### How do I add 3rd party dependencies that are not npm packages?
You can add such dependencies by putting them in `static` directory in the root of your project. The `static` directory will be copied when building the plugin.
### How do I add third-party dependencies that are not npm packages?
Put them in the `static` directory in the root of your project. The `static` directory is copied when the plugin is built.
### I am getting this message when I run my plugin: `Unable to dynamically transpile ES module A loader plugin needs to be configured via SystemJS.config({ transpiler: 'transpiler-module' }).`
This error occurs when you bundle your plugin using the `grafana-toolkit plugin:dev` task and your code comments include ES2016 code.
There are two issues at play:
* The `grafana-toolkit plugin:dev` task does not remove comments from your bundled package.
* Grafana does not support [ES modules](https://hacks.mozilla.org/2018/03/es-modules-a-cartoon-deep-dive/).
If your comments include ES2016 code, then SystemJS v0.20.19, which Grafana uses internally to load plugins, interprets your code as an ESM and fails.
To fix this error, remove the ES2016 code from your comments.
## Contribute to grafana-toolkit
You can contribute to grafana-toolkit in the by helping develop it or by debugging it.
You can contribute to grafana-toolkit by helping develop it or by debugging it.
### Develop grafana-toolkit
Typically plugins should be developed using the `@grafana/toolkit` installed from npm. However, when working on the toolkit, you might want to use the local version. Follow the steps below to develop with a local version: