Commit b6c1a063 by Stephanie Closson Committed by GitHub

must publish a dist folder as well (#23152)

parent 1a5bd303
......@@ -69,7 +69,9 @@ const prepareRelease = useSpinner<any>('Preparing release', async ({ dryrun, ver
['git', ['config', '', GIT_EMAIL]],
['git', ['config', '', GIT_USERNAME]],
await checkoutBranch(`release-${pluginVersion}`),
['cp', ['-rf', distContentDir, 'dist'], { dryrun }],
['git', ['add', '--force', distDir], { dryrun }],
['git', ['add', '--force', 'dist'], { dryrun }],
['commit', '-m', `automated release ${pluginVersion} [skip ci]`],
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