Commit c94e8e61 by Timothy Palpant Committed by GitHub

Make backwards compatible (#29212)

parent 2dc260a4
......@@ -59,6 +59,20 @@ describe('state functions', () => {
it('should not return a query for mode in the url', () => {
// Previous versions of Grafana included "Explore mode" in the URL; this should not be treated as a query.
const paramValue =
datasource: 'x-ray-datasource',
queries: [{ queryType: 'getTraceSummaries' }],
range: {
from: 'now-1h',
to: 'now',
it('should return queries if queryType is present in the url', () => {
const paramValue =
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ export function parseUrlState(initial: string | undefined): ExploreUrlState {
const datasource = parsed[ParseUrlStateIndex.Datasource];
const parsedSegments = parsed.slice(ParseUrlStateIndex.SegmentsStart);
const queries = parsedSegments.filter(segment => !isSegment(segment, 'ui', 'originPanelId'));
const queries = parsedSegments.filter(segment => !isSegment(segment, 'ui', 'originPanelId', 'mode'));
const originPanelId = parsedSegments.filter(segment => isSegment(segment, 'originPanelId'))[0];
return { datasource, queries, range, originPanelId };
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