Commit ace94359 by Rashid Khan

Merge remote-tracking branch 'selvakn/master' into stackPercent

parents c767ae66 8fe8b0f1
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ require.config({
'jquery.flot.pie': '../vendor/jquery/jquery.flot.pie',
'jquery.flot.selection': '../vendor/jquery/jquery.flot.selection',
'jquery.flot.stack': '../vendor/jquery/jquery.flot.stack',
'jquery.flot.time': '../vendor/jquery/jquery.flot.time',
modernizr: '../vendor/modernizr-2.6.1',
......@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ require.config({
'jquery.flot.pie': ['jquery', 'jquery.flot'],
'jquery.flot.selection':['jquery', 'jquery.flot'],
'jquery.flot.stack': ['jquery', 'jquery.flot'],
'jquery.flot.stackpercent':['jquery', 'jquery.flot'],
'jquery.flot.time': ['jquery', 'jquery.flot'],
'angular-sanitize': ['angular'],
......@@ -81,4 +83,4 @@ require.config({
elasticjs: ['angular', '../vendor/elasticjs/elastic']
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<div class="span1"> <label class="small">Lines</label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.lines" ng-checked="panel.lines"></div>
<div class="span1"> <label class="small">Points</label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.points" ng-checked="panel.points"></div>
<div class="span1"> <label class="small">Stack</label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.stack" ng-checked="panel.stack"></div>
<!--<div class="span1" ng-show="panel.stack">Percent <tip>Stack as a percentage of total</tip></label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.percentage" ng-checked="panel.percentage"></div>-->
<div class="span1" ng-show="panel.stack">Percent <tip>Stack as a percentage of total</tip></label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.percentage" ng-checked="panel.percentage"></div>
<div class="span1"> <label class="small">Legend</label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.legend" ng-checked="panel.legend"></div>
<div class="span1"> <label class="small">xAxis</label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel['x-axis']" ng-checked="panel['x-axis']"></div>
<div class="span1"> <label class="small">yAxis</label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel['y-axis']" ng-checked="panel['y-axis']"></div>
......@@ -69,4 +69,4 @@
<label class="small">Display Query <tip>If an alias is set, it will be shown in the tooltip. If not, should it show the query?</tip></label>
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.tooltip.query_as_alias" />
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ define([
function (angular, app, $, _, kbn, moment, timeSeries) {
......@@ -348,7 +349,7 @@ function (angular, app, $, _, kbn, moment, timeSeries) {
var options = {
legend: { show: false },
series: {
//stackpercent: scope.panel.stack ? scope.panel.percentage : false,
stackpercent: scope.panel.stack ? scope.panel.percentage : false,
stack: scope.panel.percentage ? null : stack,
lines: {
show: scope.panel.lines,
......@@ -476,4 +477,4 @@ function (angular, app, $, _, kbn, moment, timeSeries) {
\ No newline at end of file
(function ($) {
var options = {
series: {
stackpercent: null
} // or number/string
function init(plot) {
// will be built up dynamically as a hash from x-value, or y-value if horizontal
var stackBases = {};
var processed = false;
var stackSums = {};
//set percentage for stacked chart
function processRawData(plot, series, data, datapoints) {
if (!processed) {
processed = true;
stackSums = getStackSums(plot.getData());
if (series.stackpercent == true) {
var num = data.length;
series.percents = [];
var key_idx = 0;
var value_idx = 1;
if (series.bars && series.bars.horizontal && series.bars.horizontal === true) {
key_idx = 1;
value_idx = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < num; j++) {
var sum = stackSums[data[j][key_idx] + ""];
if (sum > 0) {
series.percents.push(data[j][value_idx] * 100 / sum);
} else {
//calculate summary
function getStackSums(_data) {
var data_len = _data.length;
var sums = {};
if (data_len > 0) {
//caculate summary
for (var i = 0; i < data_len; i++) {
if (_data[i].stackpercent) {
var key_idx = 0;
var value_idx = 1;
if (_data[i].bars && _data[i].bars.horizontal && _data[i].bars.horizontal === true) {
key_idx = 1;
value_idx = 0;
var num = _data[i].data.length;
for (var j = 0; j < num; j++) {
var value = 0;
if (_data[i].data[j][1] != null) {
value = _data[i].data[j][value_idx];
if (sums[_data[i].data[j][key_idx] + ""]) {
sums[_data[i].data[j][key_idx] + ""] += value;
} else {
sums[_data[i].data[j][key_idx] + ""] = value;
return sums;
function stackData(plot, s, datapoints) {
if (!s.stackpercent) return;
if (!processed) {
stackSums = getStackSums(plot.getData());
var newPoints = [];
var key_idx = 0;
var value_idx = 1;
if (s.bars && s.bars.horizontal && s.bars.horizontal === true) {
key_idx = 1;
value_idx = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < datapoints.points.length; i += 3) {
// note that the values need to be turned into absolute y-values.
// in other words, if you were to stack (x, y1), (x, y2), and (x, y3),
// (each from different series, which is where stackBases comes in),
// you'd want the new points to be (x, y1, 0), (x, y1+y2, y1), (x, y1+y2+y3, y1+y2)
// generally, (x, thisValue + (base up to this point), + (base up to this point))
if (!stackBases[datapoints.points[i + key_idx]]) {
stackBases[datapoints.points[i + key_idx]] = 0;
newPoints[i + key_idx] = datapoints.points[i + key_idx];
newPoints[i + value_idx] = datapoints.points[i + value_idx] + stackBases[datapoints.points[i + key_idx]];
newPoints[i + 2] = stackBases[datapoints.points[i + key_idx]];
stackBases[datapoints.points[i + key_idx]] += datapoints.points[i + value_idx];
// change points to percentage values
// you may need to set yaxis:{ max = 100 }
if ( stackSums[newPoints[i+key_idx]+""] > 0 ){
newPoints[i + value_idx] = newPoints[i + value_idx] * 100 / stackSums[newPoints[i + key_idx] + ""];
newPoints[i + 2] = newPoints[i + 2] * 100 / stackSums[newPoints[i + key_idx] + ""];
} else {
newPoints[i + value_idx] = 0;
newPoints[i + 2] = 0;
datapoints.points = newPoints;
init: init,
options: options,
name: 'stackpercent',
version: '0.1'
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