Commit c852acae by Carl Bergquist Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #14143 from bergquist/docs_alerting_for

Adds example timeline in docs for alerting for
parents 1976e185 f74a7cd9
...@@ -54,7 +54,10 @@ Here you can specify the name of the alert rule and how often the scheduler shou ...@@ -54,7 +54,10 @@ Here you can specify the name of the alert rule and how often the scheduler shou
If an alert rule has a configured `For` and the query violates the configured threshold it will first go from `OK` to `Pending`. Going from `OK` to `Pending` Grafana will not send any notifications. Once the alert rule has been firing for more than `For` duration, it will change to `Alerting` and send alert notifications. If an alert rule has a configured `For` and the query violates the configured threshold it will first go from `OK` to `Pending`. Going from `OK` to `Pending` Grafana will not send any notifications. Once the alert rule has been firing for more than `For` duration, it will change to `Alerting` and send alert notifications.
Typically, it's always a good idea to use this setting since its often worse to get false positive than wait a few minutes before the alert notification triggers. Typically, it's always a good idea to use this setting since it's often worse to get false positive than wait a few minutes before the alert notification triggers. Looking at the `Alert list` or `Alert list panels` you will be able to see alerts in pending state.
Below you can see an example timeline of an alert using the `For` setting. At ~16:04 the alert state changes to `Pending` and after 4 minutes it changes to `Alerting` which is when alert notifications are sent. Once the series falls back to normal the alert rule goes back to `OK`.
{{< imgbox img="/img/docs/v54/alerting-for-dark-theme.png" caption="Alerting For" >}}
{{< imgbox max-width="40%" img="/img/docs/v4/alerting_conditions.png" caption="Alerting Conditions" >}} {{< imgbox max-width="40%" img="/img/docs/v4/alerting_conditions.png" caption="Alerting Conditions" >}}
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