Commit b5a29b62 by bergquist

test(alerting): add tests for when to send notifcations

parent 6edae37a
......@@ -12,27 +12,33 @@ import (
type NotifierImpl struct {
log log.Logger
log log.Logger
getNotifications func(orgId int64, notificationGroups []int64) []*Notification
func NewNotifier() *NotifierImpl {
log := log.New("alerting.notifier")
return &NotifierImpl{
log: log.New("alerting.notifier"),
log: log,
getNotifications: buildGetNotifiers(log),
func (n NotifierImpl) ShouldDispath(alertResult *AlertResult, notifier *Notification) bool {
warn := alertResult.State == alertstates.Warn && notifier.SendWarning
crit := alertResult.State == alertstates.Critical && notifier.SendCritical
return (warn || crit) || alertResult.State == alertstates.Ok
func (n *NotifierImpl) Notify(alertResult *AlertResult) {
notifiers := n.getNotifiers(alertResult.AlertJob.Rule.OrgId, alertResult.AlertJob.Rule.NotificationGroups)
notifiers := n.getNotifications(alertResult.AlertJob.Rule.OrgId, alertResult.AlertJob.Rule.NotificationGroups)
for _, notifier := range notifiers {
warn := alertResult.State == alertstates.Warn && notifier.SendWarning
crit := alertResult.State == alertstates.Critical && notifier.SendCritical
if (warn || crit) || alertResult.State == alertstates.Ok {
if n.ShouldDispath(alertResult, notifier) {
n.log.Info("Sending notification", "state", alertResult.State, "type", notifier.Type)
go notifier.Notifierr.Dispatch(alertResult)
type Notification struct {
......@@ -107,29 +113,31 @@ type NotificationDispatcher interface {
Dispatch(alertResult *AlertResult)
func (n *NotifierImpl) getNotifiers(orgId int64, notificationGroups []int64) []*Notification {
query := &m.GetAlertNotificationQuery{
OrgID: orgId,
Ids: notificationGroups,
IncludeAlwaysExecute: true,
err := bus.Dispatch(query)
if err != nil {
n.log.Error("Failed to read notifications", "error", err)
func buildGetNotifiers(log log.Logger) func(orgId int64, notificationGroups []int64) []*Notification {
return func(orgId int64, notificationGroups []int64) []*Notification {
query := &m.GetAlertNotificationQuery{
OrgID: orgId,
Ids: notificationGroups,
IncludeAlwaysExecute: true,
err := bus.Dispatch(query)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to read notifications", "error", err)
var result []*Notification
n.log.Info("notifiriring", "count", len(query.Result), "groups", notificationGroups)
for _, notification := range query.Result {
not, err := NewNotificationFromDBModel(notification)
if err == nil {
result = append(result, not)
} else {
n.log.Error("Failed to read notification model", "error", err)
var result []*Notification
log.Info("notifiriring", "count", len(query.Result), "groups", notificationGroups)
for _, notification := range query.Result {
not, err := NewNotificationFromDBModel(notification)
if err == nil {
result = append(result, not)
} else {
log.Error("Failed to read notification model", "error", err)
return result
return result
func NewNotificationFromDBModel(model *m.AlertNotification) (*Notification, error) {
......@@ -7,93 +7,119 @@ import (
m ""
. ""
func TestAlertNotificationExtraction(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Notifier tests", t, func() {
Convey("rules for sending notifications", func() {
dummieNotifier := NotifierImpl{}
result := &AlertResult{
State: alertstates.Critical,
notifier := &Notification{
Name: "Test Notifier",
Type: "TestType",
SendCritical: true,
SendWarning: true,
Convey("Should send notification", func() {
So(dummieNotifier.ShouldDispath(result, notifier), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Parsing alert notification from settings", t, func() {
Convey("Parsing email", func() {
Convey("empty settings should return error", func() {
json := `{ }`
Convey("warn:false and state:warn should not send", func() {
result.State = alertstates.Warn
notifier.SendWarning = false
So(dummieNotifier.ShouldDispath(result, notifier), ShouldBeFalse)
settingsJSON, _ := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json))
model := &m.AlertNotification{
Name: "ops",
Type: "email",
Settings: settingsJSON,
Convey("Parsing alert notification from settings", func() {
Convey("Parsing email", func() {
Convey("empty settings should return error", func() {
json := `{ }`
_, err := NewNotificationFromDBModel(model)
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
settingsJSON, _ := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json))
model := &m.AlertNotification{
Name: "ops",
Type: "email",
Settings: settingsJSON,
Convey("from settings", func() {
json := `
_, err := NewNotificationFromDBModel(model)
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
Convey("from settings", func() {
json := `
"to": ""
settingsJSON, _ := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json))
model := &m.AlertNotification{
Name: "ops",
Type: "email",
Settings: settingsJSON,
settingsJSON, _ := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json))
model := &m.AlertNotification{
Name: "ops",
Type: "email",
Settings: settingsJSON,
not, err := NewNotificationFromDBModel(model)
not, err := NewNotificationFromDBModel(model)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(not.Name, ShouldEqual, "ops")
So(not.Type, ShouldEqual, "email")
So(reflect.TypeOf(not.Notifierr).Elem().String(), ShouldEqual, "alerting.EmailNotifier")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(not.Name, ShouldEqual, "ops")
So(not.Type, ShouldEqual, "email")
So(reflect.TypeOf(not.Notifierr).Elem().String(), ShouldEqual, "alerting.EmailNotifier")
email := not.Notifierr.(*EmailNotifier)
So(email.To, ShouldEqual, "")
email := not.Notifierr.(*EmailNotifier)
So(email.To, ShouldEqual, "")
Convey("Parsing webhook", func() {
Convey("empty settings should return error", func() {
json := `{ }`
Convey("Parsing webhook", func() {
Convey("empty settings should return error", func() {
json := `{ }`
settingsJSON, _ := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json))
model := &m.AlertNotification{
Name: "ops",
Type: "webhook",
Settings: settingsJSON,
settingsJSON, _ := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json))
model := &m.AlertNotification{
Name: "ops",
Type: "webhook",
Settings: settingsJSON,
_, err := NewNotificationFromDBModel(model)
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
_, err := NewNotificationFromDBModel(model)
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
Convey("from settings", func() {
json := `
Convey("from settings", func() {
json := `
"url": "http://localhost:3000",
"username": "username",
"password": "password"
settingsJSON, _ := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json))
model := &m.AlertNotification{
Name: "slack",
Type: "webhook",
Settings: settingsJSON,
settingsJSON, _ := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json))
model := &m.AlertNotification{
Name: "slack",
Type: "webhook",
Settings: settingsJSON,
not, err := NewNotificationFromDBModel(model)
not, err := NewNotificationFromDBModel(model)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(not.Name, ShouldEqual, "slack")
So(not.Type, ShouldEqual, "webhook")
So(reflect.TypeOf(not.Notifierr).Elem().String(), ShouldEqual, "alerting.WebhookNotifier")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(not.Name, ShouldEqual, "slack")
So(not.Type, ShouldEqual, "webhook")
So(reflect.TypeOf(not.Notifierr).Elem().String(), ShouldEqual, "alerting.WebhookNotifier")
webhook := not.Notifierr.(*WebhookNotifier)
So(webhook.Url, ShouldEqual, "http://localhost:3000")
webhook := not.Notifierr.(*WebhookNotifier)
So(webhook.Url, ShouldEqual, "http://localhost:3000")
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