Commit b17967e0 by Dominik Prokop Committed by Torkel Ödegaard

RefreshPicker: SetInterval comments to rxjs code added (#17404)

parent 1aadb442
......@@ -23,17 +23,33 @@ export class SetInterval extends PureComponent<Props> {
componentDidMount() {
// Creating a subscription to propsSubject. This subject pushes values every time
// SetInterval's props change
this.subscription = this.propsSubject
// switchMap creates a new observables based on the input stream,
// which becomes part of the propsSubject stream
switchMap(props => {
// If the query is live, empty value is emited. `of` creates single value,
// which is merged to propsSubject stream
if (isLive(props.interval)) {
return of({});
// When query is loading, a new stream is merged. But it's a stream that emits no values(NEVER),
// hence next call of this function will happen when query changes, and new props are passed into this component
// When query is NOT loading, a new value is emited, this time it's an interval value,
// which makes tap function below execute on that interval basis.
return props.loading ? NEVER : interval(stringToMs(props.interval));
// tap will execute function passed via func prop
// * on value from `of` stream merged if query is live
// * on specified interval (triggered by values emited by interval)
tap(() => this.props.func())
// When component has mounted, propsSubject emits it's first value;
......@@ -41,7 +57,7 @@ export class SetInterval extends PureComponent<Props> {
if ((isLive(prevProps.interval) && isLive(this.props.interval)) || _.isEqual(prevProps, this.props)) {
// if props changed, a new value is emited from propsSubject;
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