Commit a4a97152 by Erik Sundell Committed by GitHub

CloudWatch: Docs updates after feedback (#20643)

* Docs updates after feedback

* Update upgrading doc

* Remove line break
parent d17d82b3
......@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@
* **TimePicker**: Should update after location change. [#20466](, [@torkelo](
## Breaking changes
* **CloudWatch**: Pre Grafana 6.5.0, the CloudWatch datasource used the GetMetricStatistics API for all queries that did not have an ´id´ and did not have an ´expression´ defined in the query editor. The GetMetricStatistics API has a limit of 400 transactions per second. In this release, all queries use the GetMetricData API. The GetMetricData API has a limit of 50 transactions per second and 100 metrics per transaction. Also the GetMetricData API pricing is different from GetMetricStatistics. While GetMetricStatistics qualified for the CloudWatch API free tier, this is not the case for GetMetricData calls. For more information, please refer to the CloudWatch pricing page ( Read more about GetMetricData limits in [upgrading to 6.5](
* **CloudWatch**: Pre Grafana 6.5.0, the CloudWatch datasource used the GetMetricStatistics API for all queries that did not have an ´id´ and did not have an ´expression´ defined in the query editor. The GetMetricStatistics API has a limit of 400 transactions per second. In this release, all queries use the GetMetricData API. The GetMetricData API has a limit of 50 transactions per second and 100 metrics per transaction. For API pricing information, please refer to the CloudWatch pricing page (
* **CloudWatch**: The GetMetricData API does not return metric unit, so unit auto detection in panels is no longer supported.
* **CloudWatch**: The `HighRes` switch has been removed from the query editor. Read more about this in [upgrading to 6.5](
* **CloudWatch**: In previous versions of Grafana, there was partial support for using multi template variables as dimension values. When a multi template variable is being used for dimension values in Grafana 6.5, a [search expression]( will be generated. In the GetMetricData API, expressions are limited to 1024 characters, so it might be the case that this limit is reached when a multi template variable that has a lot of values is being used. Read about the suggested workaround in [upgrading to 6.5](
* **CloudWatch**: In previous versions of Grafana, there was partial support for using multi-valued template variables as dimension values. When a multi-valued template variable is being used for dimension values in Grafana 6.5, a [search expression]( will be generated. In the GetMetricData API, expressions are limited to 1024 characters, so you might reach this limit if you are using a large number of values. Read our [upgrading to 6.5]( guide to see how you can use the `*` wildcard for this use case.
# 6.5.0-beta1 (2019-11-14)
......@@ -104,15 +104,14 @@
* **ReactPanels**: Adds Explore menu item. [#20236](, [@hugohaggmark](
* **Team Sync**: Fix URL encode Group IDs for external team sync. [#20280](, [@gotjosh](
## Breaking changes
* **CloudWatch**: Pre Grafana 6.5.0, the CloudWatch datasource used the GetMetricStatistics API for all queries that did not have an ´id´ and did not have an ´expression´ defined in the query editor. The GetMetricStatistics API has a limit of 400 transactions per second. In this release, all queries use the GetMetricData API. The GetMetricData API has a limit of 50 transactions per second and 100 metrics per transaction. Also the GetMetricData API pricing is different from GetMetricStatistics. While GetMetricStatistics qualified for the CloudWatch API free tier, this is not the case for GetMetricData calls. For more information, please refer to the CloudWatch pricing page ( Read more about GetMetricData limits in [upgrading to 6.5](
* **CloudWatch**: Pre Grafana 6.5.0, the CloudWatch datasource used the GetMetricStatistics API for all queries that did not have an ´id´ and did not have an ´expression´ defined in the query editor. The GetMetricStatistics API has a limit of 400 transactions per second. In this release, all queries use the GetMetricData API. The GetMetricData API has a limit of 50 transactions per second and 100 metrics per transaction. For API pricing information, please refer to the CloudWatch pricing page (
* **CloudWatch**: The GetMetricData API does not return metric unit, so unit auto detection in panels is no longer supported.
* **CloudWatch**: The `HighRes` switch has been removed from the query editor. Read more about this in [upgrading to 6.5](
* **CloudWatch**: In previous versions of Grafana, there was partial support for using multi template variables as dimension values. When a multi template variable is being used for dimension values in Grafana 6.5, a [search expression]( will be generated. In the GetMetricData API, expressions are limited to 1024 characters, so it might be the case that this limit is reached when a multi template variable that has a lot of values is being used. Read about the suggested workaround in [upgrading to 6.5](
* **CloudWatch**: In previous versions of Grafana, there was partial support for using multi-valued template variables as dimension values. When a multi-valued template variable is being used for dimension values in Grafana 6.5, a [search expression]( will be generated. In the GetMetricData API, expressions are limited to 1024 characters, so you might reach this limit if you are using a large number of values. Read our [upgrading to 6.5]( guide to see how you can use the `*` wildcard for this use case.
# 6.4.5 (2019-11-25)
......@@ -17,10 +17,9 @@ Grafana ships with built in support for CloudWatch. You just have to add it as a
## Adding the data source
1. Open the side menu by clicking the Grafana icon in the top header.
2. In the side menu under the `Dashboards` link you should find a link named `Data Sources`.
3. Click the `+ Add data source` button in the top header.
4. Select `Cloudwatch` from the _Type_ dropdown.
1. In the side menu under the `Configuration` link, click on `Data Sources`.
2. Click the `Add data source` button.
3. Select `Cloudwatch` in the `Cloud` section.
> NOTE: If at any moment you have issues with getting this data source to work and Grafana is giving you undescriptive errors then don't
> forget to check your log file (try looking in /var/log/grafana/grafana.log).
......@@ -35,25 +34,6 @@ Grafana ships with built in support for CloudWatch. You just have to add it as a
| _Credentials_ profile name | Specify the name of the profile to use (if you use `~/.aws/credentials` file), leave blank for default. |
| _Assume Role Arn_ | Specify the ARN of the role to assume |
### Min time interval
> Only available in Grafana v6.5+.
A lower limit for the auto group by time interval. Recommended to be set to write frequency, for example `1m` if your data is written every minute.
This option can also be overridden/configured in a dashboard panel under data source options. It's important to note that this value **needs** to be formatted as a
number followed by a valid time identifier, e.g. `1m` (1 minute) or `30s` (30 seconds). The following time identifiers are supported:
| Identifier | Description |
| ---------- | ----------- |
| `y` | year |
| `M` | month |
| `w` | week |
| `d` | day |
| `h` | hour |
| `m` | minute |
| `s` | second |
| `ms` | millisecond |
## Authentication
### IAM Roles
......@@ -214,4 +214,4 @@ Pre Grafana 6.5.0, the CloudWatch datasource used the GetMetricStatistics API fo
Each request to the GetMetricData API can include 100 queries. This means that each panel in Grafana will only issue one GetMetricData request, regardless of the number of query rows that are present in the panel. Consequently as it is no longer possible to set `HighRes` on a per query level anymore, this switch is now removed from the query editor. High resolution can still be achieved by choosing a smaller minimum period in the query editor.
The handling of multi template variables in dimension values has been changed in Grafana 6.5. When a multi template variable is being used, Grafana will generate a search expression. In the GetMetricData API, expressions are limited to 1024 characters, so it might be the case that this limit is reached when a multi template variable that has a lot of values is being used. If this is the case, we suggest you start using `*` wildcard as dimension value instead of a multi template variable.
The handling of multi-valued template variables in dimension values has been changed in Grafana 6.5. When a multi template variable is being used, Grafana will generate a search expression. In the GetMetricData API, expressions are limited to 1024 characters, so it might be the case that this limit is reached when a multi-valued template variable that has a lot of values is being used. If this is the case, we suggest you start using `*` wildcard as dimension value instead of a multi-valued template variable.
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