Commit a02db6d5 by Rashid Khan

Eliminate idQueue property from filterSrv and querySrv. Replace with binary…

Eliminate idQueue property from filterSrv and querySrv. Replace with binary search for smallest id. Closes #730. Closes #739
parent e73ea482
......@@ -479,6 +479,26 @@ function($, _, moment) {
// Find the smallest missing number in an array
kbn.smallestMissing = function(arr,start,end) {
start = start || 0;
end = end || arr.length-1;
if(start > end) {
return end + 1;
if(start !== arr[start]) {
return start;
var middle = Math.floor((start + end) / 2);
if (arr[middle] > middle) {
return kbn.smallestMissing(arr, start, middle);
} else {
return kbn.smallestMissing(arr, middle + 1, end);
kbn.byteFormat = function(size, decimals) {
var ext, steps = 0;
decimals = decimals || 2;
......@@ -14,14 +14,12 @@ define([
// Defaults for it
var _d = {
idQueue : [],
list : {},
ids : []
// For convenience
var ejs = ejsResource(config.elasticsearch);
var _f =;
// Save a reference to this
var self = this;
......@@ -34,7 +32,6 @@ define([
// Accessors
self.list =;
self.ids =;
_f =;
_.each(self.list,function(f) {
......@@ -97,8 +94,6 @@ define([
delete self.list[id];
// This must happen on the full path also since _.without returns a copy
self.ids = = _.without(self.ids,id);
_f.idQueue.sort(function(v,k){return v-k;});
_r = true;
} else {
_r = false;
......@@ -230,10 +225,14 @@ define([
var nextId = function() {
if(_f.idQueue.length > 0) {
return _f.idQueue.shift();
var idCount =;
if(idCount > 0) {
// Make a sorted copy of the ids array
var ids = _.clone(;
return kbn.smallestMissing(ids);
} else {
return self.ids.length;
// No ids currently in list
return 0;
......@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ function (angular, _, config, kbn) {
// Create an object to hold our service state on the dashboard = || {};
idQueue : [],
list : {},
ids : [],
......@@ -31,7 +30,6 @@ function (angular, _, config, kbn) {
// For convenience
var ejs = ejsResource(config.elasticsearch);
var _q =;
// Holds all actual queries, including all resolved abstract queries
var resolvedQueries = [];
......@@ -176,10 +174,6 @@ function (angular, _, config, kbn) {
delete self.list[id];
// This must happen on the full path also since _.without returns a copy
self.ids = = _.without(self.ids,id);
return v-k;
return true;
} else {
return false;
......@@ -246,10 +240,14 @@ function (angular, _, config, kbn) {
var nextId = function() {
if(_q.idQueue.length > 0) {
return _q.idQueue.shift();
var idCount =;
if(idCount > 0) {
// Make a sorted copy of the ids array
var ids = _.clone(;
return kbn.smallestMissing(ids);
} else {
return self.ids.length;
// No ids currently in list
return 0;
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