Commit a94745af by Diana Payton Committed by GitHub

Docs: Add variable examples (#26565)

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parent ad5f1c95
......@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ When you create a dashboard link, you can include the time range and current tem
Dashboard links can also be used as shortcuts to external systems, such as submitting [a GitHub issue with the current dashboard name](
To see an example of dashboard links in action, check out [this demo](
To see an example of dashboard links in action, check out:
- [Dashboard links with variables](
- [Prometheus repeat](
Once you've added a dashboard link, it appears in the upper right corner of your dashboard.
......@@ -253,6 +253,8 @@
- link: /variables/templates-and-variables/
name: Overview
- link: /variables/variable-examples/
name: Variable examples
- link: /variables/add-query-variable/
name: Add query variable
- link: /variables/add-custom-variable/
......@@ -15,6 +15,13 @@ Grafana lets you create dynamic dashboards using _template variables_. All varia
Template variables can be very useful to dynamically change your queries across a whole dashboard. If you want
Grafana to dynamically create new panels or rows based on what values you have selected, you can use the *Repeat* feature.
## Grafana Play examples
You can see examples in the following dashboards:
- [Prometheus repeat](
- [Repeated Rows Dashboard](
## Repeating panels
If you have a variable with `Multi-value` or `Include all value` options enabled you can choose one panel and have Grafana repeat that panel
......@@ -45,5 +52,3 @@ clicking on the cog button, you will access the `Row Options` configuration pane
you want to repeat the row for.
It may be a good idea to use a variable in the row title as well.
Example: [Repeated Rows Dashboard](
title = "Variable examples"
keywords = ["grafana", "templating", "documentation", "guide", "template", "variable"]
type = "docs"
weight = 200
# Variable examples
This page contains links to dashboards in Grafana Play with examples of template variables.
- [Elasticsearch Metrics]( - Uses ad hoc filters, global variables, and a custom variable.
- [Graphite Templated Nested]( - Uses query variables, chained query variables, an interval variable, and a repeated panel.
- [Influx DB Group By Variable]( - Query variable, panel uses the variable results to group the metric data.
- [InfluxDB Raw Query Template Var]( - Uses query variables, chained query variables, and an interval variable.
- [InfluxDB Server Monitoring]( - Uses query variables, chained query variables, an interval variable, and an ad hoc filter.
- [Prometheus templating]( - Uses chained query variables.
- [Template Redux]( - Uses query variables, chained query variables, ad hoc filters, an interval variable, a text box variable, a custom variable, and a data source variable.
- [Templating, repeated panels]( - Two sets of repeated panels use query variables.
- [Templating showcase]( - Uses custom, query, chained query, and data source variables.
- [Templating value groups]( - Uses query variable with value groups.
......@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ Value groups/tags are a feature you can use to organize variable options. If you
This feature is off by default. Click **Enabled** to turn the feature on.
To see an example, check out [Templating value groups](
## Tags query
Enter a data source query that should return a list of tags. The tags query returns a list of tags that each represents a group, and the tag values query returns a list of group members.
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