> We're actively working on developing new report layout options. [Contact us](https://grafana.com/contact?about=grafana-enterprise&topic=design-process&value=reporting) if you would like to get involved in the design process.
Name | Support | Description | Preview
---- | ------- | ----------- | -------
Portrait | v6.4+ | Portrait generates an A4 page in portrait mode with three panels per page. | {{<docs-imageboximg="/img/docs/enterprise/reports_portrait_preview.png"max-width="500px"max-height="500px"class="docs-image--no-shadow">}}
Landscape | v6.7+ | Landscape generates an A4 page in landscape mode with a single panel per page. | {{<docs-imageboximg="/img/docs/enterprise/reports_landscape_preview.png"max-width="500px"class="docs-image--no-shadow">}}
### Scheduling
Scheduled reports can be sent on a weekly, daily, or hourly basis. You may also disable scheduling for when you either want to pause a report or send it via the API.