueryEditor;
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import React, { FunctionComponent } from 'react';
import { LokiQueryFieldForm, LokiQueryFieldFormProps } from './LokiQueryFieldForm';
import { useLokiSyntax } from './useLokiSyntax';
const LokiQueryField: FunctionComponent<LokiQueryFieldFormProps> = ({
export const LokiQueryField: FunctionComponent<LokiQueryFieldFormProps> = ({
......@@ -31,28 +31,34 @@ describe('LokiDatasource', () => {
replace: (a: string) => a,
} as unknown) as TemplateSrv;
test('should use default max lines when no limit given', () => {
const ds = new LokiDatasource(instanceSettings, backendSrv, templateSrvMock);
backendSrvMock.datasourceRequest = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve(testResp));
const options = getQueryOptions<LokiQuery>({ targets: [{ expr: 'foo', refId: 'B' }] });
const testLimit = makeLimitTest(instanceSettings, backendSrvMock, backendSrv, templateSrvMock, testResp);
test('should use default max lines when no limit given', () => {
expectedLimit: 1000,
test('should use custom max lines if limit is set', () => {
const customData = { ...(instanceSettings.jsonData || {}), maxLines: 20 };
const customSettings = { ...instanceSettings, jsonData: customData };
const ds = new LokiDatasource(customSettings, backendSrv, templateSrvMock);
backendSrvMock.datasourceRequest = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve(testResp));
maxLines: 20,
expectedLimit: 20,
const options = getQueryOptions<LokiQuery>({ targets: [{ expr: 'foo', refId: 'B' }] });
test('should use custom maxDataPoints if set in request', () => {
maxDataPoints: 500,
expectedLimit: 500,
test('should use datasource maxLimit if maxDataPoints is higher', () => {
maxLines: 20,
maxDataPoints: 500,
expectedLimit: 20,
test('should return series data', async done => {
......@@ -166,3 +172,39 @@ describe('LokiDatasource', () => {
type LimitTestArgs = {
maxDataPoints?: number;
maxLines?: number;
expectedLimit: number;
function makeLimitTest(
instanceSettings: any,
backendSrvMock: any,
backendSrv: any,
templateSrvMock: any,
testResp: any
) {
return ({ maxDataPoints, maxLines, expectedLimit }: LimitTestArgs) => {
let settings = instanceSettings;
if (Number.isFinite(maxLines)) {
const customData = { ...(instanceSettings.jsonData || {}), maxLines: 20 };
settings = { ...instanceSettings, jsonData: customData };
const ds = new LokiDatasource(settings, backendSrv, templateSrvMock);
backendSrvMock.datasourceRequest = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve(testResp));
const options = getQueryOptions<LokiQuery>({ targets: [{ expr: 'foo', refId: 'B' }] });
if (Number.isFinite(maxDataPoints)) {
options.maxDataPoints = maxDataPoints;
} else {
// By default is 500
delete options.maxDataPoints;
// Libraries
import _ from 'lodash';
import { Subscription, of } from 'rxjs';
import { webSocket } from 'rxjs/webSocket';
import { catchError, map } from 'rxjs/operators';
// Services & Utils
import { dateMath, DataFrame, LogRowModel, LoadingState, DateTime } from '@grafana/data';
import { addLabelToSelector } from 'app/plugins/datasource/prometheus/add_label_to_query';
......@@ -17,13 +14,14 @@ import {
} from '@grafana/ui';
import { LokiQuery, LokiOptions } from './types';
import { LokiQuery, LokiOptions, LokiLogsStream, LokiResponse } from './types';
import { BackendSrv } from 'app/core/services/backend_srv';
import { TemplateSrv } from 'app/features/templating/template_srv';
import { safeStringifyValue, convertToWebSocketUrl } from 'app/core/utils/explore';
import { LiveTarget, LiveStreams } from './live_streams';
export const DEFAULT_MAX_LINES = 1000;
......@@ -49,7 +47,7 @@ interface LokiContextQueryOptions {
export class LokiDatasource extends DataSourceApi<LokiQuery, LokiOptions> {
private subscriptions: { [key: string]: Subscription } = null;
private streams = new LiveStreams();
languageProvider: LanguageProvider;
maxLines: number;
......@@ -63,7 +61,6 @@ export class LokiDatasource extends DataSourceApi<LokiQuery, LokiOptions> {
this.languageProvider = new LanguageProvider(this);
const settingsData = instanceSettings.jsonData || {};
this.maxLines = parseInt(settingsData.maxLines, 10) || DEFAULT_MAX_LINES;
this.subscriptions = {};
_request(apiUrl: string, data?: any, options?: any) {
......@@ -78,18 +75,20 @@ export class LokiDatasource extends DataSourceApi<LokiQuery, LokiOptions> {
return this.backendSrv.datasourceRequest(req);
prepareLiveTarget(target: LokiQuery, options: DataQueryRequest<LokiQuery>) {
prepareLiveTarget(target: LokiQuery, options: DataQueryRequest<LokiQuery>): LiveTarget {
const interpolated = this.templateSrv.replace(target.expr);
const { query, regexp } = parseQuery(interpolated);
const refId = target.refId;
const baseUrl = this.instanceSettings.url;
const params = serializeParams({ query, regexp });
const url = convertToWebSocketUrl(`${baseUrl}/api/prom/tail?${params}`);
return {
size: Math.min(options.maxDataPoints || Infinity, this.maxLines),
......@@ -105,19 +104,11 @@ export class LokiDatasource extends DataSourceApi<LokiQuery, LokiOptions> {
limit: this.maxLines,
limit: Math.min(options.maxDataPoints || Infinity, this.maxLines),
unsubscribe = (refId: string) => {
const subscription = this.subscriptions[refId];
if (subscription && !subscription.closed) {
delete this.subscriptions[refId];
processError = (err: any, target: any): DataQueryError => {
const error: DataQueryError = {
message: 'Unknown error during query transaction. Please check JS console logs.',
......@@ -142,17 +133,18 @@ export class LokiDatasource extends DataSourceApi<LokiQuery, LokiOptions> {
return error;
processResult = (data: any, target: any): DataFrame[] => {
processResult = (data: LokiLogsStream | LokiResponse, target: any): DataFrame[] => {
const series: DataFrame[] = [];
if (Object.keys(data).length === 0) {
return series;
if (!data.streams) {
return [logStreamToDataFrame(data, target.refId)];
if (!(data as any).streams) {
return [logStreamToDataFrame(data as LokiLogsStream, false, target.refId)];
data = data as LokiResponse;
for (const stream of data.streams || []) {
const dataFrame = logStreamToDataFrame(stream);
dataFrame.refId = target.refId;
......@@ -172,38 +164,32 @@ export class LokiDatasource extends DataSourceApi<LokiQuery, LokiOptions> {
.map(target => this.prepareLiveTarget(target, options));
for (const liveTarget of liveTargets) {
const subscription = webSocket(liveTarget.url)
map((results: any[]) => {
const data = this.processResult(results, liveTarget);
const state: DataStreamState = {
key: `loki-${liveTarget.refId}`,
request: options,
state: LoadingState.Streaming,
unsubscribe: () => this.unsubscribe(liveTarget.refId),
return state;
catchError(err => {
const error = this.processError(err, liveTarget);
const state: DataStreamState = {
key: `loki-${liveTarget.refId}`,
request: options,
state: LoadingState.Error,
unsubscribe: () => this.unsubscribe(liveTarget.refId),
return of(state);
next: state => observer(state),
this.subscriptions[liveTarget.refId] = subscription;
// Reuse an existing stream if one is already running
const stream = this.streams.getStream(liveTarget);
const subscription = stream.subscribe({
next: (data: DataFrame[]) => {
key: `loki-${liveTarget.refId}`,
request: options,
state: LoadingState.Streaming,
unsubscribe: () => {
error: (err: any) => {
key: `loki-${liveTarget.refId}`,
request: options,
state: LoadingState.Error,
error: this.processError(err, liveTarget),
unsubscribe: () => {
......@@ -330,11 +316,7 @@ export class LokiDatasource extends DataSourceApi<LokiQuery, LokiOptions> {
const result = await this._request('/api/prom/query', target);
if ( {
for (const stream of || []) {
const dataFrame = logStreamToDataFrame(stream);
if (reverse) {
series.push(logStreamToDataFrame(stream, reverse));
import { Subject, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import * as rxJsWebSocket from 'rxjs/webSocket';
import { LiveStreams } from './live_streams';
import { DataFrameView, Labels, formatLabels, DataFrame } from '@grafana/data';
import { noop } from 'lodash';
let fakeSocket: Subject<any>;
jest.mock('rxjs/webSocket', () => {
return {
__esModule: true,
webSocket: () => fakeSocket,
describe('Live Stream Tests', () => {
afterAll(() => {
const msg0: any = {
streams: [
labels: '{filename="/var/log/sntpc.log", job="varlogs"}',
entries: [
ts: '2019-08-28T20:50:40.118944705Z',
line: 'Kittens',
dropped_entries: null,
it('reads the values into the buffer', done => {
fakeSocket = new Subject<any>();
const labels: Labels = { job: 'varlogs' };
const target = makeTarget('fake', labels);
const stream = new LiveStreams().getStream(target);
const tests = [
(val: DataFrame[]) => expect(val).toEqual([]),
(val: DataFrame[]) => {
(val: DataFrame[]) => {
const view = new DataFrameView(val[0]);
const last = { ...view.get(view.length - 1) };
ts: '2019-08-28T20:50:40.118944705Z',
line: 'Kittens',
labels: { filename: '/var/log/sntpc.log' },
next: val => {
const test = tests.shift();
complete: () => done(),
// Send it the initial list of things;
// Send it a single update;
it('returns the same subscription if the url matches existing one', () => {
fakeSocket = new Subject<any>();
const liveStreams = new LiveStreams();
const stream1 = liveStreams.getStream(makeTarget('url_to_match'));
const stream2 = liveStreams.getStream(makeTarget('url_to_match'));
it('returns new subscription when the previous unsubscribed', () => {
fakeSocket = new Subject<any>();
const liveStreams = new LiveStreams();
const stream1 = liveStreams.getStream(makeTarget('url_to_match'));
const subscription = stream1.subscribe({
next: noop,
const stream2 = liveStreams.getStream(makeTarget('url_to_match'));
it('returns new subscription when the previous is unsubscribed and correctly unsubscribes from source', () => {
let unsubscribed = false;
fakeSocket = new Observable(() => {
return () => (unsubscribed = true);
}) as any;
const spy = spyOn(rxJsWebSocket, 'webSocket');
const liveStreams = new LiveStreams();
const stream1 = liveStreams.getStream(makeTarget('url_to_match'));
const subscription = stream1.subscribe({
next: noop,
* Create target (query to run). Url is what is used as cache key.
function makeTarget(url: string, labels?: Labels) {
labels = labels || { job: 'varlogs' };
return {
size: 10,
query: formatLabels(labels),
refId: 'A',
regexp: '',
// Added this at the end so the top is more readable
const initialRawResponse: any = {
streams: [
labels: '{filename="/var/log/docker.log", job="varlogs"}',
entries: [
ts: '2019-08-28T20:43:38.215447855Z',
'2019-08-28T20:43:38Z docker time="2019-08-28T20:43:38.147149490Z" ' +
'level=debug msg="[resolver] received AAAA record \\"::1\\" for \\"localhost.\\" from udp:"',
labels: '{filename="/var/log/docker.log", job="varlogs"}',
entries: [
ts: '2019-08-28T20:43:38.215450388Z',
'2019-08-28T20:43:38Z docker time="2019-08-28T20:43:38.147224630Z" ' +
'level=debug msg="[resolver] received AAAA record \\"fe80::1\\" for \\"localhost.\\" from udp:"',
labels: '{filename="/var/log/sntpc.log", job="varlogs"}',
entries: [
ts: '2019-08-28T20:43:40.452525099Z',
line: '2019-08-28T20:43:40Z sntpc sntpc[1]: offset=-0.022171, delay=0.000463',
labels: '{filename="/var/log/sntpc.log", job="varlogs"}',
entries: [
ts: '2019-08-28T20:44:10.297164454Z',
line: '2019-08-28T20:44:10Z sntpc sntpc[1]: offset=-0.022327, delay=0.000527',
labels: '{filename="/var/log/lifecycle-server.log", job="varlogs"}',
entries: [
ts: '2019-08-28T20:44:38.152248647Z',
'2019-08-28T20:44:38Z lifecycle-server time="2019-08-28T20:44:38.095444834Z" ' +
'level=debug msg="Name To resolve: localhost."',
labels: '{filename="/var/log/lifecycle-server.log", job="varlogs"}',
entries: [
ts: '2019-08-28T20:44:38.15225554Z',
'2019-08-28T20:44:38Z lifecycle-server time="2019-08-28T20:44:38.095896074Z" ' +
'level=debug msg="[resolver] query localhost. (A) from, forwarding to udp:"',
labels: '{filename="/var/log/docker.log", job="varlogs"}',
entries: [
ts: '2019-08-28T20:44:38.152271475Z',
'2019-08-28T20:44:38Z docker time="2019-08-28T20:44:38.095444834Z" level=debug msg="Name To resolve: localhost."',
dropped_entries: null,
import { DataFrame, FieldType, parseLabels, KeyValue, CircularDataFrame } from '@grafana/data';
import { Observable, BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';
import { webSocket } from 'rxjs/webSocket';
import { LokiResponse } from './types';
import { finalize, map, multicast, refCount } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { appendResponseToBufferedData } from './result_transformer';
* Maps directly to a query in the UI (refId is key)
export interface LiveTarget {
query: string;
regexp: string;
url: string;
refId: string;
size: number;
* Cache of websocket streams that can be returned as observable. In case there already is a stream for particular
* target it is returned and on subscription returns the latest dataFrame.
export class LiveStreams {
private streams: KeyValue<Observable<DataFrame[]>> = {};
getStream(target: LiveTarget): Observable<DataFrame[]> {
let stream = this.streams[target.url];
if (!stream) {
const data = new CircularDataFrame({ capacity: target.size });
data.labels = parseLabels(target.query);
data.addField({ name: 'ts', type: FieldType.time, config: { title: 'Time' } });
data.addField({ name: 'line', type: FieldType.string });
data.addField({ name: 'labels', type: FieldType.other });
const subject = new BehaviorSubject<DataFrame[]>([]);
stream = webSocket(target.url).pipe(
finalize(() => {
delete this.streams[target.url];
map((response: LokiResponse) => {
appendResponseToBufferedData(response, data);
return [data];
this.streams[target.url] = stream;
return stream;
......@@ -4,12 +4,16 @@
"id": "loki",
"category": "logging",
"metrics": false,
"metrics": true,
"alerting": false,
"annotations": false,
"logs": true,
"streaming": true,
"queryOptions": {
"maxDataPoints": true
"info": {
"description": "Like Prometheus but for logs. OSS logging solution from Grafana Labs",
"author": {
......@@ -29,7 +33,6 @@
"name": "GitHub Project",
"url": ""
"version": "5.3.0"
import { LokiLogsStream } from './types';
import { parseLabels, FieldType, Labels, MutableDataFrame } from '@grafana/data';
import { LokiLogsStream, LokiResponse } from './types';
import {
} from '@grafana/data';
export function logStreamToDataFrame(stream: LokiLogsStream, refId?: string): MutableDataFrame {
* Transforms LokiLogStream structure into a dataFrame. Used when doing standard queries.
export function logStreamToDataFrame(stream: LokiLogsStream, reverse?: boolean, refId?: string): DataFrame {
let labels: Labels = stream.parsedLabels;
if (!labels && stream.labels) {
labels = parseLabels(stream.labels);
const time: string[] = [];
const lines: string[] = [];
const times = new ArrayVector<string>([]);
const lines = new ArrayVector<string>([]);
for (const entry of stream.entries) {
time.push(entry.ts || entry.timestamp);
times.add(entry.ts || entry.timestamp);
return new MutableDataFrame({
if (reverse) {
times.buffer = times.buffer.reverse();
lines.buffer = lines.buffer.reverse();
return {
fields: [
{ name: 'ts', type: FieldType.time, values: time }, // Time
{ name: 'line', type: FieldType.string, values: lines }, // Line
{ name: 'ts', type: FieldType.time, config: { title: 'Time' }, values: times }, // Time
{ name: 'line', type: FieldType.string, config: {}, values: lines }, // Line
length: times.length,
* Transform LokiResponse data and appends it to MutableDataFrame. Used for streaming where the dataFrame can be
* a CircularDataFrame creating a fixed size rolling buffer.
* TODO: Probably could be unified with the logStreamToDataFrame function.
export function appendResponseToBufferedData(response: LokiResponse, data: MutableDataFrame) {
// Should we do anythign with: response.dropped_entries?
const streams: LokiLogsStream[] = response.streams;
if (streams && streams.length) {
for (const stream of streams) {
// Find unique labels
const labels = parseLabels(stream.labels);
const unique = findUniqueLabels(labels, data.labels);
// Add each line
for (const entry of stream.entries) {
data.values.ts.add(entry.ts || entry.timestamp);
......@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ export interface LokiOptions extends DataSourceJsonData {
maxLines?: string;
export interface LokiResponse {
streams: LokiLogsStream[];
export interface LokiLogsStream {
labels: string;
entries: LokiLogsStreamEntry[];
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