Commit affd3d15 by Dan Cech Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #11150 from sbskas/master

Make Ldap group composed of  DNs work.
parents d14ac54a 7cc3d0c3
......@@ -302,9 +302,11 @@ func (a *ldapAuther) searchForUser(username string) (*LdapUserInfo, error) {
// If we are using a POSIX LDAP schema it won't support memberOf, so we manually search the groups
var groupSearchResult *ldap.SearchResult
for _, groupSearchBase := range a.server.GroupSearchBaseDNs {
filter_replace := getLdapAttr(a.server.GroupSearchFilterUserAttribute, searchResult)
var filter_replace string
if a.server.GroupSearchFilterUserAttribute == "" {
filter_replace = getLdapAttr(a.server.Attr.Username, searchResult)
} else {
filter_replace = getLdapAttr(a.server.GroupSearchFilterUserAttribute, searchResult)
filter := strings.Replace(a.server.GroupSearchFilter, "%s", ldap.EscapeFilter(filter_replace), -1)
......@@ -346,6 +348,9 @@ func (a *ldapAuther) searchForUser(username string) (*LdapUserInfo, error) {
func getLdapAttrN(name string, result *ldap.SearchResult, n int) string {
if name == "DN" {
return result.Entries[0].DN
for _, attr := range result.Entries[n].Attributes {
if attr.Name == name {
if len(attr.Values) > 0 {
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