Commit bde4b76c by Benjamin Schweizer

based on encodeURIComponent() using strict RFC 3986 sub-delims

parent 8a09d847
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Filter Option | Example | Raw | Interpolated | Description
`csv`| ${servers:csv} | `'test1', 'test2'` | `test1,test2` | Formats multi-value variable as a comma-separated string
`distributed`| ${servers:distributed} | `'test1', 'test2'` | `test1,servers=test2` | Formats multi-value variable in custom format for OpenTSDB.
`lucene`| ${servers:lucene} | `'test', 'test2'` | `("test" OR "test2")` | Formats multi-value variable as a lucene expression.
`percentencode` | ${servers:percentencode} | `'foo()bar BAZ', 'test2'` | `{foo%28%29bar%20BAZ%2Ctest2}` | Formats multi-value variable into a glob, percent-escaped
`percentencode` | ${servers:percentencode} | `'foo()bar BAZ', 'test2'` | `{foo%28%29bar%20BAZ%2Ctest2}` | Formats multi-value variable into a glob, percent-encoded.
Test the formatting options on the [Grafana Play site](
......@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ describe('templateSrv', () => {
it('multi value and percentencode format should render percent-encoded string', () => {
const result = _templateSrv.formatValue(['foo()bar BAZ', 'test2'], 'percentencode');
it('slash should be properly escaped in regex format', () => {
......@@ -77,10 +77,12 @@ export class TemplateSrv {
return '(' + quotedValues.join(' OR ') + ')';
// like encodeURIComponent() but for all characters except alpha-numerics
encodeURIQueryValue(str) {
return str.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, function(c) {
return '%' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
// encode string according to RFC 3986; in contrast to encodeURIComponent()
// also the sub-delims "!", "'", "(", ")" and "*" are encoded;
// unicode handling uses UTF-8 as in ECMA-262.
encodeURIComponentStrict(str) {
return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/[!'()*]/g, (c) => {
return '%' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase();
......@@ -128,9 +130,9 @@ export class TemplateSrv {
case 'percentencode': {
// like glob, but url escaped
if (_.isArray(value)) {
return this.encodeURIQueryValue('{' + value.join(',') + '}');
return this.encodeURIComponentStrict('{' + value.join(',') + '}');
return this.encodeURIQueryValue(value);
return this.encodeURIComponentStrict(value);
default: {
if (_.isArray(value)) {
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