Commit aecc6860 by Mitsuhiro Tanda Committed by Torkel Ödegaard

set focus on text field when opening panel/query editor (#8879)

* (prometheus) set focus to top expression when opening editor

* (text panel) set focus to top expression when opening editor
parent 9bbc9425
<query-editor-row query-ctrl="ctrl" can-collapse="true" has-text-edit-mode="true">
<div class="gf-form-inline">
<div class="gf-form gf-form--grow">
<textarea rows="3" class="gf-form-input" ng-model="" spellcheck="false" placeholder="query expression" data-min-length=0 data-items=100 ng-model-onblur ng-change="ctrl.refreshMetricData()"></textarea>
<textarea rows="3" class="gf-form-input" ng-model="" spellcheck="false" placeholder="query expression" data-min-length=0 data-items=100 give-focus=" == 'A'" ng-model-onblur ng-change="ctrl.refreshMetricData()"></textarea>
......@@ -15,5 +15,5 @@
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<textarea class="gf-form-input" ng-model="ctrl.panel.content" rows="20" style="width:95%" ng-change="ctrl.render()" ng-model-onblur>
<textarea class="gf-form-input" ng-model="ctrl.panel.content" rows="20" style="width:95%" give-focus="true" ng-change="ctrl.render()" ng-model-onblur>
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