Commit 9e20004e by bergquist

Merge branch 'plugin_lib'

* plugin_lib:
  moves datasource plugin model to grafana/grafana_plugin_model
parents af9d1cc5 a183ea97
package tsdb
import (
proto ""
type GRPCClient struct {
func (m *GRPCClient) Query(ctx context.Context, req *proto.TsdbQuery) (*proto.Response, error) {
return m.TsdbPluginClient.Query(ctx, req)
type GRPCServer struct {
func (m *GRPCServer) Query(ctx context.Context, req *proto.TsdbQuery) (*proto.Response, error) {
return m.TsdbPlugin.Query(ctx, req)
package tsdb
import (
proto ""
plugin ""
type TsdbPlugin interface {
Query(ctx context.Context, req *proto.TsdbQuery) (*proto.Response, error)
type TsdbPluginImpl struct {
Plugin TsdbPlugin
func (p *TsdbPluginImpl) GRPCServer(s *grpc.Server) error {
proto.RegisterTsdbPluginServer(s, &GRPCServer{p.Plugin})
return nil
func (p *TsdbPluginImpl) GRPCClient(c *grpc.ClientConn) (interface{}, error) {
return &GRPCClient{proto.NewTsdbPluginClient(c)}, nil
package tsdb
package wrapper
import (
......@@ -8,16 +8,15 @@ import (
proto ""
func NewDatasourcePluginWrapper(log log.Logger, plugin TsdbPlugin) *DatasourcePluginWrapper {
return &DatasourcePluginWrapper{TsdbPlugin: plugin, logger: log}
func NewDatasourcePluginWrapper(log log.Logger, plugin datasource.DatasourcePlugin) *DatasourcePluginWrapper {
return &DatasourcePluginWrapper{DatasourcePlugin: plugin, logger: log}
type DatasourcePluginWrapper struct {
logger log.Logger
......@@ -27,8 +26,8 @@ func (tw *DatasourcePluginWrapper) Query(ctx context.Context, ds *models.DataSou
return nil, err
pbQuery := &proto.TsdbQuery{
Datasource: &proto.DatasourceInfo{
pbQuery := &datasource.DatasourceRequest{
Datasource: &datasource.DatasourceInfo{
JsonData: string(jsonData),
Name: ds.Name,
Type: ds.Type,
......@@ -36,19 +35,19 @@ func (tw *DatasourcePluginWrapper) Query(ctx context.Context, ds *models.DataSou
Id: ds.Id,
OrgId: ds.OrgId,
TimeRange: &proto.TimeRange{
TimeRange: &datasource.TimeRange{
FromRaw: query.TimeRange.From,
ToRaw: query.TimeRange.To,
ToEpochMs: query.TimeRange.GetToAsMsEpoch(),
FromEpochMs: query.TimeRange.GetFromAsMsEpoch(),
Queries: []*proto.Query{},
Queries: []*datasource.Query{},
for _, q := range query.Queries {
modelJson, _ := q.Model.MarshalJSON()
pbQuery.Queries = append(pbQuery.Queries, &proto.Query{
pbQuery.Queries = append(pbQuery.Queries, &datasource.Query{
ModelJson: string(modelJson),
IntervalMs: q.IntervalMs,
RefId: q.RefId,
......@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ func (tw *DatasourcePluginWrapper) Query(ctx context.Context, ds *models.DataSou
pbres, err := tw.TsdbPlugin.Query(ctx, pbQuery)
pbres, err := tw.DatasourcePlugin.Query(ctx, pbQuery)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
......@@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ func (tw *DatasourcePluginWrapper) Query(ctx context.Context, ds *models.DataSou
return res, nil
func (tw *DatasourcePluginWrapper) mapTables(r *proto.QueryResult) ([]*tsdb.Table, error) {
func (tw *DatasourcePluginWrapper) mapTables(r *datasource.QueryResult) ([]*tsdb.Table, error) {
var tables []*tsdb.Table
for _, t := range r.GetTables() {
mappedTable, err := tw.mapTable(t)
......@@ -108,7 +107,7 @@ func (tw *DatasourcePluginWrapper) mapTables(r *proto.QueryResult) ([]*tsdb.Tabl
return tables, nil
func (tw *DatasourcePluginWrapper) mapTable(t *proto.Table) (*tsdb.Table, error) {
func (tw *DatasourcePluginWrapper) mapTable(t *datasource.Table) (*tsdb.Table, error) {
table := &tsdb.Table{}
for _, c := range t.GetColumns() {
table.Columns = append(table.Columns, tsdb.TableColumn{
......@@ -131,19 +130,19 @@ func (tw *DatasourcePluginWrapper) mapTable(t *proto.Table) (*tsdb.Table, error)
return table, nil
func (tw *DatasourcePluginWrapper) mapRowValue(rv *proto.RowValue) (interface{}, error) {
func (tw *DatasourcePluginWrapper) mapRowValue(rv *datasource.RowValue) (interface{}, error) {
switch rv.Kind {
case proto.RowValue_TYPE_NULL:
case datasource.RowValue_TYPE_NULL:
return nil, nil
case proto.RowValue_TYPE_INT64:
case datasource.RowValue_TYPE_INT64:
return rv.Int64Value, nil
case proto.RowValue_TYPE_BOOL:
case datasource.RowValue_TYPE_BOOL:
return rv.BoolValue, nil
case proto.RowValue_TYPE_STRING:
case datasource.RowValue_TYPE_STRING:
return rv.StringValue, nil
case proto.RowValue_TYPE_DOUBLE:
case datasource.RowValue_TYPE_DOUBLE:
return rv.DoubleValue, nil
case proto.RowValue_TYPE_BYTES:
case datasource.RowValue_TYPE_BYTES:
return rv.BytesValue, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unsupported row value %v from plugin", rv.Kind)
package tsdb
package wrapper
import (
func TestMapTables(t *testing.T) {
dpw := NewDatasourcePluginWrapper(log.New("test-logger"), nil)
var qr = &proto.QueryResult{}
qr.Tables = append(qr.Tables, &proto.Table{
Columns: []*proto.TableColumn{},
var qr = &datasource.QueryResult{}
qr.Tables = append(qr.Tables, &datasource.Table{
Columns: []*datasource.TableColumn{},
Rows: nil,
want := []*tsdb.Table{{}}
......@@ -28,16 +29,16 @@ func TestMapTables(t *testing.T) {
func TestMapTable(t *testing.T) {
dpw := NewDatasourcePluginWrapper(log.New("test-logger"), nil)
source := &proto.Table{
Columns: []*proto.TableColumn{{Name: "column1"}, {Name: "column2"}},
Rows: []*proto.TableRow{{
Values: []*proto.RowValue{
source := &datasource.Table{
Columns: []*datasource.TableColumn{{Name: "column1"}, {Name: "column2"}},
Rows: []*datasource.TableRow{{
Values: []*datasource.RowValue{
Kind: proto.RowValue_TYPE_BOOL,
Kind: datasource.RowValue_TYPE_BOOL,
BoolValue: true,
Kind: proto.RowValue_TYPE_INT64,
Kind: datasource.RowValue_TYPE_INT64,
Int64Value: 42,
......@@ -71,37 +72,37 @@ func TestMapTable(t *testing.T) {
func TestMappingRowValue(t *testing.T) {
dpw := NewDatasourcePluginWrapper(log.New("test-logger"), nil)
boolRowValue, _ := dpw.mapRowValue(&proto.RowValue{Kind: proto.RowValue_TYPE_BOOL, BoolValue: true})
boolRowValue, _ := dpw.mapRowValue(&datasource.RowValue{Kind: datasource.RowValue_TYPE_BOOL, BoolValue: true})
haveBool, ok := boolRowValue.(bool)
if !ok || haveBool != true {
t.Fatalf("Expected true, was %s", haveBool)
intRowValue, _ := dpw.mapRowValue(&proto.RowValue{Kind: proto.RowValue_TYPE_INT64, Int64Value: 42})
intRowValue, _ := dpw.mapRowValue(&datasource.RowValue{Kind: datasource.RowValue_TYPE_INT64, Int64Value: 42})
haveInt, ok := intRowValue.(int64)
if !ok || haveInt != 42 {
t.Fatalf("Expected %d, was %d", 42, haveInt)
stringRowValue, _ := dpw.mapRowValue(&proto.RowValue{Kind: proto.RowValue_TYPE_STRING, StringValue: "grafana"})
stringRowValue, _ := dpw.mapRowValue(&datasource.RowValue{Kind: datasource.RowValue_TYPE_STRING, StringValue: "grafana"})
haveString, ok := stringRowValue.(string)
if !ok || haveString != "grafana" {
t.Fatalf("Expected %s, was %s", "grafana", haveString)
doubleRowValue, _ := dpw.mapRowValue(&proto.RowValue{Kind: proto.RowValue_TYPE_DOUBLE, DoubleValue: 1.5})
doubleRowValue, _ := dpw.mapRowValue(&datasource.RowValue{Kind: datasource.RowValue_TYPE_DOUBLE, DoubleValue: 1.5})
haveDouble, ok := doubleRowValue.(float64)
if !ok || haveDouble != 1.5 {
t.Fatalf("Expected %v, was %v", 1.5, haveDouble)
bytesRowValue, _ := dpw.mapRowValue(&proto.RowValue{Kind: proto.RowValue_TYPE_BYTES, BytesValue: []byte{66}})
bytesRowValue, _ := dpw.mapRowValue(&datasource.RowValue{Kind: datasource.RowValue_TYPE_BYTES, BytesValue: []byte{66}})
haveBytes, ok := bytesRowValue.([]byte)
if !ok || len(haveBytes) != 1 || haveBytes[0] != 66 {
t.Fatalf("Expected %v, was %v", []byte{66}, haveBytes)
haveNil, _ := dpw.mapRowValue(&proto.RowValue{Kind: proto.RowValue_TYPE_NULL})
haveNil, _ := dpw.mapRowValue(&datasource.RowValue{Kind: datasource.RowValue_TYPE_NULL})
if haveNil != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected %v, was %v", nil, haveNil)
......@@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ import (
shared ""
plugin ""
......@@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ func (p *DataSourcePlugin) spawnSubProcess() error {
p.client = plugin.NewClient(&plugin.ClientConfig{
HandshakeConfig: handshakeConfig,
Plugins: map[string]plugin.Plugin{p.Id: &shared.TsdbPluginImpl{}},
Plugins: map[string]plugin.Plugin{p.Id: &datasource.DatasourcePluginImpl{}},
Cmd: exec.Command(fullpath),
AllowedProtocols: []plugin.Protocol{plugin.ProtocolGRPC},
Logger: LogWrapper{Logger: p.log},
......@@ -108,10 +109,10 @@ func (p *DataSourcePlugin) spawnSubProcess() error {
return err
plugin := raw.(shared.TsdbPlugin)
plugin := raw.(datasource.DatasourcePlugin)
tsdb.RegisterTsdbQueryEndpoint(p.Id, func(dsInfo *models.DataSource) (tsdb.TsdbQueryEndpoint, error) {
return shared.NewDatasourcePluginWrapper(p.log, plugin), nil
return wrapper.NewDatasourcePluginWrapper(p.log, plugin), nil
return nil
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "proto";
package plugins;
message TsdbQuery {
TimeRange timeRange = 1;
DatasourceInfo datasource = 2;
repeated Query queries = 3;
message Query {
string refId = 1;
int64 maxDataPoints = 2;
int64 intervalMs = 3;
string modelJson = 4;
message TimeRange {
string fromRaw = 1;
string toRaw = 2;
int64 fromEpochMs = 3;
int64 toEpochMs = 4;
message Response {
repeated QueryResult results = 1;
message QueryResult {
string error = 1;
string refId = 2;
string metaJson = 3;
repeated TimeSeries series = 4;
repeated Table tables = 5;
message Table {
repeated TableColumn columns = 1;
repeated TableRow rows = 2;
message TableColumn {
string name = 1;
message TableRow {
repeated RowValue values = 1;
message RowValue {
enum Kind {
// Field type null.
// Field type double.
// Field type int64.
TYPE_INT64 = 2;
// Field type bool.
// Field type string.
// Field type bytes.
Kind kind = 1;
double doubleValue = 2;
int64 int64Value = 3;
bool boolValue = 4;
string stringValue = 5;
bytes bytesValue = 6;
message DatasourceInfo {
int64 id = 1;
int64 orgId = 2;
string name = 3;
string type = 4;
string url = 5;
string jsonData = 6;
string secureJsonData = 7;
message TimeSeries {
string name = 1;
map<string, string> tags = 2;
repeated Point points = 3;
message Point {
int64 timestamp = 1;
double value = 2;
service TsdbPlugin {
rpc Query(TsdbQuery) returns (Response);
package datasource
import (
plugin ""
type DatasourcePlugin interface {
Query(ctx context.Context, req *DatasourceRequest) (*DatasourceResponse, error)
type DatasourcePluginImpl struct {
Plugin DatasourcePlugin
func (p *DatasourcePluginImpl) GRPCServer(s *grpc.Server) error {
RegisterDatasourcePluginServer(s, &GRPCServer{p.Plugin})
return nil
func (p *DatasourcePluginImpl) GRPCClient(c *grpc.ClientConn) (interface{}, error) {
return &GRPCClient{NewDatasourcePluginClient(c)}, nil
type GRPCClient struct {
func (m *GRPCClient) Query(ctx context.Context, req *DatasourceRequest) (*DatasourceResponse, error) {
return m.DatasourcePluginClient.Query(ctx, req)
type GRPCServer struct {
func (m *GRPCServer) Query(ctx context.Context, req *DatasourceRequest) (*DatasourceResponse, error) {
return m.DatasourcePlugin.Query(ctx, req)
......@@ -435,10 +435,6 @@
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