Commit b2027af4 by Patrick O'Carroll

wrote classes

parent d83f8865
import angular from 'angular';
import $ from 'jquery';
import _ from 'lodash';
import angular from 'angular';
import Drop from 'tether-drop';
function createAnnotationToolip(element, event, plot) {
/** @ngInject */
export function createAnnotationToolip(element, event, plot) {
let injector = angular.element(document).injector();
let content = document.createElement('div');
content.innerHTML = '<annotation-tooltip event="event" on-edit="onEdit()"></annotation-tooltip>';
......@@ -48,7 +49,8 @@ function createAnnotationToolip(element, event, plot) {
let markerElementToAttachTo = null;
function createEditPopover(element, event, plot) {
/** @ngInject */
export function createEditPopover(element, event, plot) {
let eventManager = plot.getOptions().events.manager;
if (eventManager.editorOpen) {
// update marker element to attach to (needed in case of legend on the right
......@@ -129,106 +131,130 @@ function createEditPopover(element, event, plot) {
* A class that allows for the drawing an remove of some object
let DrawableEvent = function(object, drawFunc, clearFunc, moveFunc, left, top, width, height) {
let _object = object;
let _drawFunc = drawFunc;
let _clearFunc = clearFunc;
let _moveFunc = moveFunc;
let _position = { left: left, top: top };
let _width = width;
let _height = height;
this.width = function() {
return _width;
this.height = function() {
return _height;
this.position = function() {
return _position;
this.draw = function() {
this.clear = function() {
this.getObject = function() {
return _object;
this.moveTo = function(position) {
_position = position;
_moveFunc(_object, _position);
export class DrawableEvent {
_object: any;
_drawFunc: any;
_clearFunc: any;
_moveFunc: any;
_position: any;
_width: any;
_height: any;
/** @ngInject */
constructor(object, drawFunc, clearFunc, moveFunc, left, top, width, height) {
this._object = object;
this._drawFunc = drawFunc;
this._clearFunc = clearFunc;
this._moveFunc = moveFunc;
this._position = { left: left, top: top };
this._width = width;
this._height = height;
width() {
return this._width;
height() {
return this._height;
position() {
return this._position;
draw() {
clear() {
getObject() {
return this._object;
moveTo(position) {
this._position = position;
this._moveFunc(this._object, this._position);
* Event class that stores options (eventType, min, max, title, description) and the object to draw.
let VisualEvent = function(options, drawableEvent) {
let _parent;
let _options = options;
let _drawableEvent = drawableEvent;
let _hidden = false;
this.visual = function() {
return _drawableEvent;
this.getOptions = function() {
return _options;
this.getParent = function() {
return _parent;
this.isHidden = function() {
return _hidden;
this.hide = function() {
_hidden = true;
this.unhide = function() {
_hidden = false;
export class VisualEvent {
_parent: any;
_options: any;
_drawableEvent: any;
_hidden: any;
/** @ngInject */
constructor(options, drawableEvent) {
this._options = options;
this._drawableEvent = drawableEvent;
this._hidden = false;
visual() {
return this._drawableEvent;
getOptions() {
return this._options;
getParent() {
return this._parent;
isHidden() {
return this._hidden;
hide() {
this._hidden = true;
unhide() {
this._hidden = false;
* A Class that handles the event-markers inside the given plot
let EventMarkers = function(plot) {
let _events = [];
this._types = [];
this._plot = plot;
this.eventsEnabled = false;
export class EventMarkers {
_events: any;
_types: any;
_plot: any;
eventsEnabled: any;
/** @ngInject */
constructor(plot) {
this._events = [];
this._types = [];
this._plot = plot;
this.eventsEnabled = false;
this.getEvents = function() {
return _events;
getEvents() {
return this._events;
this.setTypes = function(types) {
setTypes(types) {
return (this._types = types);
* create internal objects for the given events
this.setupEvents = function(events) {
let that = this;
setupEvents(events) {
let parts = _.partition(events, 'isRegion');
let regions = parts[0];
events = parts[1];
$.each(events, function(index, event) {
let ve = new VisualEvent(event, that._buildDiv(event));
$.each(events, (index, event) => {
let ve = new VisualEvent(event, this._buildDiv(event));
$.each(regions, function(index, event) {
let vre = new VisualEvent(event, that._buildRegDiv(event));
$.each(regions, (index, event) => {
let vre = new VisualEvent(event, this._buildRegDiv(event));
_events.sort(function(a, b) {
this._events.sort((a, b) => {
let ao = a.getOptions(),
bo = b.getOptions();
if (ao.min > bo.min) {
......@@ -239,18 +265,17 @@ let EventMarkers = function(plot) {
return 0;
* draw the events to the plot
this.drawEvents = function() {
let that = this;
// let o = this._plot.getPlotOffset();
drawEvents() {
// var o = this._plot.getPlotOffset();
$.each(_events, function(index, event) {
$.each(this._events, (index, event) => {
// check event is inside the graph range
if (that._insidePlot(event.getOptions().min) && !event.isHidden()) {
if (this._insidePlot(event.getOptions().min) && !event.isHidden()) {
} else {
......@@ -259,56 +284,46 @@ let EventMarkers = function(plot) {
* update the position of the event-markers (e.g. after scrolling or zooming)
this.updateEvents = function() {
let that = this;
updateEvents() {
let o = this._plot.getPlotOffset(),
let xaxis = this._plot.getXAxes()[this._plot.getOptions().events.xaxis - 1];
$.each(_events, function(index, event) {
top = + that._plot.height() - event.visual().height();
$.each(this._events, (index, event) => {
top = + this._plot.height() - event.visual().height();
left = xaxis.p2c(event.getOptions().min) + o.left - event.visual().width() / 2;
event.visual().moveTo({ top: top, left: left });
* remove all events from the plot
this._clearEvents = function() {
$.each(_events, function(index, val) {
_clearEvents() {
$.each(this._events, (index, val) => {
_events = [];
this._events = [];
* create a DOM element for the given event
this._buildDiv = function(event) {
_buildDiv(event) {
let that = this;
let container = this._plot.getPlaceholder();
let o = this._plot.getPlotOffset();
let axes = this._plot.getAxes();
let xaxis = this._plot.getXAxes()[this._plot.getOptions().events.xaxis - 1];
let yaxis, top, left, color, markerSize, markerShow, lineStyle, lineWidth;
let top, left, color, markerSize, markerShow, lineStyle, lineWidth;
let markerTooltip;
// determine the y axis used
if (axes.yaxis && axes.yaxis.used) {
yaxis = axes.yaxis;
if (axes.yaxis2 && axes.yaxis2.used) {
yaxis = axes.yaxis2;
// map the eventType to a types object
let eventTypeId = event.eventType;
......@@ -444,27 +459,18 @@ let EventMarkers = function(plot) {
return drawableEvent;
* create a DOM element for the given region
this._buildRegDiv = function(event) {
_buildRegDiv(event) {
let that = this;
let container = this._plot.getPlaceholder();
let o = this._plot.getPlotOffset();
let axes = this._plot.getAxes();
let xaxis = this._plot.getXAxes()[this._plot.getOptions().events.xaxis - 1];
let yaxis, top, left, lineWidth, regionWidth, lineStyle, color, markerTooltip;
// determine the y axis used
if (axes.yaxis && axes.yaxis.used) {
yaxis = axes.yaxis;
if (axes.yaxis2 && axes.yaxis2.used) {
yaxis = axes.yaxis2;
let top, left, lineWidth, regionWidth, lineStyle, color, markerTooltip;
// map the eventType to a types object
let eventTypeId = event.eventType;
......@@ -502,14 +508,14 @@ let EventMarkers = function(plot) {
let right = xaxis.p2c(timeTo) + o.left;
regionWidth = right - left;
_.each([left, right], function(position) {
_.each([left, right], position => {
let line = $('<div class="events_line flot-temp-elem"></div>').css({
position: 'absolute',
opacity: 0.8,
left: position + 'px',
top: 8,
width: lineWidth + 'px',
height: that._plot.height() + topOffset,
height: this._plot.height() + topOffset,
'border-left-width': lineWidth + 'px',
'border-left-style': lineStyle,
'border-left-color': color,
......@@ -573,22 +579,24 @@ let EventMarkers = function(plot) {
return drawableEvent;
* check if the event is inside visible range
this._insidePlot = function(x) {
_insidePlot(x) {
let xaxis = this._plot.getXAxes()[this._plot.getOptions().events.xaxis - 1];
let xc = xaxis.p2c(x);
return xc > 0 && xc < xaxis.p2c(xaxis.max);
* initialize the plugin for the given plot
function init(plot) {
/** @ngInject */
export function init(plot) {
/*jshint validthis:true */
let that = this;
let eventMarkers = new EventMarkers(plot);
......@@ -598,7 +606,7 @@ function init(plot) {
plot.hideEvents = function() {
$.each(eventMarkers._events, function(index, event) {
$.each(eventMarkers._events, (index, event) => {
......@@ -608,7 +616,7 @@ function init(plot) {
plot.showEvents = function() {
$.each(eventMarkers._events, function(index, event) {
$.each(eventMarkers._events, (index, event) => {
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