Commit c60765a1 by Andrej Ocenas Committed by GitHub

CloudWatch/Logs: Fix panic on multiple aggregations queries (#24683)

parent 141c21c9
......@@ -8,14 +8,13 @@ import (
func logsResultsToDataframes(response *cloudwatchlogs.GetQueryResultsOutput) (*data.Frame, error) {
rowCount := len(response.Results)
fieldValues := make(map[string]interface{})
// Maintaining a list of field names in the order returned from CloudWatch
// as just iterating over fieldValues would not give a consistent order
fieldNames := make([]*string, 0)
for i, row := range response.Results {
for _, row := range response.Results {
for _, resultField := range row {
// Strip @ptr field from results as it's not needed
if *resultField.Field == "@ptr" {
......@@ -27,9 +26,9 @@ func logsResultsToDataframes(response *cloudwatchlogs.GetQueryResultsOutput) (*d
// Check if field is time field
if _, err := time.Parse(cloudWatchTSFormat, *resultField.Value); err == nil {
fieldValues[*resultField.Field] = make([]*time.Time, rowCount)
fieldValues[*resultField.Field] = make([]*time.Time, 0)
} else {
fieldValues[*resultField.Field] = make([]*string, rowCount)
fieldValues[*resultField.Field] = make([]*string, 0)
......@@ -39,9 +38,9 @@ func logsResultsToDataframes(response *cloudwatchlogs.GetQueryResultsOutput) (*d
return nil, err
timeField[i] = &parsedTime
fieldValues[*resultField.Field] = append(timeField, &parsedTime)
} else {
fieldValues[*resultField.Field].([]*string)[i] = resultField.Value
fieldValues[*resultField.Field] = append(fieldValues[*resultField.Field].([]*string), resultField.Value)
......@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ func TestLogsResultsToDataframes(t *testing.T) {
Value: aws.String("fakelog"),
// Sometimes cloudwatch returns empty row
Field: aws.String("@ptr"),
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