Commit b02a8127 by Erik Sundell

stackdriver: remove debug comments

parent a56c5841
......@@ -55,10 +55,8 @@ func ApplyRoute(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request, proxyPath string, route
logger.Info("ds-auth-provider-authenticationType", "debug", ds.JsonData.Get("authenticationType"))
authenticationType := ds.JsonData.Get("authenticationType").MustString("jwt")
if route.JwtTokenAuth != nil && authenticationType == "jwt" {
logger.Info("authenticationType", "authenticationType", "jwt")
if token, err := tokenProvider.getJwtAccessToken(ctx, data); err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to get access token", "error", err)
} else {
......@@ -67,7 +65,6 @@ func ApplyRoute(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request, proxyPath string, route
if authenticationType == "gce" {
logger.Info("authenticationType", "authenticationType", "gce")
tokenSrc, err := google.DefaultTokenSource(ctx, route.JwtTokenAuth.Scopes...)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to get default token from meta data server", "error", err)
......@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import (
......@@ -96,7 +95,6 @@ func (e *StackdriverExecutor) executeTimeSeriesQuery(ctx context.Context, tsdbQu
Results: make(map[string]*tsdb.QueryResult),
logger.Info("executeTimeSeriesQuery-authenticationType", "debug", e.dsInfo.JsonData.Get("authenticationType"))
authenticationType := e.dsInfo.JsonData.Get("authenticationType").MustString(jwtAuthentication)
if authenticationType == gceAuthentication {
defaultProject, err := e.getDefaultProject(ctx)
......@@ -596,7 +594,6 @@ func (e *StackdriverExecutor) getDefaultProject(ctx context.Context) (string, er
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve default project from GCE metadata server. error: %v", err)
} else {
logger.Info("projectName", "projectName", defaultCredentials.ProjectID)
return defaultCredentials.ProjectID, nil
} else {
......@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import (
......@@ -21,7 +20,6 @@ func (e *StackdriverExecutor) executeTestDataSource(ctx context.Context, tsdbQue
Results: make(map[string]*tsdb.QueryResult),
logger.Info("executeTestDataSource-authenticationType", "debug", e.dsInfo.JsonData.Get("authenticationType"))
authenticationType := e.dsInfo.JsonData.Get("authenticationType").MustString(jwtAuthentication)
if authenticationType == gceAuthentication {
defaultProject, err := e.getDefaultProject(ctx)
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