Commit c189262b by Torkel Ödegaard

ldap: Make it possible to define Grafana admins via ldap setup, closes #2469

parent f0508aa5
......@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ email = "email"
group_dn = "cn=admins,dc=grafana,dc=org"
org_role = "Admin"
# To make user a instance admin (Grafana Admin) uncomment line below
# grafana_admin = true
# The Grafana organization database id, optional, if left out the default org (id 1) will be used
# org_id = 1
......@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ specific configuration file (default: `/etc/grafana/ldap.toml`).
### Example config
# Set to true to log user information returned from LDAP
verbose_logging = false
# To troubleshoot and get more log info enable ldap debug logging in grafana.ini
# [log]
# filters = ldap:debug
# Ldap server host (specify multiple hosts space separated)
......@@ -73,6 +74,8 @@ email = "email"
group_dn = "cn=admins,dc=grafana,dc=org"
org_role = "Admin"
# To make user a instance admin (Grafana Admin) uncomment line below
# grafana_admin = true
# The Grafana organization database id, optional, if left out the default org (id 1) will be used. Setting this allows for multiple group_dn's to be assigned to the same org_role provided the org_id differs
# org_id = 1
......@@ -132,6 +135,10 @@ Users page, this change will be reset the next time the user logs in. If you
change the LDAP groups of a user, the change will take effect the next
time the user logs in.
### Grafana Admin
with a servers.group_mappings section you can set grafana_admin = true or false to sync Grafana Admin permission. A Grafana server admin has admin access over all orgs &
### Priority
The first group mapping that an LDAP user is matched to will be used for the sync. If you have LDAP users that fit multiple mappings, the topmost mapping in the TOML config will be used.
......@@ -72,6 +72,13 @@ func UpsertUser(cmd *m.UpsertUserCommand) error {
return err
// Sync isGrafanaAdmin permission
if extUser.IsGrafanaAdmin != nil && *extUser.IsGrafanaAdmin != cmd.Result.IsAdmin {
if err := bus.Dispatch(&m.UpdateUserPermissionsCommand{UserId: cmd.Result.Id, IsGrafanaAdmin: *extUser.IsGrafanaAdmin}); err != nil {
return err
err = bus.Dispatch(&m.SyncTeamsCommand{
User: cmd.Result,
ExternalUser: extUser,
......@@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ func (a *ldapAuther) GetGrafanaUserFor(ctx *m.ReqContext, ldapUser *LdapUserInfo
if ldapUser.isMemberOf(group.GroupDN) {
extUser.OrgRoles[group.OrgId] = group.OrgRole
extUser.IsGrafanaAdmin = group.IsGrafanaAdmin
......@@ -190,18 +191,18 @@ func (a *ldapAuther) GetGrafanaUserFor(ctx *m.ReqContext, ldapUser *LdapUserInfo
// add/update user in grafana
userQuery := &m.UpsertUserCommand{
upsertUserCmd := &m.UpsertUserCommand{
ReqContext: ctx,
ExternalUser: extUser,
SignupAllowed: setting.LdapAllowSignup,
err := bus.Dispatch(userQuery)
err := bus.Dispatch(upsertUserCmd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return userQuery.Result, nil
return upsertUserCmd.Result, nil
func (a *ldapAuther) serverBind() error {
......@@ -44,9 +44,10 @@ type LdapAttributeMap struct {
type LdapGroupToOrgRole struct {
GroupDN string `toml:"group_dn"`
OrgId int64 `toml:"org_id"`
OrgRole m.RoleType `toml:"org_role"`
GroupDN string `toml:"group_dn"`
OrgId int64 `toml:"org_id"`
IsGrafanaAdmin *bool `toml:"grafana_admin"` // This is a pointer to know if it was set or not (for backwards compatability)
OrgRole m.RoleType `toml:"org_role"`
var LdapCfg LdapConfig
......@@ -98,6 +98,10 @@ func TestLdapAuther(t *testing.T) {
So(result.Login, ShouldEqual, "torkelo")
Convey("Should set isGrafanaAdmin to false by default", func() {
So(result.IsAdmin, ShouldBeFalse)
......@@ -223,8 +227,32 @@ func TestLdapAuther(t *testing.T) {
So(sc.addOrgUserCmd.Role, ShouldEqual, m.ROLE_ADMIN)
So(sc.setUsingOrgCmd.OrgId, ShouldEqual, 1)
Convey("Should not update permissions unless specified", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(sc.updateUserPermissionsCmd, ShouldBeNil)
ldapAutherScenario("given ldap groups with grafana_admin=true", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
trueVal := true
ldapAuther := NewLdapAuthenticator(&LdapServerConf{
LdapGroups: []*LdapGroupToOrgRole{
{GroupDN: "cn=admins", OrgId: 1, OrgRole: "Admin", IsGrafanaAdmin: &trueVal},
_, err := ldapAuther.GetGrafanaUserFor(nil, &LdapUserInfo{
MemberOf: []string{"cn=admins"},
Convey("Should create user with admin set to true", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(sc.updateUserPermissionsCmd.IsGrafanaAdmin, ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("When calling SyncUser", t, func() {
......@@ -332,6 +360,11 @@ func ldapAutherScenario(desc string, fn scenarioFunc) {
return nil
bus.AddHandlerCtx("test", func(ctx context.Context, cmd *m.UpdateUserPermissionsCommand) error {
sc.updateUserPermissionsCmd = cmd
return nil
bus.AddHandler("test", func(cmd *m.GetUserByAuthInfoQuery) error {
sc.getUserByAuthInfoQuery = cmd
sc.getUserByAuthInfoQuery.Result = &m.User{Login: cmd.Login}
......@@ -379,14 +412,15 @@ func ldapAutherScenario(desc string, fn scenarioFunc) {
type scenarioContext struct {
getUserByAuthInfoQuery *m.GetUserByAuthInfoQuery
getUserOrgListQuery *m.GetUserOrgListQuery
createUserCmd *m.CreateUserCommand
addOrgUserCmd *m.AddOrgUserCommand
updateOrgUserCmd *m.UpdateOrgUserCommand
removeOrgUserCmd *m.RemoveOrgUserCommand
updateUserCmd *m.UpdateUserCommand
setUsingOrgCmd *m.SetUsingOrgCommand
getUserByAuthInfoQuery *m.GetUserByAuthInfoQuery
getUserOrgListQuery *m.GetUserOrgListQuery
createUserCmd *m.CreateUserCommand
addOrgUserCmd *m.AddOrgUserCommand
updateOrgUserCmd *m.UpdateOrgUserCommand
removeOrgUserCmd *m.RemoveOrgUserCommand
updateUserCmd *m.UpdateUserCommand
setUsingOrgCmd *m.SetUsingOrgCommand
updateUserPermissionsCmd *m.UpdateUserPermissionsCommand
func (sc *scenarioContext) userQueryReturns(user *m.User) {
......@@ -13,14 +13,15 @@ type UserAuth struct {
type ExternalUserInfo struct {
AuthModule string
AuthId string
UserId int64
Email string
Login string
Name string
Groups []string
OrgRoles map[int64]RoleType
AuthModule string
AuthId string
UserId int64
Email string
Login string
Name string
Groups []string
OrgRoles map[int64]RoleType
IsGrafanaAdmin *bool // This is a pointer to know if we should sync this or not (nil = ignore sync)
// ---------------------
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