Commit 9b61ffb4 by Sven Klemm

make timefilter macro aware of pg version

parent 1161c7bc
......@@ -79,11 +79,19 @@ func (m *PostgresMacroEngine) evaluateMacro(name string, args []string) (string,
return fmt.Sprintf("extract(epoch from %s) as \"time\"", args[0]), nil
case "__timeFilter":
// dont use to_timestamp in this macro for redshift compatibility #9566
if len(args) == 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("missing time column argument for macro %v", name)
return fmt.Sprintf("extract(epoch from %s) BETWEEN %d AND %d", args[0], m.TimeRange.GetFromAsSecondsEpoch(), m.TimeRange.GetToAsSecondsEpoch()), nil
pg_version := m.Query.DataSource.JsonData.Get("postgresVersion").MustInt(0)
if pg_version >= 80100 {
// postgres has to_timestamp(double) starting with 8.1
return fmt.Sprintf("%s BETWEEN to_timestamp(%d) AND to_timestamp(%d)", args[0], m.TimeRange.GetFromAsSecondsEpoch(), m.TimeRange.GetToAsSecondsEpoch()), nil
// dont use to_timestamp in this macro for redshift compatibility #9566
return fmt.Sprintf("%s BETWEEN 'epoch'::timestamptz + %d * '1s'::interval AND 'epoch'::timestamptz + %d * '1s'::interval", args[0], m.TimeRange.GetFromAsSecondsEpoch(), m.TimeRange.GetToAsSecondsEpoch()), nil
case "__timeFrom":
return fmt.Sprintf("to_timestamp(%d)", m.TimeRange.GetFromAsSecondsEpoch()), nil
case "__timeTo":
......@@ -6,14 +6,27 @@ import (
. ""
func TestMacroEngine(t *testing.T) {
Convey("MacroEngine", t, func() {
engine := &PostgresMacroEngine{}
query := &tsdb.Query{}
engine := NewPostgresMacroEngine()
// datasource with no pg version specified
ds := &models.DataSource{Id: 1, Type: "postgres", JsonData: simplejson.New()}
// datasource with postgres 8.0 configured
ds_80 := &models.DataSource{Id: 2, Type: "postgres", JsonData: simplejson.New()}
ds_80.JsonData.Set("postgresVersion", 80000)
// datasource with postgres 8.1 configured
ds_81 := &models.DataSource{Id: 3, Type: "postgres", JsonData: simplejson.New()}
ds_81.JsonData.Set("postgresVersion", 80100)
query := &tsdb.Query{RefId: "A", DataSource: ds}
query_80 := &tsdb.Query{RefId: "A", DataSource: ds_80}
query_81 := &tsdb.Query{RefId: "A", DataSource: ds_81}
Convey("Given a time range between 2018-04-12 00:00 and 2018-04-12 00:05", func() {
from := time.Date(2018, 4, 12, 18, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
......@@ -38,7 +51,21 @@ func TestMacroEngine(t *testing.T) {
sql, err := engine.Interpolate(query, timeRange, "WHERE $__timeFilter(time_column)")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(sql, ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("WHERE extract(epoch from time_column) BETWEEN %d AND %d", from.Unix(), to.Unix()))
So(sql, ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("WHERE time_column BETWEEN 'epoch'::timestamptz + %d * '1s'::interval AND 'epoch'::timestamptz + %d * '1s'::interval", from.Unix(), to.Unix()))
Convey("interpolate __timeFilter function for postgres 8.0", func() {
sql, err := engine.Interpolate(query_80, timeRange, "WHERE $__timeFilter(time_column)")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(sql, ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("WHERE time_column BETWEEN 'epoch'::timestamptz + %d * '1s'::interval AND 'epoch'::timestamptz + %d * '1s'::interval", from.Unix(), to.Unix()))
Convey("interpolate __timeFilter function for postgres 8.1", func() {
sql, err := engine.Interpolate(query_81, timeRange, "WHERE $__timeFilter(time_column)")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(sql, ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("WHERE time_column BETWEEN to_timestamp(%d) AND to_timestamp(%d)", from.Unix(), to.Unix()))
Convey("interpolate __timeFrom function", func() {
......@@ -102,7 +129,21 @@ func TestMacroEngine(t *testing.T) {
sql, err := engine.Interpolate(query, timeRange, "WHERE $__timeFilter(time_column)")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(sql, ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("WHERE extract(epoch from time_column) BETWEEN %d AND %d", from.Unix(), to.Unix()))
So(sql, ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("WHERE time_column BETWEEN 'epoch'::timestamptz + %d * '1s'::interval AND 'epoch'::timestamptz + %d * '1s'::interval", from.Unix(), to.Unix()))
Convey("interpolate __timeFilter function for 8.0", func() {
sql, err := engine.Interpolate(query_80, timeRange, "WHERE $__timeFilter(time_column)")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(sql, ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("WHERE time_column BETWEEN 'epoch'::timestamptz + %d * '1s'::interval AND 'epoch'::timestamptz + %d * '1s'::interval", from.Unix(), to.Unix()))
Convey("interpolate __timeFilter function for 8.1", func() {
sql, err := engine.Interpolate(query_81, timeRange, "WHERE $__timeFilter(time_column)")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(sql, ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("WHERE time_column BETWEEN to_timestamp(%d) AND to_timestamp(%d)", from.Unix(), to.Unix()))
Convey("interpolate __timeFrom function", func() {
......@@ -150,7 +191,21 @@ func TestMacroEngine(t *testing.T) {
sql, err := engine.Interpolate(query, timeRange, "WHERE $__timeFilter(time_column)")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(sql, ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("WHERE extract(epoch from time_column) BETWEEN %d AND %d", from.Unix(), to.Unix()))
So(sql, ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("WHERE time_column BETWEEN 'epoch'::timestamptz + %d * '1s'::interval AND 'epoch'::timestamptz + %d * '1s'::interval", from.Unix(), to.Unix()))
Convey("interpolate __timeFilter function for 8.0", func() {
sql, err := engine.Interpolate(query_80, timeRange, "WHERE $__timeFilter(time_column)")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(sql, ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("WHERE time_column BETWEEN 'epoch'::timestamptz + %d * '1s'::interval AND 'epoch'::timestamptz + %d * '1s'::interval", from.Unix(), to.Unix()))
Convey("interpolate __timeFilter function for 8.1", func() {
sql, err := engine.Interpolate(query_81, timeRange, "WHERE $__timeFilter(time_column)")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(sql, ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("WHERE time_column BETWEEN to_timestamp(%d) AND to_timestamp(%d)", from.Unix(), to.Unix()))
Convey("interpolate __timeFrom function", func() {
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