Commit b2859447 by kay delaney Committed by GitHub

Explore: Simplifies rich history drawer animation logic (#26633)

Changes the logic of the rich history drawer animation to use
CSS animations rather than a timer and react state
parent 977bf2ec
// Libraries
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Resizable } from 're-resizable';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { hot } from 'react-hot-loader';
import { css, cx } from 'emotion';
import { css, cx, keyframes } from 'emotion';
// Services & Utils
import store from 'app/core/store';
......@@ -21,6 +21,16 @@ import { RichHistory, Tabs } from './RichHistory';
import { deleteRichHistory } from '../state/actions';
const drawerSlide = keyframes`
0% {
transform: translateY(400px);
100% {
transform: translateY(0px);
const getStyles = stylesFactory((theme: GrafanaTheme) => {
const shadowColor = theme.isLight ? theme.palette.gray4 :;
......@@ -38,11 +48,7 @@ const getStyles = stylesFactory((theme: GrafanaTheme) => {
drawerActive: css`
opacity: 1;
transition: transform 0.5s ease-out;
drawerNotActive: css`
opacity: 0;
transform: translateY(400px);
animation: 0.5s ease-out ${drawerSlide};
rzHandle: css`
background: ${theme.colors.formInputBorder};
......@@ -72,15 +78,8 @@ export interface Props {
export function RichHistoryContainer(props: Props) {
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
const [height, setHeight] = useState(400);
/* To create sliding animation for rich history drawer */
useEffect(() => {
const timer = setTimeout(() => setVisible(true), 10);
return () => clearTimeout(timer);
}, []);
const { richHistory, width, firstTab, activeDatasourceInstance, exploreId, deleteRichHistory, onClose } = props;
const theme = useTheme();
const styles = getStyles(theme);
......@@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ export function RichHistoryContainer(props: Props) {
return (
className={cx(styles.container, visible ? styles.drawerActive : styles.drawerNotActive)}
className={cx(styles.container, styles.drawerActive)}
defaultSize={{ width: drawerWidth, height: '400px' }}
handleClasses={{ top: styles.rzHandle }}
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