Commit a2cba668 by Dominik Prokop

Do not render time region line or fill if colors not provided

parent 7e1b6f59
......@@ -43,6 +43,25 @@ describe('TimeRegionManager', () => {
describe('When colors missing in config', () => {
plotOptionsScenario('should not throw an error when fillColor is undefined', ctx => {
const regions = [
{ fromDayOfWeek: 1, toDayOfWeek: 1, fill: true, line: true, lineColor: '#ffffff', colorMode: 'custom' },
const from = moment('2018-01-01T00:00:00+01:00');
const to = moment('2018-01-01T23:59:00+01:00');
expect(() => ctx.setup(regions, from, to)).not.toThrow();
plotOptionsScenario('should not throw an error when lineColor is undefined', ctx => {
const regions = [
{ fromDayOfWeek: 1, toDayOfWeek: 1, fill: true, fillColor: '#ffffff', line: true, colorMode: 'custom' },
const from = moment('2018-01-01T00:00:00+01:00');
const to = moment('2018-01-01T23:59:00+01:00');
expect(() => ctx.setup(regions, from, to)).not.toThrow();
describe('When creating plot markings using local time', () => {
plotOptionsScenario('for day of week region', ctx => {
const regions = [{ fromDayOfWeek: 1, toDayOfWeek: 1, fill: true, line: true, colorMode: 'red' }];
......@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ function getColor(timeRegion, theme: GrafanaTheme): TimeRegionColorDefinition {
if (timeRegion.colorMode === 'custom') {
return {
fill: getColorFromHexRgbOrName(timeRegion.fillColor, theme),
line: getColorFromHexRgbOrName(timeRegion.lineColor, theme),
fill: timeRegion.fill && timeRegion.fillColor ? getColorFromHexRgbOrName(timeRegion.fillColor, theme) : null,
line: timeRegion.line && timeRegion.lineColor ? getColorFromHexRgbOrName(timeRegion.lineColor, theme) : null,
......@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ function getColor(timeRegion, theme: GrafanaTheme): TimeRegionColorDefinition {
return {
fill: getColorFromHexRgbOrName(colorMode.color.fill, theme),
line: getColorFromHexRgbOrName(colorMode.color.line, theme),
fill: timeRegion.fill ? getColorFromHexRgbOrName(colorMode.color.fill, theme) : null,
line: timeRegion.fill ? getColorFromHexRgbOrName(colorMode.color.line, theme) : null,
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