Commit 9e357d84 by Hugo Häggmark Committed by GitHub

BackendSrv: Queues data source requests but passes through api requests (#26947)

* Refactor: initial commit

* wip

* Refactor: getting into a simpler model

* Refactor: adds some comments

* Refactor: renames statuses according to PR comments

* Refactor: adds more comments

* Tests: adds tests for FetchQueue

* Tests: adds tests for ResponseQueue

* Tests: adds tests for FetchQueueWorker

* Tests: simplified the tests for ResponseQueue

* Refactor: adds http2 scenario

* Refactor: using Cfg instead of global variable

Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <>

* Refactor: reverted change in frontendsettings.go

* Tests: fix test mocks

* Fix: changes how cfg.Protocol gets its value

Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <>
parent 95432fb6
......@@ -99,4 +99,5 @@ export interface GrafanaConfig {
pluginsToPreload: string[];
featureToggles: FeatureToggles;
licenseInfo: LicenseInfo;
http2Enabled: boolean;
......@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ export class GrafanaBootConfig implements GrafanaConfig {
licenseInfo: LicenseInfo = {} as LicenseInfo;
rendererAvailable = false;
http2Enabled = false;
constructor(options: GrafanaBootConfig) {
this.theme = options.bootData.user.lightTheme ? getTheme(GrafanaThemeType.Light) : getTheme(GrafanaThemeType.Dark);
......@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ func (hs *HTTPServer) getFrontendSettingsMap(c *models.ReqContext) (map[string]i
"featureToggles": hs.Cfg.FeatureToggles,
"rendererAvailable": hs.RenderService.IsAvailable(),
"http2Enabled": hs.Cfg.Protocol == setting.HTTP2,
return jsonObj, nil
......@@ -673,7 +673,6 @@ func (cfg *Cfg) Load(args *CommandLineArgs) error {
cfg.ServeFromSubPath = ServeFromSubPath
Protocol = HTTP
cfg.Protocol = Protocol
protocolStr, err := valueAsString(server, "protocol", "http")
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -692,6 +691,7 @@ func (cfg *Cfg) Load(args *CommandLineArgs) error {
Protocol = SOCKET
SocketPath = server.Key("socket").String()
cfg.Protocol = Protocol
Domain, err = valueAsString(server, "domain", "localhost")
if err != nil {
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { take } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { BackendSrvRequest } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { FetchQueue, FetchQueueUpdate, FetchStatus } from './FetchQueue';
type SubscribeTesterArgs<T> = {
observable: Observable<T>;
expectCallback: (data: T) => void;
doneCallback: jest.DoneCallback;
export const subscribeTester = <T>({ observable, expectCallback, doneCallback }: SubscribeTesterArgs<T>) => {
next: data => expectCallback(data),
complete: () => {
describe('FetchQueue', () => {
describe('add', () => {
describe('when called twice', () => {
it('then an update with the correct state should be published', done => {
const id = 'id';
const id2 = 'id2';
const options: BackendSrvRequest = { url: 'http://someurl' };
const options2: BackendSrvRequest = { url: 'http://someotherurl' };
const expects: FetchQueueUpdate[] = [
noOfPending: 1,
noOfInProgress: 0,
state: {
['id']: { options: { url: 'http://someurl' }, state: FetchStatus.Pending },
noOfPending: 2,
noOfInProgress: 0,
state: {
['id']: { options: { url: 'http://someurl' }, state: FetchStatus.Pending },
['id2']: { options: { url: 'http://someotherurl' }, state: FetchStatus.Pending },
const queue = new FetchQueue();
let calls = 0;
observable: queue.getUpdates().pipe(take(2)),
expectCallback: data => expect(data).toEqual(expects[calls++]),
doneCallback: done,
queue.add(id, options);
queue.add(id2, options2);
describe('setInProgress', () => {
describe('when called', () => {
it('then an update with the correct state should be published', done => {
const id = 'id';
const id2 = 'id2';
const options: BackendSrvRequest = { url: 'http://someurl' };
const options2: BackendSrvRequest = { url: 'http://someotherurl' };
const expects: FetchQueueUpdate[] = [
noOfPending: 1,
noOfInProgress: 0,
state: {
['id']: { options: { url: 'http://someurl' }, state: FetchStatus.Pending },
noOfPending: 2,
noOfInProgress: 0,
state: {
['id']: { options: { url: 'http://someurl' }, state: FetchStatus.Pending },
['id2']: { options: { url: 'http://someotherurl' }, state: FetchStatus.Pending },
noOfPending: 1,
noOfInProgress: 1,
state: {
['id']: { options: { url: 'http://someurl' }, state: FetchStatus.Pending },
['id2']: { options: { url: 'http://someotherurl' }, state: FetchStatus.InProgress },
const queue = new FetchQueue();
let calls = 0;
observable: queue.getUpdates().pipe(take(3)),
expectCallback: data => expect(data).toEqual(expects[calls++]),
doneCallback: done,
queue.add(id, options);
queue.add(id2, options2);
describe('setDone', () => {
describe('when called', () => {
it('then an update with the correct state should be published', done => {
const id = 'id';
const id2 = 'id2';
const options: BackendSrvRequest = { url: 'http://someurl' };
const options2: BackendSrvRequest = { url: 'http://someotherurl' };
const expects: FetchQueueUpdate[] = [
noOfPending: 1,
noOfInProgress: 0,
state: {
['id']: { options: { url: 'http://someurl' }, state: FetchStatus.Pending },
noOfPending: 2,
noOfInProgress: 0,
state: {
['id']: { options: { url: 'http://someurl' }, state: FetchStatus.Pending },
['id2']: { options: { url: 'http://someotherurl' }, state: FetchStatus.Pending },
noOfPending: 1,
noOfInProgress: 0,
state: {
['id2']: { options: { url: 'http://someotherurl' }, state: FetchStatus.Pending },
const queue = new FetchQueue();
let calls = 0;
observable: queue.getUpdates().pipe(take(3)),
expectCallback: data => expect(data).toEqual(expects[calls++]),
doneCallback: done,
queue.add(id, options);
queue.add(id2, options2);
import { Observable, Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { BackendSrvRequest } from '@grafana/runtime';
export interface QueueState extends Record<string, { state: FetchStatus; options: BackendSrvRequest }> {}
export enum FetchStatus {
export interface FetchQueueUpdate {
noOfInProgress: number;
noOfPending: number;
state: QueueState;
interface QueueStateEntry {
id: string;
options?: BackendSrvRequest;
state: FetchStatus;
export class FetchQueue {
private state: QueueState = {}; // internal queue state
private queue: Subject<QueueStateEntry> = new Subject<QueueStateEntry>(); // internal stream for requests that are to be queued
private updates: Subject<FetchQueueUpdate> = new Subject<FetchQueueUpdate>(); // external stream with updates to the queue state
constructor(debug = false) {
// This will create an implicit live subscription for as long as this class lives.
// But as FetchQueue is used by the singleton backendSrv that also lives for as long as Grafana app lives
// I think this ok. We could add some disposable pattern later if the need arises.
this.queue.subscribe(entry => {
const { id, state, options } = entry;
if (!this.state[id]) {
this.state[id] = { state: FetchStatus.Pending, options: {} as BackendSrvRequest };
if (state === FetchStatus.Done) {
delete this.state[id];
const update = this.getUpdate(this.state);
this.publishUpdate(update, debug);
this.state[id].state = state;
if (options) {
this.state[id].options = options;
const update = this.getUpdate(this.state);
this.publishUpdate(update, debug);
add = (id: string, options: BackendSrvRequest): void =>{ id, options, state: FetchStatus.Pending });
setInProgress = (id: string): void =>{ id, state: FetchStatus.InProgress });
setDone = (id: string): void =>{ id, state: FetchStatus.Done });
getUpdates = (): Observable<FetchQueueUpdate> => this.updates.asObservable();
private getUpdate = (state: QueueState): FetchQueueUpdate => {
const noOfInProgress = Object.keys(state).filter(key => state[key].state === FetchStatus.InProgress).length;
const noOfPending = Object.keys(state).filter(key => state[key].state === FetchStatus.Pending).length;
return { noOfPending, noOfInProgress, state };
private publishUpdate = (update: FetchQueueUpdate, debug: boolean): void => {
this.printState(update, debug);;
private printState = (update: FetchQueueUpdate, debug: boolean): void => {
if (!debug) {
const entriesWithoutOptions = Object.keys(update.state).reduce((all, key) => {
const entry = { id: key, state: update.state[key].state };
return all;
}, [] as Array<{ id: string; state: FetchStatus }>);
console.log('FetchQueue noOfStarted', update.noOfInProgress);
console.log('FetchQueue noOfNotStarted', update.noOfPending);
console.log('FetchQueue state', entriesWithoutOptions);
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { FetchQueue, FetchQueueUpdate, FetchStatus } from './FetchQueue';
import { ResponseQueue } from './ResponseQueue';
import { FetchQueueWorker } from './FetchQueueWorker';
import { expect } from '../../../test/lib/common';
import { GrafanaBootConfig } from '@grafana/runtime';
const getTestContext = (http2Enabled = false) => {
const config: GrafanaBootConfig = ({ http2Enabled } as unknown) as GrafanaBootConfig;
const dataUrl = 'http://localhost:3000/api/ds/query?=abc';
const apiUrl = 'http://localhost:3000/api/alerts?state=all';
const updates: Subject<FetchQueueUpdate> = new Subject<FetchQueueUpdate>();
const queueMock: FetchQueue = ({
add: jest.fn(),
setInProgress: jest.fn(),
setDone: jest.fn(),
getUpdates: () => updates.asObservable(),
} as unknown) as FetchQueue;
const addMock = jest.fn();
const responseQueueMock: ResponseQueue = ({
add: addMock,
getResponses: jest.fn(),
} as unknown) as ResponseQueue;
new FetchQueueWorker(queueMock, responseQueueMock, config);
return { dataUrl, apiUrl, updates, queueMock, addMock };
describe('FetchQueueWorker', () => {
describe('when an update is pushed in the stream', () => {
describe('and queue has no pending entries', () => {
it('then nothing should be added to the responseQueue', () => {
const { updates, addMock } = getTestContext();{ noOfPending: 0, noOfInProgress: 1, state: {} });
describe('and queue has pending entries', () => {
describe('and there are no entries in progress', () => {
it('then api request should be added before data requests responseQueue', () => {
const { updates, addMock, dataUrl, apiUrl } = getTestContext();{
noOfPending: 2,
noOfInProgress: 0,
state: {
['data']: { state: FetchStatus.Pending, options: { url: dataUrl } },
['api']: { state: FetchStatus.Pending, options: { url: apiUrl } },
['api', { url: 'http://localhost:3000/api/alerts?state=all' }],
['data', { url: 'http://localhost:3000/api/ds/query?=abc' }],
describe('and there are max concurrent entries in progress', () => {
it('then api request should always pass through but no data requests should pass', () => {
const { updates, addMock, dataUrl, apiUrl } = getTestContext();{
noOfPending: 2,
noOfInProgress: 5,
state: {
['data']: { state: FetchStatus.Pending, options: { url: dataUrl } },
['api']: { state: FetchStatus.Pending, options: { url: apiUrl } },
expect(addMock.mock.calls).toEqual([['api', { url: 'http://localhost:3000/api/alerts?state=all' }]]);
describe('and http2 is enabled and there are max concurrent entries in progress', () => {
it('then api request should always pass through but no data requests should pass', () => {
const { updates, addMock, dataUrl, apiUrl } = getTestContext(true);{
noOfPending: 2,
noOfInProgress: 1000,
state: {
['data']: { state: FetchStatus.Pending, options: { url: dataUrl } },
['api']: { state: FetchStatus.Pending, options: { url: apiUrl } },
expect(addMock.mock.calls).toEqual([['api', { url: 'http://localhost:3000/api/alerts?state=all' }]]);
import { concatMap, filter } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { FetchQueue, FetchStatus } from './FetchQueue';
import { BackendSrvRequest } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { isDataQuery } from '../utils/query';
import { ResponseQueue } from './ResponseQueue';
import { getConfig } from '../config';
interface WorkerEntry {
id: string;
options: BackendSrvRequest;
export class FetchQueueWorker {
constructor(fetchQueue: FetchQueue, responseQueue: ResponseQueue, config = getConfig()) {
const maxParallelRequests = config.http2Enabled ? 1000 : 5; // assuming that 1000 parallel requests are enough for http2
// This will create an implicit live subscription for as long as this class lives.
// But as FetchQueueWorker is used by the singleton backendSrv that also lives for as long as Grafana app lives
// I think this ok. We could add some disposable pattern later if the need arises.
filter(({ noOfPending }) => noOfPending > 0), // no reason to act if there is nothing to act upon
// Using concatMap instead of mergeMap so that the order with apiRequests first is preserved
concatMap(({ state, noOfInProgress }) => {
const apiRequests = Object.keys(state)
.filter(k => state[k].state === FetchStatus.Pending && !isDataQuery(state[k].options.url))
.reduce((all, key) => {
const entry = { id: key, options: state[key].options };
return all;
}, [] as WorkerEntry[]);
const dataRequests = Object.keys(state)
.filter(key => state[key].state === FetchStatus.Pending && isDataQuery(state[key].options.url))
.reduce((all, key) => {
const entry = { id: key, options: state[key].options };
return all;
}, [] as WorkerEntry[]);
// apiRequests have precedence over data requests and should always be called directly
// this means we can end up with a negative value.
// Because the way Array.toSlice works with negative numbers we use Math.max below.
const noOfAllowedDataRequests = Math.max(maxParallelRequests - noOfInProgress - apiRequests.length, 0);
const dataRequestToFetch = dataRequests.slice(0, noOfAllowedDataRequests);
return apiRequests.concat(dataRequestToFetch);
.subscribe(({ id, options }) => {
// This will add an entry to the responseQueue
responseQueue.add(id, options);
import { of } from 'rxjs';
import { first } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { BackendSrvRequest } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { FetchQueue, FetchQueueUpdate } from './FetchQueue';
import { ResponseQueue } from './ResponseQueue';
import { subscribeTester } from './FetchQueue.test';
import { describe, expect } from '../../../test/lib/common';
const getTestContext = () => {
const id = 'id';
const options: BackendSrvRequest = { url: 'http://someurl' };
const expects: FetchQueueUpdate[] = [];
const fetchResult = of({
data: id,
status: 200,
statusText: 'OK',
ok: true,
headers: (null as unknown) as Headers,
redirected: false,
type: (null as unknown) as ResponseType,
url: options.url,
config: (null as unknown) as BackendSrvRequest,
const fetchMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(fetchResult);
const setInProgressMock = jest.fn();
const setDoneMock = jest.fn();
const queueMock: FetchQueue = ({
add: jest.fn(),
setInProgress: setInProgressMock,
setDone: setDoneMock,
getUpdates: jest.fn(),
} as unknown) as FetchQueue;
const responseQueue = new ResponseQueue(queueMock, fetchMock);
return { id, options, expects, fetchMock, setInProgressMock, setDoneMock, responseQueue, fetchResult };
describe('ResponseQueue', () => {
describe('add', () => {
describe('when called', () => {
it('then the matching fetchQueue entry should be set to inProgress', () => {
const { id, options, setInProgressMock, setDoneMock, responseQueue } = getTestContext();
responseQueue.add(id, options);
it('then a response entry with correct id should be published', done => {
const { id, options, responseQueue } = getTestContext();
observable: responseQueue.getResponses(id).pipe(first()),
expectCallback: data => expect(,
doneCallback: done,
responseQueue.add(id, options);
it('then fetch is called with correct options', done => {
const { id, options, responseQueue, fetchMock } = getTestContext();
observable: responseQueue.getResponses(id).pipe(first()),
expectCallback: () => {
expect(fetchMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ url: 'http://someurl' });
doneCallback: done,
responseQueue.add(id, options);
describe('and when the fetch Observable is completed', () => {
it('then the matching fetchQueue entry should be set to Done', done => {
const { id, options, responseQueue, setInProgressMock, setDoneMock } = getTestContext();
observable: responseQueue.getResponses(id).pipe(first()),
expectCallback: data => {
doneCallback: done,
responseQueue.add(id, options);
import { Observable, Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { filter, finalize } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { BackendSrvRequest, FetchResponse } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { FetchQueue } from './FetchQueue';
interface FetchWorkEntry {
id: string;
options: BackendSrvRequest;
interface FetchResponsesEntry<T> {
id: string;
observable: Observable<FetchResponse<T>>;
export class ResponseQueue {
private queue: Subject<FetchWorkEntry> = new Subject<FetchWorkEntry>(); // internal stream for requests that are to be executed
private responses: Subject<FetchResponsesEntry<any>> = new Subject<FetchResponsesEntry<any>>(); // external stream with responses from fetch
constructor(fetchQueue: FetchQueue, fetch: <T>(options: BackendSrvRequest) => Observable<FetchResponse<T>>) {
// This will create an implicit live subscription for as long as this class lives.
// But as FetchQueue is used by the singleton backendSrv that also lives for as long as Grafana app lives
// I think this ok. We could add some disposable pattern later if the need arises.
this.queue.subscribe(entry => {
const { id, options } = entry;
// Let the fetchQueue know that this id has started data fetching.
observable: fetch(options).pipe(
// finalize is called whenever this observable is unsubscribed/errored/completed/canceled
finalize(() => {
// Let the fetchQueue know that this id is done.
add = (id: string, options: BackendSrvRequest): void => {{ id, options });
getResponses = <T>(id: string): Observable<FetchResponsesEntry<T>> =>
this.responses.asObservable().pipe(filter(entry => === id));
import { from, merge, MonoTypeOperatorFunction, Observable, Subject, throwError } from 'rxjs';
import { from, merge, MonoTypeOperatorFunction, Observable, Subject, Subscription, throwError } from 'rxjs';
import { catchError, filter, map, mergeMap, retryWhen, share, takeUntil, tap, throwIfEmpty } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { fromFetch } from 'rxjs/fetch';
import { BackendSrv as BackendService, BackendSrvRequest, FetchResponse, FetchError } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { BackendSrv as BackendService, BackendSrvRequest, FetchError, FetchResponse } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { AppEvents } from '@grafana/data';
import appEvents from 'app/core/app_events';
......@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ import { coreModule } from 'app/core/core_module';
import { ContextSrv, contextSrv } from './context_srv';
import { Emitter } from '../utils/emitter';
import { parseInitFromOptions, parseUrlFromOptions } from '../utils/fetch';
import { isDataQuery, isLocalUrl } from '../utils/query';
import { FetchQueue } from './FetchQueue';
import { ResponseQueue } from './ResponseQueue';
import { FetchQueueWorker } from './FetchQueueWorker';
const CANCEL_ALL_REQUESTS_REQUEST_ID = 'cancel_all_requests_request_id';
......@@ -27,6 +31,8 @@ export class BackendSrv implements BackendService {
private noBackendCache: boolean;
private inspectorStream: Subject<FetchResponse | FetchError> = new Subject<FetchResponse | FetchError>();
private readonly fetchQueue: FetchQueue;
private readonly responseQueue: ResponseQueue;
private dependencies: BackendSrvDependencies = {
fromFetch: fromFetch,
......@@ -44,6 +50,11 @@ export class BackendSrv implements BackendService {
this.internalFetch = this.internalFetch.bind(this);
this.fetchQueue = new FetchQueue();
this.responseQueue = new ResponseQueue(this.fetchQueue, this.internalFetch);
new FetchQueueWorker(this.fetchQueue, this.responseQueue);
async request<T = any>(options: BackendSrvRequest): Promise<T> {
......@@ -53,6 +64,38 @@ export class BackendSrv implements BackendService {
fetch<T>(options: BackendSrvRequest): Observable<FetchResponse<T>> {
return new Observable(observer => {
// We need to match an entry added to the queue stream with the entry that is eventually added to the response stream
// using as the unique identifier
const id =;
// Subscription is an object that is returned whenever you subscribe to an Observable.
// You can also use it as a container of many subscriptions and when it is unsubscribed all subscriptions within are also unsubscribed.
const subscriptions: Subscription = new Subscription();
// We're using the subscriptions.add function to add the subscription implicitly returned by this.responseQueue.getResponses<T>(id).subscribe below.
this.responseQueue.getResponses<T>(id).subscribe(result => {
// The one liner below can seem magical if you're not accustomed to RxJs.
// Firstly, we're subscribing to the result from the result.observable and we're passing in the outer observer object.
// By passing the outer observer object then any updates on result.observable are passed through to any subscriber of the fetch<T> function.
// Secondly, we're adding the subscription implicitly returned by result.observable.subscribe(observer).
// Let the fetchQueue know that this id needs to start data fetching.
this.fetchQueue.add(id, options);
// This returned function will be called whenever the returned Observable from the fetch<T> function is unsubscribed/errored/completed/canceled.
return function unsubscribe() {
// When subscriptions is unsubscribed all the implicitly added subscriptions above are also unsubscribed.
private internalFetch<T>(options: BackendSrvRequest): Observable<FetchResponse<T>> {
if (options.requestId) {;
......@@ -103,10 +146,6 @@ export class BackendSrv implements BackendService {
options.url = options.url.substring(1);
// if (options.url.endsWith('/')) {
// options.url = options.url.slice(0, -1);
// }
if (options.headers?.Authorization) {
options.headers['X-DS-Authorization'] = options.headers.Authorization;
delete options.headers.Authorization;
......@@ -363,22 +402,6 @@ export class BackendSrv implements BackendService {
function isDataQuery(url: string): boolean {
if (
url.indexOf('api/datasources/proxy') !== -1 ||
url.indexOf('api/tsdb/query') !== -1 ||
url.indexOf('api/ds/query') !== -1
) {
return true;
return false;
function isLocalUrl(url: string) {
return !url.match(/^http/);
coreModule.factory('backendSrv', () => backendSrv);
// Used for testing and things that really need BackendSrv
export const backendSrv = new BackendSrv();
......@@ -18,3 +18,19 @@ export function addQuery(queries: DataQuery[], query?: Partial<DataQuery>): Data
q.refId = getNextRefIdChar(queries);
return [...queries, q as DataQuery];
export function isDataQuery(url: string): boolean {
if (
url.indexOf('api/datasources/proxy') !== -1 ||
url.indexOf('api/tsdb/query') !== -1 ||
url.indexOf('api/ds/query') !== -1
) {
return true;
return false;
export function isLocalUrl(url: string) {
return !url.match(/^http/);
jest.mock('app/core/core', () => ({}));
jest.mock('app/core/config', () => {
return {
...((jest.requireActual('app/core/config') as unknown) as object),
bootData: {
user: {},
import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import { TeamPages, Props } from './TeamPages';
import { Team, TeamMember, OrgRole } from '../../types';
import { Props, TeamPages } from './TeamPages';
import { OrgRole, Team, TeamMember } from '../../types';
import { getMockTeam } from './__mocks__/teamMocks';
import { User } from 'app/core/services/context_srv';
import { NavModel } from '@grafana/data';
jest.mock('app/core/config', () => ({
licenseInfo: { hasLicense: true },
...((jest.requireActual('app/core/config') as unknown) as object),
licenseInfo: {
hasLicense: true,
const setup = (propOverrides?: object) => {
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