***Logging** : Changed default logging output format (now structured into message, and key value pairs, with logger key acting as component). You can also no change in config to json log ouput.
***Graphite** : The Graph panel no longer have a Graphite PNG option. closes #[5367](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/5367)
# 3.0.4 Patch release (2016-05-25)
***Panel**: Fixed blank dashboard issue when switching to other dashboard while in fullscreen edit mode, fixes [#5163](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/pull/5163)
<selectclass="gf-form-input"ng-model="ctrl.panel.tooltip.shared"ng-options="f.value as f.text for f in [{text: 'All series', value: true}, {text: 'Single', value: false}]"ng-change="ctrl.render()"></select>