Commit 9e270067 by Torkel Ödegaard

feat: when adding new function the alias function will be moved so it is always last

parent fe19e8f7
......@@ -227,6 +227,16 @@ function (angular, _, config, gfunc, Parser) {
$scope.addFunction = function(funcDef) {
var aliasFunc = _.find($scope.functions, function(func) {
return === 'alias';
if (aliasFunc) {
$scope.functions = _.without($scope.functions, aliasFunc);
"title": "New Dashboard",
"services": {
"filter": {
"list": [],
"time": {
"from": "now-5m",
"to": "now"
"rows": [],
"editable": true,
"failover": false,
"panel_hints": true
\ No newline at end of file
"title": "Introduction",
"title": "New Dashboard",
"services": {
"query": {
"list": {
"0": {
"query": "*",
"alias": "",
"color": "#7EB26D",
"id": 0,
"pin": false,
"type": "lucene"
"ids": [
"filter": {
"list": {
"0": {
"type": "time",
"field": "@timestamp",
"from": "now-1h",
"to": "now",
"mandate": "must",
"active": true,
"alias": "",
"id": 0
"list": [],
"time": {
"from": "now-5m",
"to": "now"
"ids": [
"rows": [
"title": "Intro",
"height": "400px",
"editable": true,
"collapse": false,
"collapsable": false,
"panels": [
"title": "graphite",
"error": false,
"span": 12,
"editable": true,
"group": [
"type": "graphite",
"spyable": true,
"targets": [
"target": ""
"notice": true
"rows": [],
"editable": true,
"index": {
"interval": "none",
"pattern": "applogs-error",
"default": "_all",
"warm_fields": false
"style": "dark",
"failover": false,
"panel_hints": true,
"pulldowns": [],
"nav": [
"type": "timepicker",
"collapse": false,
"notice": false,
"status": "Stable",
"time_options": [
"refresh_intervals": [
"timefield": "@timestamp",
"enable": true,
"now": true,
"filter_id": 0
"loader": {
"save_gist": false,
"save_elasticsearch": true,
"save_local": true,
"save_default": true,
"save_temp": true,
"save_temp_ttl_enable": true,
"save_temp_ttl": "30d",
"load_gist": true,
"load_elasticsearch": true,
"load_elasticsearch_size": 20,
"load_local": true,
"hide": false
"refresh": false
"panel_hints": true
\ No newline at end of file
"title": "Your Basic Dashboard",
"services": {
"query": {
"list": {
"0": {
"query": "*",
"alias": "",
"color": "#7EB26D",
"id": 0,
"pin": false,
"type": "lucene"
"ids": [
"filter": {
"list": {},
"ids": []
"rows": [
"title": "Options",
"height": "50px",
"editable": true,
"collapse": false,
"collapsable": true,
"panels": [
"error": false,
"span": 7,
"editable": true,
"group": [
"type": "text",
"status": "Stable",
"mode": "markdown",
"content": "If you have a field with a timestamp in it, you can set a time filter using the control in the navigation bar. You'll need to click the cog icon to configure the field that your timestamp is in.",
"style": {},
"title": "Have a timestamp somewhere?"
"error": false,
"span": 5,
"editable": true,
"group": [
"type": "text",
"status": "Stable",
"mode": "markdown",
"content": "See the *Filters* bar above? Click it to expand the filters panel. Right now there are none. click on one of the icons in the document types list to filter down to only that document type",
"style": {},
"title": "About filters"
"notice": false
"title": "Graph",
"height": "250px",
"editable": true,
"collapse": false,
"collapsable": true,
"panels": [
"error": false,
"span": 3,
"editable": true,
"group": [
"type": "terms",
"queries": {
"mode": "all",
"ids": [
"field": "_type",
"exclude": [],
"missing": true,
"other": true,
"size": 100,
"order": "count",
"style": {
"font-size": "10pt"
"donut": false,
"tilt": false,
"labels": true,
"arrangement": "horizontal",
"chart": "pie",
"counter_pos": "none",
"title": "Document types",
"spyable": true
"error": false,
"span": 3,
"editable": true,
"group": [
"type": "terms",
"queries": {
"mode": "all",
"ids": [
"field": "_type",
"exclude": [],
"missing": true,
"other": true,
"size": 10,
"order": "count",
"style": {
"font-size": "10pt"
"donut": false,
"tilt": false,
"labels": true,
"arrangement": "horizontal",
"chart": "table",
"counter_pos": "above",
"spyable": true,
"title": "Document Types"
"error": false,
"span": 6,
"editable": true,
"group": [
"type": "text",
"status": "Stable",
"mode": "markdown",
"content": "It's the best I can do without knowing much about your data! I've tried to pick some sane defaults for you. The two *terms* panels to the left of this *text* panel show a breakdown of your document type. \n\nKibana is currently configured to point at the special Elasticsearch *_all* index. You can change that by clicking on the cog icon in the navigation bar at the top. You can also add rows from that dialog. You can edit individual panels by click on the cog icon on the panel you want to edit\n\nThe *table* panel below has attempted to list your fields to the left, select a few to view them in the table. To add more panels, of different types, click the cog on the row label to the far left",
"style": {},
"title": "The most generic dashboard ever"
"notice": false
"title": "Events",
"height": "650px",
"editable": true,
"collapse": false,
"collapsable": true,
"panels": [
"error": false,
"span": 12,
"editable": true,
"group": [
"type": "table",
"size": 100,
"pages": 5,
"offset": 0,
"sort": [
"style": {
"font-size": "9pt"
"overflow": "min-height",
"fields": [],
"highlight": [],
"sortable": true,
"header": true,
"paging": true,
"spyable": true,
"queries": {
"mode": "all",
"ids": [
"field_list": true,
"status": "Stable",
"trimFactor": 300,
"normTimes": true,
"title": "Documents"
"notice": false
"editable": true,
"index": {
"interval": "none",
"pattern": "[logstash-]YYYY.MM.DD",
"default": "_all",
"warm_fields": false
"style": "dark",
"failover": false,
"panel_hints": true,
"loader": {
"save_gist": false,
"save_elasticsearch": true,
"save_local": true,
"save_default": true,
"save_temp": true,
"save_temp_ttl_enable": true,
"save_temp_ttl": "30d",
"load_gist": true,
"load_elasticsearch": true,
"load_elasticsearch_size": 20,
"load_local": true,
"hide": false
"pulldowns": [
"type": "query",
"collapse": false,
"notice": false,
"query": "*",
"pinned": true,
"history": [],
"remember": 10
"type": "filtering",
"collapse": true,
"notice": false
"nav": [
"type": "timepicker",
"collapse": false,
"notice": false,
"status": "Stable",
"time_options": [
"refresh_intervals": [
"timefield": "@timestamp"
"refresh": false
\ No newline at end of file
/* global _ */
* Complex scripted Logstash dashboard
* This script generates a dashboard object that Kibana can load. It also takes a number of user
* supplied URL parameters, none are required:
* index :: Which index to search? If this is specified, interval is set to 'none'
* pattern :: Does nothing if index is specified. Set a timestamped index pattern. Default: [logstash-]YYYY.MM.DD
* interval :: Sets the index interval (eg: day,week,month,year), Default: day
* split :: The character to split the queries on Default: ','
* query :: By default, a comma seperated list of queries to run. Default: *
* from :: Search this amount of time back, eg 15m, 1h, 2d. Default: 15m
* timefield :: The field containing the time to filter on, Default: @timestamp
* fields :: comma seperated list of fields to show in the table
* sort :: comma seperated field to sort on, and direction, eg sort=@timestamp,desc
'use strict';
// Setup some variables
var dashboard, queries, _d_timespan;
// All url parameters are available via the ARGS object
var ARGS;
// Set a default timespan if one isn't specified
_d_timespan = '1d';
// Intialize a skeleton with nothing but a rows array and service object
dashboard = {
rows : [],
services : {}
// Set a title
dashboard.title = 'Logstash Search';
// Allow the user to set the index, if they dont, fall back to logstash.
if(!_.isUndefined(ARGS.index)) {
dashboard.index = {
default: ARGS.index,
interval: 'none'
} else {
// Don't fail to default
dashboard.failover = false;
dashboard.index = {
default: ARGS.index||'ADD_A_TIME_FILTER',
pattern: ARGS.pattern||'[logstash-]YYYY.MM.DD',
interval: ARGS.interval||'day'
// In this dashboard we let users pass queries as comma seperated list to the query parameter.
// Or they can specify a split character using the split aparameter
// If query is defined, split it into a list of query objects
// NOTE: ids must be integers, hence the parseInt()s
if(!_.isUndefined(ARGS.query)) {
queries = _.object(||','), function(v,k) {
return [k,{
query: v,
id: parseInt(k,10),
alias: v
} else {
// No queries passed? Initialize a single query to match everything
queries = {
0: {
query: '*',
id: 0,
// Now populate the query service with our objects = {
list : queries,
ids :,function(v){return parseInt(v,10);})
// Lets also add a default time filter, the value of which can be specified by the user = {
list: {
0: {
from: "now-"+(ARGS.from||_d_timespan),
to: "now",
field: ARGS.timefield||"@timestamp",
type: "time",
active: true,
id: 0,
ids: [0]
// Ok, lets make some rows. The Filters row is collapsed by default
dashboard.rows = [
title: "Chart",
height: "300px"
title: "Events",
height: "400px"
// And a histogram that allows the user to specify the interval and time field
dashboard.rows[0].panels = [
title: 'events over time',
type: 'histogram',
time_field: ARGS.timefield||"@timestamp",
auto_int: true,
span: 12
// And a table row where you can specify field and sort order
dashboard.rows[1].panels = [
title: 'all events',
type: 'table',
fields: !_.isUndefined(ARGS.fields) ? ARGS.fields.split(',') : [],
sort: !_.isUndefined(ARGS.sort) ? ARGS.sort.split(',') : [ARGS.timefield||'@timestamp','desc'],
overflow: 'expand',
span: 12
// Now return the object and we're good!
return dashboard;
"title": "Logstash Search",
"services": {
"query": {
"list": {
"0": {
"query": "{{ARGS.query || '*'}}",
"alias": "",
"color": "#7EB26D",
"id": 0,
"pin": false,
"type": "lucene"
"ids": [
"filter": {
"list": {
"0": {
"type": "time",
"field": "@timestamp",
"from": "now-{{ARGS.from || '24h'}}",
"to": "now",
"mandate": "must",
"active": true,
"alias": "",
"id": 0
"ids": [
"rows": [
"title": "Graph",
"height": "350px",
"editable": true,
"collapse": false,
"collapsable": true,
"panels": [
"span": 12,
"editable": true,
"group": [
"type": "histogram",
"mode": "count",
"time_field": "@timestamp",
"value_field": null,
"auto_int": true,
"resolution": 100,
"interval": "10m",
"fill": 3,
"linewidth": 3,
"timezone": "browser",
"spyable": true,
"zoomlinks": true,
"bars": true,
"stack": true,
"points": false,
"lines": false,
"legend": true,
"x-axis": true,
"y-axis": true,
"percentage": false,
"interactive": true,
"queries": {
"mode": "all",
"ids": [
"title": "Events over time",
"intervals": [
"options": true,
"tooltip": {
"value_type": "cumulative",
"query_as_alias": false
"notice": false
"title": "Events",
"height": "350px",
"editable": true,
"collapse": false,
"collapsable": true,
"panels": [
"title": "All events",
"error": false,
"span": 12,
"editable": true,
"group": [
"type": "table",
"size": 100,
"pages": 5,
"offset": 0,
"sort": [
"style": {
"font-size": "9pt"
"overflow": "min-height",
"fields": [],
"localTime": true,
"timeField": "@timestamp",
"highlight": [],
"sortable": true,
"header": true,
"paging": true,
"spyable": true,
"queries": {
"mode": "all",
"ids": [
"field_list": true,
"status": "Stable",
"trimFactor": 300,
"normTimes": true
"notice": false
"editable": true,
"failover": false,
"index": {
"interval": "day",
"pattern": "[logstash-]YYYY.MM.DD",
"style": "dark",
"panel_hints": true,
"pulldowns": [
"type": "query",
"collapse": false,
"notice": false,
"query": "*",
"pinned": true,
"history": [],
"remember": 10
"type": "filtering",
"collapse": true,
"notice": false
"nav": [
"type": "timepicker",
"collapse": false,
"notice": false,
"status": "Stable",
"time_options": [
"refresh_intervals": [
"timefield": "@timestamp",
"now": true,
"filter_id": 0
"loader": {
"save_gist": false,
"save_elasticsearch": true,
"save_local": true,
"save_default": true,
"save_temp": true,
"save_temp_ttl_enable": true,
"save_temp_ttl": "30d",
"load_gist": true,
"load_elasticsearch": true,
"load_elasticsearch_size": 20,
"load_local": true,
"hide": false
"refresh": false
"title": "A few notes",
"services": {
"query": {
"list": {
"0": {
"query": "*",
"alias": "",
"color": "#7EB26D",
"id": 0,
"pin": false,
"type": "lucene"
"ids": [
"filter": {
"list": {},
"ids": []
"rows": [
"title": "Graph",
"height": "250px",
"editable": true,
"collapse": false,
"collapsable": true,
"panels": [
"error": false,
"span": 3,
"editable": true,
"group": [
"type": "text",
"status": "Stable",
"mode": "markdown",
"content": "See the small Filters bar above this? Click it to expand the filters row. Right now there are none, but if you were to add a Table panel, you could click on event fields to drill down and add some. Or if you had timestamped data and used a time picker, your time filter would appear there",
"style": {},
"title": "Filtering"
"error": false,
"span": 9,
"editable": true,
"group": [
"type": "text",
"status": "Stable",
"mode": "markdown",
"content": "### Start here\nThis dashboard doesn't run any queries, but it's the best I can do without knowing much about your data!\n\n##### Kibana is currently configured to point at the special Elasticsearch *_all* index. You can change that by clicking on the cog icon in the title bar of this dashboard\nIf you have several indices and a lot of data, you should probably do that before you add any new panels. You can also add rows from that dialog. You can edit individual panels by click on the link that appears in their top right when you mouse over them",
"style": {},
"title": "Welcome!"
"notice": false
"title": "Table",
"height": "650px",
"editable": true,
"collapse": false,
"collapsable": true,
"panels": [
"error": false,
"span": 12,
"editable": true,
"group": [
"type": "text",
"status": "Stable",
"mode": "markdown",
"content": "## A good place for a table\nThis is a good place for a table panel. Table panels present your data in a tabular format and allow you pick the fields you want to see, sort on them, and drill down.",
"style": {},
"title": "Put a table here maybe?"
"notice": false
"editable": true,
"index": {
"interval": "none",
"pattern": "[logstash-]YYYY.MM.DD",
"default": "_all",
"warm_fields": false
"style": "dark",
"failover": false,
"panel_hints": true,
"loader": {
"save_gist": false,
"save_elasticsearch": true,
"save_local": true,
"save_default": true,
"save_temp": true,
"save_temp_ttl_enable": true,
"save_temp_ttl": "30d",
"load_gist": true,
"load_elasticsearch": true,
"load_elasticsearch_size": 20,
"load_local": true,
"hide": false
"pulldowns": [
"type": "query",
"collapse": false,
"notice": false,
"query": "*",
"pinned": true,
"history": [],
"remember": 10
"type": "filtering",
"collapse": true,
"notice": false
"nav": [
"type": "timepicker",
"collapse": false,
"notice": false,
"status": "Stable",
"time_options": [
"refresh_intervals": [
"timefield": "@timestamp"
"refresh": false
\ No newline at end of file
Markdown is supported
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