Commit 9d2ce987 by Torkel Odegaard

removed histogram panel

parent 26c115f2
......@@ -2,4 +2,5 @@ node_modules
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<div class="editor-row">
<div class="section">
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Chart value</label>
<select ng-change="set_refresh(true)" class="input-small" ng-model="panel.mode" ng-options="f for f in ['count','min','mean','max','total']"></select>
<div class="editor-option" ng-show="panel.mode != 'count'">
<label class="small">Value Field <tip>This field must contain a numeric value</tip></label>
<input ng-change="set_refresh(true)" placeholder="Start typing" bs-typeahead="fields.list" type="text" class="input-medium" ng-model="panel.value_field">
<div class="section">
<h5>Transform Series</h5>
<div class="editor-option" ng-show="panel.mode != 'count'">
<label class="small">Scale</label>
<input type="text" class="input-mini" ng-model="panel.scale">
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Seconds <tip>Normalize intervals to per-second</tip></label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.scaleSeconds" ng-checked="panel.scaleSeconds">
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Derivative <tip>Plot the change per interval in the series</tip></label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.derivative" ng-checked="panel.derivative" ng-change="set_refresh(true)">
<div class="section">
<h5>Time Options</h5>
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Time Field</label>
<input ng-change="set_refresh(true)" placeholder="Start typing" bs-typeahead="fields.list" type="text" class="input-small" ng-model="panel.time_field">
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Time correction</label>
<select ng-model="panel.timezone" class='input-small' ng-options="f for f in ['browser','utc']"></select>
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Auto-interval</label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.auto_int" ng-checked="panel.auto_int" />
<div class="editor-option" ng-show='panel.auto_int'>
<label class="small">Resolution <tip>Shoot for this many data points, rounding to sane intervals</tip></label>
<input type="number" class='input-mini' ng-model="panel.resolution" ng-change='set_refresh(true)'/>
<div class="editor-option" ng-hide='panel.auto_int'>
<label class="small">Interval <tip>Use Elasticsearch date math format (eg 1m, 5m, 1d, 2w, 1y)</tip></label>
<input type="text" class='input-mini' ng-model="panel.interval" ng-change='set_refresh(true)'/>
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function (kbn) {
'use strict';
* manages the interval logic
* @param {[type]} interval_string An interval string in the format '1m', '1y', etc
function Interval(interval_string) {
this.string = interval_string;
var info = kbn.describe_interval(interval_string);
this.type = info.type; = info.sec * 1000 * info.count;
// does the length of the interval change based on the current time?
if (this.type === 'y' || this.type === 'M') {
// we will just modify this time object rather that create a new one constantly
this.get = this.get_complex; = new Date(0);
} else {
this.get = this.get_simple;
Interval.prototype = {
toString: function () {
return this.string;
after: function(current_ms) {
return this.get(current_ms, 1);
before: function (current_ms) {
return this.get(current_ms, -1);
get_complex: function (current, delta) {;
switch(this.type) {
case 'M': + delta);
case 'y': + delta);
get_simple: function (current, delta) {
return current + (delta *;
return Interval;
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<div ng-controller='histogram' ng-init="init()" style="min-height:{{panel.height || row.height}}">
.histogram-legend {
.histogram-legend-dot {
.histogram-legend-item {
.histogram-chart {
.histogram-options {
padding: 5px;
margin-right: 15px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
.histogram-options label {
margin: 0px 0px 0px 10px !important;
.histogram-options span {
white-space: nowrap;
/* this is actually should be in bootstrap */
.form-inline .checkbox {
display: inline-block;
<span ng-show='panel.options'>
<a class="link small" ng-show='panel.options' ng-click="options=!options">
View <i ng-show="!options" class="icon-caret-right"></i><i ng-show="options" class="icon-caret-down"></i>
</a> |&nbsp
<span ng-show='panel.zoomlinks && data'>
<!--<a class='small' ng-click='zoom(0.5)'><i class='icon-zoom-in'></i> Zoom In</a>-->
<a class='small' ng-click='zoom(2)'><i class='icon-zoom-out'></i> Zoom Out</a> |&nbsp
<span ng-show="panel.legend" ng-repeat='series in legend' class="histogram-legend">
<i class='icon-circle' ng-style="{color: series.query.color}"></i>
<span class='small histogram-legend-item'>
<span ng-if="panel.show_query">{{series.query.alias || series.query.query}}</span>
<span ng-if="!panel.show_query">{{series.query.alias}}</span>
<span ng-show="panel.legend_counts"> ({{series.hits}})</span>
<span ng-show="panel.legend" class="small"><span ng-show="panel.derivative">change in </span><span class="strong" ng-show="panel.value_field && panel.mode != 'count'">{{panel.value_field}}</span> {{panel.mode}} per <strong ng-hide="panel.scaleSeconds">{{panel.interval}}</strong><strong ng-show="panel.scaleSeconds">1s</strong> | (<strong>{{hits}}</strong> hits)</span>
<form class="form-inline bordered histogram-options" ng-show="options">
<div class="checkbox">
<label class="small">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.bars" ng-checked="panel.bars" ng-change="render()">
<div class="checkbox">
<label class="small">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.lines" ng-checked="panel.lines" ng-change="render()">
<div class="checkbox">
<label class="small">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.stack" ng-checked="panel.stack" ng-change="render()">
<span ng-show="panel.stack">
<div class="checkbox">
<label style="white-space:nowrap" class="small">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.percentage" ng-checked="panel.percentage" ng-change="render()">
<div class="checkbox">
<label class="small">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.legend" ng-checked="panel.legend" ng-change="render()">
<label class="small">Interval</label> <select ng-change="set_interval(panel.interval);get_data();" class="input-small" ng-model="panel.interval" ng-options="interval_label(time) for time in _.union([panel.interval],panel.intervals)"></select>
<center><img ng-show='panel.loading && _.isUndefined(data)' src="img/load_big.gif"></center>
<div histogram-chart class="pointer histogram-chart" params="{{panel}}"></div>
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<div ng-include src="'app/partials/querySelect.html'"></div>
<div class="editor-row">
<div class="small">
Here you can specify a query to be plotted on your chart as a marker. Hovering over a marker will display the field you specify below. If more documents are found than the limit you set, they will be scored by Elasticsearch and events that best match your query will be displayed.
.querySelect .query {
margin-right: 5px;
.querySelect .selected {
border: 3px solid;
.querySelect .unselected {
border: 0px solid;
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Enable</label>
<input type="checkbox" ng-change="set_refresh(true)" ng-model="panel.annotate.enable" ng-checked="panel.annotate.enable">
<div class="editor-option" ng-show="panel.annotate.enable">
<label class="small">Marker Query</label>
<input type="text" ng-change="set_refresh(true)" class="input-large" ng-model="panel.annotate.query"/>
<div class="editor-option" ng-show="panel.annotate.enable">
<label class="small">Tooltip field</label>
<input type="text" class="input-small" ng-model="panel.annotate.field" bs-typeahead="fields.list"/>
<div class="editor-option" ng-show="panel.annotate.enable">
<label class="small">Limit <tip>Max markers on the chart</tip></label>
<input type="number" class="input-mini" ng-model="panel.annotate.size" ng-change="set_refresh(true)"/>
<div class="editor-option" ng-show="panel.annotate.enable">
<label class="small">Sort <tip>Determine the most relevant markers using this field</tip></label>
<input type="text" class="input-small" bs-typeahead="fields.list" ng-model="panel.annotate.sort[0]" ng-change="set_refresh(true)" />
<i ng-click="panel.annotate.sort[1] = _.toggle(panel.annotate.sort[1],'desc','asc');set_refresh(true)" ng-class="{'icon-chevron-up': panel.annotate.sort[1] == 'asc','icon-chevron-down': panel.annotate.sort[1] == 'desc'}"></i>
<div class="editor-row">
<div class="section">
<h5>Chart Options</h5>
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Bars</label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.bars" ng-checked="panel.bars">
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Lines</label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.lines" ng-checked="panel.lines">
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Points</label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.points" ng-checked="panel.points">
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Selectable</label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.interactive" ng-checked="panel.interactive">
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">xAxis</label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel['x-axis']" ng-checked="panel['x-axis']"></div>
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">yAxis</label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel['y-axis']" ng-checked="panel['y-axis']"></div>
<div class="editor-option" ng-show="panel.lines">
<label class="small">Line Fill</label>
<select class="input-mini" ng-model="panel.fill" ng-options="f for f in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]"></select>
<div class="editor-option" ng-show="panel.lines">
<label class="small">Line Width</label>
<select class="input-mini" ng-model="panel.linewidth" ng-options="f for f in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]"></select>
<div class="editor-option" ng-show="panel.points">
<label class="small">Point Radius</label>
<select class="input-mini" ng-model="panel.pointradius" ng-options="f for f in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]"></select>
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Y Format <tip>Y-axis formatting</tip></label>
<select class="input-small" ng-model="panel.y_format" ng-options="f for f in ['none','short','bytes']"></select>
<div class="section">
<h5>Multiple Series</h5>
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Stack</label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.stack" ng-checked="panel.stack">
<div class="editor-option" ng-show="panel.stack">
<label style="white-space:nowrap" class="small">Percent <tip>Stack as a percentage of total</tip></label>
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.percentage" ng-checked="panel.percentage">
<div class="editor-option" ng-show="panel.stack">
<label class="small">Stacked Values <tip>How should the values in stacked charts to be calculated?</tip></label>
<select class="input-small" ng-model="panel.tooltip.value_type" ng-options="f for f in ['cumulative','individual']"></select>
<div class="editor-row">
<div class="section">
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Zoom</label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.zoomlinks" ng-checked="panel.zoomlinks" />
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">View</label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.options" ng-checked="panel.options" />
<div class="section">
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Legend</label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.legend" ng-checked="panel.legend">
<div ng-show="panel.legend" class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Query <tip>If no alias is set, show the query in the legend</tip></label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.show_query" ng-checked="panel.show_query">
<div ng-show="panel.legend" class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Counts</label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.legend_counts" ng-checked="panel.legend_counts">
<div class="section">
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Min / <a href='' ng-click="panel.grid.min = _.toggle(panel.grid.min,null,0)">Auto <i class="icon-star" ng-show="_.isNull(panel.grid.min)"></i></a></label>
<input type="number" class="input-small" ng-model="panel.grid.min"/>
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Max / <a ref='' ng-click="panel.grid.max = _.toggle(panel.grid.max,null,0)">Auto <i class="icon-star" ng-show="_.isNull(panel.grid.max)"></i></a></label>
<input type="number" class="input-small" ng-model="panel.grid.max"/>
function (_, Interval) {
'use strict';
var ts = {};
// map compatable parseInt
function base10Int(val) {
return parseInt(val, 10);
// trim the ms off of a time, but return it with empty ms.
function getDatesTime(date) {
return Math.floor(date.getTime() / 1000)*1000;
* Certain graphs require 0 entries to be specified for them to render
* properly (like the line graph). So with this we will caluclate all of
* the expected time measurements, and fill the missing ones in with 0
* @param {object} opts An object specifying some/all of the options
* @opt {string} interval The interval notion describing the expected spacing between
* each data point.
* @opt {date} start_date (optional) The start point for the time series, setting this and the
* end_date will ensure that the series streches to resemble the entire
* expected result
* @opt {date} end_date (optional) The end point for the time series, see start_date
* @opt {string} fill_style Either "minimal", or "all" describing the strategy used to zero-fill
* the series.
ts.ZeroFilled = function (opts) {
opts = _.defaults(opts, {
interval: '10m',
start_date: null,
end_date: null,
fill_style: 'minimal'
// the expected differenece between readings.
this.interval = new Interval(opts.interval);
// will keep all values here, keyed by their time
this._data = {};
this.start_time = opts.start_date && getDatesTime(opts.start_date);
this.end_time = opts.end_date && getDatesTime(opts.end_date);
this.opts = opts;
* Add a row
* @param {int} time The time for the value, in
* @param {any} value The value at this time
ts.ZeroFilled.prototype.addValue = function (time, value) {
if (time instanceof Date) {
time = getDatesTime(time);
} else {
time = base10Int(time);
if (!isNaN(time)) {
this._data[time] = (_.isUndefined(value) ? 0 : value);
this._cached_times = null;
* Get an array of the times that have been explicitly set in the series
* @param {array} include (optional) list of timestamps to include in the response
* @return {array} An array of integer times.
ts.ZeroFilled.prototype.getOrderedTimes = function (include) {
var times =, base10Int);
if (_.isArray(include)) {
times = times.concat(include);
return _.uniq(times.sort(function (a, b) {
// decending numeric sort
return a - b;
}), true);
* return the rows in the format:
* [ [time, value], [time, value], ... ]
* Heavy lifting is done by _get(Min|Default|All)FlotPairs()
* @param {array} required_times An array of timestamps that must be in the resulting pairs
* @return {array}
ts.ZeroFilled.prototype.getFlotPairs = function (required_times) {
var times = this.getOrderedTimes(required_times),
if(this.opts.fill_style === 'all') {
strategy = this._getAllFlotPairs;
} else if(this.opts.fill_style === 'null') {
strategy = this._getNullFlotPairs;
} else if(this.opts.fill_style === 'no') {
strategy = this._getNoZeroFlotPairs;
} else {
strategy = this._getMinFlotPairs;
pairs = _.reduce(
times, // what
strategy, // how
[], // where
this // context
// if the first or last pair is inside either the start or end time,
// add those times to the series with null values so the graph will stretch to contain them.
// Removing, flot 0.8.1's max/min params satisfy this
if (this.start_time && (pairs.length === 0 || pairs[0][0] > this.start_time)) {
pairs.unshift([this.start_time, null]);
if (this.end_time && (pairs.length === 0 || pairs[pairs.length - 1][0] < this.end_time)) {
pairs.push([this.end_time, null]);
return pairs;
* ** called as a reduce stragegy in getFlotPairs() **
* Fill zero's on either side of the current time, unless there is already a measurement there or
* we are looking at an edge.
* @return {array} An array of points to plot with flot
ts.ZeroFilled.prototype._getMinFlotPairs = function (result, time, i, times) {
var next, expected_next, prev, expected_prev;
// check for previous measurement
if (i > 0) {
prev = times[i - 1];
expected_prev = this.interval.before(time);
if (prev < expected_prev) {
result.push([expected_prev, 0]);
// add the current time
result.push([ time, this._data[time] || 0]);
// check for next measurement
if (times.length > i) {
next = times[i + 1];
expected_next = this.interval.after(time);
if (next > expected_next) {
result.push([expected_next, 0]);
return result;
* ** called as a reduce stragegy in getFlotPairs() **
* Fill zero's to the right of each time, until the next measurement is reached or we are at the
* last measurement
* @return {array} An array of points to plot with flot
ts.ZeroFilled.prototype._getAllFlotPairs = function (result, time, i, times) {
var next, expected_next;
result.push([ times[i], this._data[times[i]] || 0 ]);
next = times[i + 1];
expected_next = this.interval.after(time);
for(; times.length > i && next > expected_next; expected_next = this.interval.after(expected_next)) {
result.push([expected_next, 0]);
return result;
* ** called as a reduce stragegy in getFlotPairs() **
* Same as min, but fills with nulls
* @return {array} An array of points to plot with flot
ts.ZeroFilled.prototype._getNullFlotPairs = function (result, time, i, times) {
var next, expected_next, prev, expected_prev;
// check for previous measurement
if (i > 0) {
prev = times[i - 1];
expected_prev = this.interval.before(time);
if (prev < expected_prev) {
result.push([expected_prev, null]);
// add the current time
result.push([ time, this._data[time] || null]);
// check for next measurement
if (times.length > i) {
next = times[i + 1];
expected_next = this.interval.after(time);
if (next > expected_next) {
result.push([expected_next, null]);
return result;
* ** called as a reduce stragegy in getFlotPairs() **
* Not fill zero's on either side of the current time, only the current time
* @return {array} An array of points to plot with flot
ts.ZeroFilled.prototype._getNoZeroFlotPairs = function (result, time) {
// add the current time
result.push([ time, this._data[time]]);
return result;
return ts;
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